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  • Tomo2000

    Legacy - New Heist 29/01/12

    By Tomo2000

    A $15,000 job, during these times, is a job where you don't ask questions, right? $15,000 is a small armoury; a few P90's, a shotgun or two, a dozen handguns, plus all the ammo. That's a lot of money, and all you need to do is find a 17-year-old girl named Rebecca Kim in a small coastal town, right?   Wrong. There are far too many questions bouncing around left right and centre it's starting to get a little bit scary... Matt was able to snag some information from an online computer at the base


Hey I'm a new developer my company name is called "Fired Up Games" I would like to have some members who could help with the games development.   NEEDED SPOTS 1. Map Designer 2. Music Producer 3. Game Testers 4. Scripter   I will post again if anything else comes up thank you guy's and girl's

Gary Knight

Gary Knight


So I started playing Xenosaga again

So first of all, some history: For the few people who might be reading this and probably don't know, Xenosaga is a trilogy of turn-based RPGs created by Monolith Soft and spiritual successor (and technically prequel) to Square's Xenogears. Xenoblade is Xenosaga's spiritual successor and, as far as I know, is unrelated in terms of story. Due to some...complications, the series was pretty much ruined, possibly worse than Firefly. (at least the 1 season we got was really good...) Episode 1 is gr




How I made A Gaming PC By Accident: Part 1

How I made A Gaming PC By Accident Part 1   INTRODUCTION   Hey, everyone! Welcome to my blog on how I am making a completely custom gaming PC which happened totally by accident. Now that I somewhat know what I'm doing, I'm making this blog to show what I plan on making and to get some advice from anyone who's a PC gaming guru...because I'm still noob. :/   At the end of the blog, I'll list the hardware I plan on putting into       For anyone who does't know, I own a




Next Project/Update?

Shortly after the 11th, I'm going to have a big chunk of time I'll be able to sink into one of my projects, and haven't come up with which I want to put work into just yet. Now that the Hope Afloat Remastered engine is, for the most part, polished, with a few exceptions, I can start work on some projects that were halted purely by limitations of the original engine. So here's my options;   Hope Afloat Remastered   The original demo for Hope Afloat Remastered was a lot shorter tha




The Devil's In the Details

Hi guys and girls well let's see I'm trying to keep this up on a regular basis so around at least once a week I want to make a new Blog post. Figured it would keep me grounded and motivated. I've been working on cleaning up the system, trying to get the ground work straight so then all I will have to do is to map and continue the story. So let's see what I've done.   .I've been fleshing out Tamara's moves. I got through with one called Six Cut Cutlass that is looking pretty good right now. The




So this is Progress?

Alright for some reason this page keeps disappearing when I press the backspace button.This makes about the third time I tried making an entry in this thing so here I go.   Alright I've been working on Dragora for some time now.I have found most if not all the scripts I had originally used on it and have the functionality roughly where I want it.I've been having some problems with a error caused by conflict between the database and enu tanketai script for xp.I refuse to give up on it.It's a go




The Fun of Mobile Marketing

Perhaps one of the most challenging tasks of mobile marketing is coming up with creative and captivating ways to keep customers interested without overwhelming them with mobile ads. With the boom of applications, social networks, and messaging technology, mobile marketers face the challenge of keeping up with the technology and making sure they have their hand in each of these areas in order to reach as many customers as they can. While sending a simple 10% off coupon through SMS can be effectiv




The Legend of Arcatis

So I was thinking the other day... Something that happened 2000 years ago is going to be remembered differently today. That's just how our minds work. None of us have perfect memories. And since I already have a partially true legend for the city of Arcatis, and there are 3 different countries in my game, why not make 2 other versions of the legend? Well I did, and all 3 versions of the legend have some truth to them. The truth is not, however, just a mix between all 3. There is a part to the




The Start: Concepts and Design

So as some of you can tell, I'm putting my previous game (Tales of Druidia) on Hiatus because I don't believe I have the ability to finish it. In the meantime, I plan on making a short game to get used to my new language and library.   So what is the new game? For now it's being called Code Runners for lack of any better ideas. It's basic back story is going to be along the lines of this: The year is 2020, and increasing pressure for increased security measures from China Cyberattacks, along w




The Main Sidequests

Arcatis II will have a bunch of little sidequests, and 7 bigger ones. The 7 bigger ones are the only way to unlock the 7 Ultimate weapons, which can only be used by the main character of each quest. Each quest will deal with the character's past and/or their family. They can each be started at different times and places depending on the character, but they can only be finished after finishing the main story and defeating the last boss. Although their pasts are mostly already explained in the




Character Back Stories

I've already basically planned out the lives of almost every main character up until their death and/or the end of Arcatis II   In the first game, the three main characters clearly have nothing super special or secretive about their back stories. Well maybe Cathy's a little...and the part with Joe's gun, but other than that, nothing. Don't open spoilers unless you've played the first game.   Bob: Born in Silverwood Village. Joe is his childhood friend. The two are practically inseparable. H




Arcatis II Battle system is done!

