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Everything posted by CrimsonInferno

  1. Apparently it is currently 60 supportors and 101 opponents on the SOPA/PIPA bill when it use to be 80 Supporters and 30 oppenents. We can only hope this is enough to stop this. Oh, and apparently Megaupload is back with a new server. Don't visit it, it could be a trap by either the FBI or Anonymous. Supposedly Anonymous is forcing software on innocent people that breaks down sites. If you do this, even if you didn't want to or mean to, you could face 10 years in prison. So I would advice not clicking any links, they could be infected.
  2. Sisters came running out of their room shouting abotu the trailer earlier. Decided I would watch it later. In protest to companies and SOPA/etc I am not buying anything but food and clothes from now on; no video games, no phones, no tvs, no movies, no music -- nothing.
  3. Convince me, I'm starting to really hate it here. I don't know, with Anonymous hacking gov't sites and media sites like Univerisal Music, and the desctruction of Megaupload or other uploading sites, the bill will most likely get passed. Our politcians and gov't are currupt, old, money-grubbing, power hungry- war-mongering idiots who refuse to do as their people request, want and vote upon.
  4. Megaupload was taken down by the FBI; Stupid SOPA

    1. Calvinchun


      LOl my countries had been blocked too...


    2. RageMage


      It will never last sure it sucks for now but it's already being countered before it's even in place, nothing to really worry about, it's just inconvenient for now.

