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Everything posted by CrimsonInferno

  1. Oh? A surprise I'm sure that will look good. Can't believe its only seven days left! I remember when it was 2 digits there. xD Yea, sorry about that. I don't have a PC anymore, so I can't even use my OpenOffice without my netbook crashing, so sites with lots of animations are very difficult for me to run now. I still have my game and stuff, but its really hard updating nowadays. I'm gonna try and be more active here. EDIT: I just got an error trying to load a thread, and it was displaying the new forum. :0
  2. I think it looks really, really good. Except, I think, the gray-black border is a little too much. Other than that, great job. :)
  3. I think its really stupid to make a new system when they can do so much more with the current system, same can be said with PS3. Its also makes the people who spent 400+ dollars on their system (in the last 2 years) feel like they wasted their money, and the same can be said to the people who had to keep rebuying the Xbox because it broke way too easily. I think they need to learn to adjust the system they have now and work on its problems before they think about making a new system.
  4. Clicked it. It looks better than what I remember! Can't wait to get to go onto the new site. :)
  5. I don't log on for a while, and this is what happens? I hope this is not true as it is worrying me to no end. I hope that if anyone knows he is alive, they come in here and say something. I don't know what to call this; lie or truth. I take the truth in everything until it is proven wrong, especially for something like this. Call me naive if you want, but that's who I am. I had a very good friend that died and it broke my heart, so I pray to God this is fake and if not, God Bless his soul and may he rest in peace. He was truly a great person and friend.
  6. Aw man, that sucks. If I didn't have such weak PCs, I would just get them for the PC. :(
  7. @UrHappyPlz: Always find something? That is very true from what I've played. xD Caves, monsters, dragons, trolls, wolves, spiders, thieves, elementals (?) and bears. Love this game to death! @mxmmix: Wood Elf then? We need to unite! @RageMage: Creation Kit? Guessin' that's a way to mod? Will it be avalible for PS3?
  8. CrimsonInferno

    Event Question

    It requires at least 2 event pages with switches. You can look here (http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/8301-rmxp-actor-graphic-help/page__fromsearch__1) and here (http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/8302-solved-how-to-make-an-npc-to-run-into-you-from-off-screen/page__fromsearch__1) for some help on the issue. I would highly suggest the RMVX school. Even if the engine you are using isn't VX, it will help you *did for me* learn about the engines, variables, switches etc etc. http://www.rpgmakervx.net/index.php?showtopic=5704
  9. This is probably asked 300zillion times a year, but anyone have any tutorials for RGSS scripting? One that is easy to understand (especially for a Dyslexic person..?) I really want to get into it. >.>)

    1. Polraudio


      Good place to learn is Lson's Scripting class. Good tuts there. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/91-leons-scripting-class/

    2. CrimsonInferno


      Thanks, Lucas! I'll head there and check it out! :D


    3. Calvinchun


      *Give you cookies* Checking it out to..

  10. CrimsonInferno

    Newbie here

    I also do not understand the first question... :P
  11. Got another image of one of the errors, Marked. http://i42.tinypic.com/2edz0as.jpg

    1. Marked
    2. Bigace360
    3. Marked


      nope, that was pretty much the only time we've been hacked, excluding a similar incident in '06

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. Got another image of one of the errors, Marked.

  13. I agree with Wyzrd, that is one good looking Botta. Now I want to play FF10 and FF12. :( May I offer some feedback on the hair though?
  14. Yup, just as Bigace said. Make it as small as allowed and then make the actal map at the center and going outward to the size that you need.
  15. You made that from scratch?! Awesome work! Can't wait to see it finished. If you are going to post an update for this, you should post it in this thread or make a "Dannybou1989 Sprite thread" where you post all your sprite work/art work? Crimson-
  16. Good edit, very good. My only complaint is the headband. I think it needs some shading?
  17. Oi, Kzar nice to have ya here! I found your youtube and subbed you as well. Welcome to the forums! You'll love it hear, its truyl a fantastic community! P.S I am ME/Alex. xD
  18. Very nice collection! What is Willow about? I've never heard of it!
  19. Wow, those are some nice tiles! I very much love the style and colors he went for! Simply amazing! :o
  20. Anyone else getting an error on this site with the NEW site's favicon and name...? :O

    1. CrimsonInferno


      Oh man, I turned my PC off to go to Linux so I lost the tab with it on it. :o I'll see if I can get the error to occur again. It happened twice trying to get into the thread called "RPG Maker VX Ace Discussion" and then disappeared when I opened the new site in a new tab.

    2. Marked


      Ah ok, dont worry about it. I know of the favicon error already. I'll see if I can isolate it

    3. CrimsonInferno


      Well, here is one other error I'm getting: http://i43.tinypic.com/1z2oq4p.jpg I'll keep trying to get that error again. :)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  21. Welcome back to the forums. I am unsure if I remember, but then again I was not very active last year because of life. xD Anyways, hope you stay this time! :D
  22. Thanks for the reply, Lucas! That is pretty awesome for an update! No, very awesome! I wish I waited to buy VX a little longer, would have been more worth it. Well, its either my Intuous4 tablet or this...hmmm.
  23. I had those devices on my old game, so I'll have to get them first again, it seems. And then I'll use the guide. :) Thanks Bigace! I hope it works for me.
  24. I heard you can have more than 3 tilsets at a time. Is this thrue?
  25. How I play with Pokemon online. I have WiFi set up, at least I believe I do. It allows me to go to google and use the internet and everything. But I don't know how to set it up for Pokemon or get my friend code. :(
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