Yea, this image has nothing to do with battle, but it's still related to the fact that the LUK stat is finished, which means the battle system is finished, thanks to Metaclaw.   Well...more or less... The point is, I can finally get started on a demo! I'll need to have it beta tested of course, something I've never done completely and correctly before out of laziness.   But not this time! I've said this before, but this game will be awesome...at least when compared to it's prequel...   Th




Arcatis II Demo

I plan to do a more traditional demo with this game. It will start by giving the player 3 options: -The first main quest This will let you play through the first main quest, "The Beginning" of course.   -Demo dungeon This will let you play through a demo dungeon featuring a couple different kinds of puzzles that will be in the full game.   -Item synthesis and stat maxing This will make you lvl 99, and take you to a place where you can fight enemies to get items for creating stat boostin




The Elves

The first new town in Arcatis II (New as in, it wasn't in the first game) Is an Elven village called Melodale. They live a bit like Hobbits, and have never gotten along well with humans.   I plan to explain more about their history, and the main villain's past in the third game, which might be called "Arcatis III: The War of Arcatis" See a pattern in the names yet?   When the player first visits the town, no one there likes them. Some so far undecided event happens which requires the player




Final Fantasy XP: Legend of the Golden Knight (Working title)

I've got another idea for a game, and it involves sorta starting over with FFXP. This game will be completely unrelated to the others except for the Final Fantasy parts. Just like FFAce, I probably won't work on it much...If I ever start it.   So far I have a basic story and a few characters. There are a few things inspired by Kingdom Hearts, and probably something else too that I just can't think of...I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist a few days ago for the first time. Maybe that will insp




The First Sidequest

So I was remaking Harry's house and thought about the locked door in there. Because of events in the first game that I can't say because spoilers, I made a sidequest out of it. In the quest log, I'll probably have sidequests separated into sections, like the main quest, and numbered. (i.g. if the quest was called the missing apple, the sections will be called the missing apple 1, 2, 3, etc.) The main quest is separated into quests that will take longer to complete than most of the side quest se




Might Start Using Again/Game Progress

I might just start using blogs again(last time was in 2009) to give me something to do and maybe a way to keep me working on my game. As you may know im working on a 2d open world game. You can kind of say its a 2d skyrim clone with some more features. In the past few days i been working on refining the systems. I been working on the following in the past few months: Dynamic Rep System - Every action has an reaction. Meaning that if you make enemies with someone chances are that their friend w




8/29/2013 - Intro, Update, and stuff

First of all, The Hidden City of Arcatis is finished if you didn't know. Here's the topic http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/6758-rmxp-the-hidden-city-of-arcatis/ If you find ANY bugs, please read this list       And if your bug isn't mentioned, let me know via PM, a comment here, or a comment on the topic. If you're willing to review the game for me, please do, I would love to know what people think of it.   As for Arcatis II, I have many great ideas for the story, but the things




Games and General Updates

This blog entry is long overdue, but I thought I might just get some things out there. I haven't really had the opportunity to do a lot of work in terms of projects, lately. Real life tends to seriously get in the way of things. Anyway, so, this is going to be a lot of wall text, so I thought I might make a little table of contents so that you guys know what's happening in this huge wall of text. So, in this blog, I'll be talking about:   1. The Hope Afloat Engine - Customization System 2. Pa




Pathogen: First Look

RMU 2.0 keeps getting closer and closer, so I guess it's time to pull some rabbits out of hats. This blog will show you a few new things you should expect from Pathogen, as well as Hope Afloat. The first I should address is the Game Modes. Pathogen is based heavily on re-playability rather than storyline. There are currently four planned game modes, which all vary in terms of what you can do and it's difficulty. There are different 'areas' you progress through, each with new tactics and differen




Pathogen: A Back Story

This blog entry, if anyone ever reads it, is just a little back-story about my experimental project that I'll be releasing along with RMU 2.0; Pathogen. Pathogen just started as a simple experiment, taking the same system of Hope Afloat Remastered, and doing a lot of major edits to it. The original Hope Afloat was made with the same script system as Calvinchun's Resident Evil: Remake, but, when I first stumbled upon the engine, it was incredibly buggy, and was in a barely-working state, really.




Pathogen, Game Updates and Deadlocked

Hey guys. This blog entry is just to update everyone on what's been going on. Recently I've been pretty busy, but I've managed to squeeze in some work here and there on my ever-building list of projects. So, in this blog entry, I'll be talking about those projects, Deadlocked, and Pathogen, which was a little experimental project I was working on to test some potentially engine-crashing scripting changes, as well as Pathogen's relation to RMU 2.0.   The first thing I should talk about is Patho



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