    3. Calvinchun
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  5. What made her mind better? There was something special about her that made her bond extremely well with the T-Virus. The movies explain it, though not as well as I would have hoped. And because it bonded so well, it made her stronger and gave her her powers. Like a Wesker, but her blood was strong enough to hold together with the T-Virus and that's why Wesker had to eat people etc etc to substain himself.
  6. Oh! Its gone now! Below "Welcome to Game Dev Unlimited!" it was code, like error codes. The site loaded and the rest of it worked, but below where it currently has GDU Topic View Preview etc etc was index coding of some sort. :o Anyways, I like it, very fantastical! The green will stay, yes? :D
  7. The movies aren't supposed to be exactly like it, even if it was possible to do it. They were meant for Alice's character and for fun. They were meant as seperates. There are movies for the games, I do believe. And hey! Milla is a great actress. Not the best out there, but good. I much prefer Natalie Portman, she's such a charm and good at acting. And her powers made sense since she was given the T-Virus, and she SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER loses them in the newest movie. I don't get why everyone hates her superpowers, it makes no sense. >.>
  8. He was in the cell because he was called there to help with the inmates. They got out and locked him in. The movie couldn't connect with the games 100%, it was impossible to do such a thing, especially with restrictions on budget and writers.
  9. @Marked: Awesome. I definitely can't wait for it now then. I really like the thin width too, helps with my sensitive eyes. lol The site has code in it for me right now so I can't find what you suggested to look at. :(
  10. I find it funny America, Obama, Congress etc etc URGED Iran and China to not censor the interent. How hypricritcal. This will will stop the usage of avatars, fanfictions, sigs, games, websites, discussion and more. It will kill the internet and if it gets passed, I will immiedatly leave America.
  11. I actually agree, and I have seen all of them. Explaining the Majini and the Executioner would have been helpful, but I think they didn't because they didn't have enough time to fit it in. Hmm...
  12. I think it looks fantastical, and the name matches I think! And no data will be lost? Will you have this site automatically direct traffic to the new site? By the way, can't wait for the site! Loving the green! xD
  13. @Kange: They are zombies for a reason. Add more to them, make them more human and make them in control, it takes away from them. They aren't zombies then, are they? Just because its been "rehashed" does not mean the games are not worth it. Having played every RE game thus far, I speak from experiance. However, if one does not find entertainment in RE games in general, then they don't. It doesn't mean the games are bad, or "rehashed". They are fine the way they are and they do not need to change. Games that change or follow fads are well...terrible. In my opinion, at least. @Forcebreaker: I love Resident Evil! Glad to see another fan on the forums! Do you -- and this is probably unlike as I seem to be the only dork who likes them -- also happen to like the movies? If not, what did you not like about them? I can't get a constructive answer from anyone, and it has interested me. xD *Oh? You are a Christian? *
  14. That's any online game and the internet, really; Call of Duty, Halo -- anything online. Can't really escape it. There are those players that aren't like that. Its just the idiots are more vocal.
  15. Ah, I see! Thanks for the quick answer, Moonpearl! :D
  16. This sounds fantastical, thanks for sharing with us! I cannot see the images though, but I will try it out as soon as I get my PC back to a healthy state. lol Do you think there might be anymore compatibility issues?
  17. Oh! I thought you sprited it. Forgive my error please, I haven't had sleep in a week.
  18. This is pretty good, I must say! It reads off very good, to me at least. I must ask what Calvinchun asked; is there a song with the lyrics we could listen to? If so, I would certainly enjoy listening to it. I am going to rep you for that! P.S I have family who have fought in that war, nearly all of them. And now I have serving brothers. It is good to see others who have not forgotten about our soldiers! :D (dear me...Rgangsta, you never cease to amaze me with your skills! Reppy!)
  19. I almost lost my entire game for the third time this year. The capacitor and battery to my PC fried everything and I almost had to buy a new PC (switching harddrives wouldn't work). But my father fixed it, well, sorta. If I can get to finishing up my studies and clearing up some time I can work on this again. xD I hope to bring updates soon, especially a certain character's remake.
  20. Deary me, you sprited this?! You have amazing talent!
  21. @Wyzrd: Alright! I'll watch the video now, and try and join the site. I can play a little late in the day, usually 5:00pm+ for me, or in the morning before I'm off to studies. Hope I can get on to play with friends soon though. I contacted Sony support about it, and they got back saying they would refund the card. They were mistaken though, I never bought a card. So I had to clear it up that it was a free pass in the game. My PC being destroyed for a week made it impossible to check back for a reply, so I'm gonna go check now. lol @Knuckles: I beat UC3 in 2 days, and I didn't even play the full day or anything. I think it was like 3 hours each day. It was pretty short, but I really loved it. The acting and characters were brilliant, in my eyes. I hope it isn't the last game. I can only play Blackops on Xbox, haven't gotten it for PS3. I remember playing it, but for some strange reason and to the majority of people's surprise, I preferred it over the others. xD @rgangsta: Skyrim...is...amazing. If you ever can, I would suggest buying MW3 though. It runs better than 2, a lot better. It would be cool to have a giant RMXP Unlimited COD team. lol (My mother saw Uncharted 3 from a distance and asked what I was watching too. She was shocked to know it was a game, and then got angry at the swearing. xD)
  22. I think its kinda sad that computer experts can't fix a PC but another person can, who isn't even in the profession. >.>

    1. madanchi


      i swear people who work in a computer repair store NEVER know anything at all... You could do almost any of it yourself with a basic youtube walkthrough XD

    2. madanchi


      or a little googling to find the cause/resolve

    3. RageMage


      To tell the truth I know how you feel though I've always taken care of repairs myself I do find it funny that PC repair shops often want my opinion and sometimes send their business to me instead. That's the only reason I've been able to pay bills for the past year anyways. Never trust a professional especially if their biggest accomplishment is being Microsoft Certified.

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  23. Wow, really bad luck. I hope it gets better for you, hate it when this happens. Wish I could help. >.> You could always go on a quest to find an amulet that will give you 10% better luck. :hehee /joking
  24. .....My PC no longer goes on. Well, it does, but no monitor will turn on attached to it or anything. I can't do anything -- no game designing, spriting, geography practice or anything. It is depressing and boring. >.>

  25. (Sorry for the double post...I didn't want to create another Skyrim thread) Anyone still playing? I finally sat down to learn the controls. At first I didn't like it, but around Riverrun (?) I started to like it, now I'm hooked. I am a wood elf as well. Kinda creepy face, but oh well. I just defeated my first dragon -- really sad! -- and couldn't find Jarl, so I wondered around, fought some thieves, one green skinned one was too strong so I saved and turned it off. I have a feeling some people here probably slayed more than 5 dragons. :(
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