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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. Even if you don't have the url I still need the list of scripts in order or I can't help as I don't know where the error is coming from. Also for those you don't have the url just put the authors name.
  2. You sure you dont have any other scripts that uses faces because heres my code right here and it doesn't ask you to put in the character folder or add a _face at the end: def draw_actor_face(actor, x, y, size = 96) bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(actor.name) return if bitmap.nil? cw, ch = bitmap.width, bitmap.height if size > 0 dst_cw = dst_ch = size else dst_cw, dst_ch = bitmap.width, bitmap.height end dst_rect = Rect.new(x, y, dst_cw, dst_ch) src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch) self.contents.stretch_blt(dst_rect, bitmap, src_rect) end This is straight from the engine and as you can see it asks you to place it in the picture folder. I'm also using this in every new project I've made so far and I haven't got any of these issues. List all the scripts in order you're also using in your game and give the url where you got them as well.
  3. Wait, so whats going on here, there bars didn't show up in your menu because I put it in a new game and they show up fine. Sorry the instructions were suppose to say to put it above all custom scripts as I don't know the compatibility of other coders scripts. The comments at the top of the script aren't just there for show, they actually explain somethings. true I'll change that in the future. I was thinking of my game when I wrote that, an not the others. Can you elaborate on that last part, I have no clue what that has to do with anything. can you post how you wrote the method, it would help a bit as I can't tell what it is right now.
  4. My Option System is going faster then I thought I might finish it tomorrow. Doesn't mean I'll realese it right away.

  5. Okay last time, check again, hopfully it works from your end because I logged out and it still worked so it should work.
  6. The link on the blog should work now, I fix it last night but the fking site deleted my post and I was tired so I didn't repost it. tell me if it works.
  7. okay well it works on my end, anyways heres another link: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/RMXP%20Scripts/Warrior%20Engine%20-%20XP%20Core%20Engine.txt?w=e8aa6354
  8. Sorry I must of done something, anyways the link works now.
  9. My Warrior Engine has faces in it and a whole bunch of other features that you can turn off and on.
  10. Oh okay, I thought I was the only one having this issue.
  11. HTC EVO 4G - same as ForeverXer0 Kindle Fire - landscape on this one, only problem is that it's hard to click on the text box and write something. So posting anything on this site using the kindle is a pain. Ipod touch - ever since I got my EVO is stop using the ipod for internet as, I can use it anywhere I go opposse to the ipod where I need a wifi to work it. But still easier to use the site on then the kindle.
  12. the rules for the site is at the top of the page, first on the horizontal list, or were you talking about something else.
  13. To be honest I don't know why Minecraft has a it's forum anyways. Why does it have more priority then Game consoles that use to have there own forums before converged (Nintendo, Xbox, PS) just because 3-5 people were talking about minecraft. Also not many post in that forum anyways so it should either be a sub-forum or converged.
  14. basically what isaacsol and CrimsonInferno said
  15. Sorry just delete the script that says 'Scene_Title [edit]' in the Script Editor. I meant to get rid of that before but forgot. It I'll be gone by the next update.
  16. Okay this script is coming together alot better then before, hopefully I'll be done with it next week so i can move on to the Option menu.

  17. Oh my good today was fucking annoying, and whats more annoying is that this scripti isn't done yet. To many annoying errors makes Anthony a pissed off adult.

    1. Ecowolfsteen


      Well this bums me out too.

    2. Bigace360


      okay figured out the first issue, now have to figure out the actors duplicate error/issue.

  18. AC3 is taking to long, October feels so far away.

    1. vincestick


      I know...I recently started re-playing AC1 (which imo still looks fantastic) while I forlornly stare at my AC3 tin placeholder box.


      Did you hear that Gamestop is taking pre-orders for replica hidden blades? They look awesome.

    2. Bigace360


      I'm replaying all of them and just started Revalations. And after playing AC2, AC1 was annoying with the lack of features that are in future games. But still enjoyable

    3. vincestick


      I know what you mean. I'm still amazed by the jump in gameplay quality from AC1 to AC2. I really liked Bro'hood and its multiplayer, although by Revelations I was getting kinda burned out with AC. I'm excited because AC3 looks like that "AC1 to AC2" quality jump again.

  19. Priority List: 1) Party System (33% Done), 2) Option System (10% Done), 3) Update Bestiary

    1. Nisage


      Question, is that Bestiary for VX-Ace, normal VX or XP?

    2. Bigace360


      Uh XP, I'm making a VXA version later.

  20. just let me know when you need a tester, I'll be around.
  21. What happens in someones house is there business as long as its not actually happening in reality where I have to call the cops. Controlling what people watch is taking away self-control. Pretty much what ForeverZer0 said.
  22. Update v1.10 (7.11.2012) ● Added Moving Characters to the Menu Scene
  23. Most of the things here don't work due to the move, but I'm sure Marked has a better answer.
  24. Should I make animated spirtes in the menu as an add-on or built into the Engine for the next update, please post before the end of the day.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Built in with an easy on off switch if possible. So people can use it, but only if they want to.

    2. Bigace360


      I can always count on you. I just wish the rest of the site would contribute. Tons of people were online but no one could answer a simple question. Thank you, I'll just take yours as I doubt anyone will post.

    3. Ecowolfsteen


      Jon Bon beats me to the punch again.

  25. Equipment Engine 50% done, a couple of things that are still getting on my nerves though.

    1. Bob423


      Equipment Engine? what's that?

    2. Bigace360


      uh Scene_Equip?

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Awesome man, keep up the great work!


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