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Black Shadow

The Screenshot Thread

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That isn't what I meant about linearity. The fern plants, mushrooms, and water are linear. You can pull off your dead/alive effect without being linear.


As for the water, here is the autotile.



Also, please don't get defensive, I'm trying to help. (I am NOT saying that you are being defensive, this is for future reference.) This is a happy community. :lol:



P.S. It's duly noted.

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Nooo, no defensive, I know it's all advice to better me in the long run :P do-ly was supposed to be me drawing out the oo, like doooly noted. Haha, sorry. x_x

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Old stuff. VERY old stuff. We're hoping to revamp everything from the story to the art very soon.

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Lovely thing is it's only going to get better in the revamp. I'm pretty psyched to see the changes myself.

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Testing out BeCUE's Missile attack on a test dummy =3= this is screenie for my up coming game featuring friends from many forums/games that i have met.mecha graphics ripped from SRW/SRT OG 1 and , and gundam seed/destiny.

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Testing out BeCUE's Missile attack on a test dummy =3= this is screenie for my up coming game featuring friends from many forums/games that i have met.mecha graphics ripped from SRW/SRT OG 1 and , and gundam seed/destiny.

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Marketplace in town center. This is the second time so far that I've had to make this town, so right now only the marketplace is (mostly) finished.

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I think someone should make more windows for mountain fortresses, because there is the perfect amount of windows in that map, they just look repetitive without variety.

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I think someone should make more windows for mountain fortresses, because there is the perfect amount of windows in that map, they just look repetitive without variety.

I agree, It'd look a lot better with some of the windows being overgrown with plants and the like. I think the ray effects are the best part of the map though.

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Yeah, the lighting of a map can really make a big impact on its overall quality.

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Sorry for the DP. I didn't mean to overshadow Kiriashi's map post, so I thought I'd make a separate reply for it. hehe



Anyway, the structure of the map is really good. Is this part of a larger map? I'm sure it's very extensive, if so.


There's plenty to look at so the eyes don't get bored, too.

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Your menu looks really nice. I like the windowskin a lot. What is the bar at the top though?


You might wanna consider changing the blue text to a different color. It doesn't fit IMO.


Also, using a map for your battle background doesn't look super nice IMO. Try using a regular battle background. I don't know how to pull that off in VX but I'm sure there is a script for it.

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Thanks for the compliment on the window skin. I actually edited that one a little bit from a website I got it off of.


I actually like the map being displayed in battle. I've heard mixed feelings about that all around the board, also. Perhaps I will make a release with both.


I didn't think about the text color in the Menu. And now that you mention it, it really does look a bit off. I'll be changing that part shortly. Thanks for bringing it to mind.



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Here we go!


My last project. Memento Mori.



And a trainning moment, of my Crane's Path.(Don't worry I've already fixed that damn tree...)


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Memento Mori.. I remember that phrase on Persona, didn't in mean: "Remember, you will die"? Or something like that.

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Here are mine. :D



Some of Mack's tilesets are used here.



Battles use psudeo-3d battlebacks. It's just a tester (both characters are at lvl 40) and I'm using a FPLE (First Person Labyrinth Explorer) script for my dungeons.



First Person view in a dungeon.

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Thanks, I'm really enjoying making that kind of scenes. And yes, Memento Mori means something like "Remember, you're mortal" or "remember you will die".


I like your Screenshots very much. Is funny to discover how we design scenarios in different ways.

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Awesome map. The only problem I see is the window with the blue curtains. It looks odd and it stands out.

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