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Everything posted by Marked

  1. @Jon Bon: You sure do put a lot of work into your posts dont you? :P That was just an example. Replace that line with this: document.getElementById('txtTotal').value = final_value; I tested your code and replacing this line worked. Though you clear button doesn't work. The value of our final number is stored in final_value, so we can set the value to that. The syntax document.getElementById() allows you to get data from any element with that specified ID. ID's are supposed to be unique, so make sure you only have one per page. You can then use .value or .innerHTML to set, or retrieve that data. I assumed you don't know this coz you didn't change my line of code to suit yours, but I could be wrong. Do you need help with your clear button? JQuery is a javascript API. You basically add it to your head and then you can use syntax thats way more efficient and easy to use. Do you think you could use that for your class? I'm sure that'd impress your teacher :D I wrote the tileset maker and project cards using JQuery.
  2. Try this: document.getElementById('Total').value=document.getElementById('txtTotal').value; That's the only question in that post, right? I would never write it like this though, I use JQuery, so I really have no idea with regards to regular syntax :P As for googling, its definitely there. But sometimes you need to determine what level of abstraction your search times are, it can be hard to find if your search is too broad.
  3. thoroughly annoyed at a certain website... i will crush it

    1. kellessdee


      replace every instance of the word "a" with the word "cat" "This is cat game about knights" "This is cat battlesystem" "Cat walk in the park"

    2. Nisage
    3. Marked


      genius! i should do that here as a prank :D Its super easy to do.

    4. Show next comments  390 more
  4. Marked


    Banned for being a dog lover.
  5. I fully meant soup. :pinch: Yup I'm from New Zealand. There's only like 2 of us on this forum. Wow you got some skills :P btw why did you wait so long to start posting?
  6. The forms use HTML, right? I thought I would write a version myself, hopefully this is something like what you were after: <form id='myForm'> <input id="txtValue1" type="text" /> <select id="operator"> <option value='0'>+</option> <option value='1'>-</option> <option value='2'>*</option> <option value='3'>/</option> </select> <input id="txtValue2" type="text" /> </form> <div onClick="doCalculate()">Calculate</div> <div id='showvalue'></div> <script type="application/javascript"> function doCalculate() { //Note: the parseFloat function turn strings into numbers var txtValue1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('txtValue1').value); var txtValue2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('txtValue2').value); var myoperator = document.getElementById('operator').value; if(myoperator==0)//plus { var final_value=txtValue1+txtValue2; }else if(myoperator==1)//minus { var final_value=txtValue1-txtValue2; }else if(myoperator==2)//multiply { var final_value=txtValue1*txtValue2; }else if(myoperator==3)//division { var final_value=txtValue1/txtValue2; } //if the calculation cannot reutrn an arithmetic operation then show an error if(isNaN(final_value)) { document.getElementById('showvalue').innerHTML='The was an error with your calculation.'; }else{ document.getElementById('showvalue').innerHTML=final_value; } } </script> I uploaded it for you to show how it in action: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/calculator.html
  7. Feeling mischievous >:D

    1. kellessdee


      When I feel mischievous I like to play what I call "facebook games" (not actual games on facebook). It usually involves tagging random words or even myself in other peoples pictures, starting conversations on other peoples status updates, etc. Yes, I know I am probably a really annoying fb friend.. :P

  8. How di you not practice atheism? Lol this guy is a fear mongerer. How did some loony get so much attention...
  9. Well the sun can't burn for eternity... I would just like to mention that, if you have a religion then you're religious... 10 people voted for not having a religion, and yet only 5 voted for atheism? Haha. I think probably a lot of members only voted on just one question.
  10. That's a great idea :) We used to have such a forum but i removed it coz of inactivity, but as a sub-forum this will suit nicely. I agree here. Laansolo, lets hope our developments sell you with any screenies/videos they have so you want to download the whole thing anyways :P
  11. What do you mean? Test if the game is going to run on your computer? Aren't I enough? D:
  12. I don't see why not. Its size will be proportional to how much you deserve it. In fact, here it is: You're welcome :B):
  13. Oh lol it was you :P Yeah, I don't really like mods in IPB. My preference these days is to keep it to posting topics in forums. In my opinion, the IP.Gallery, blog and Downloads system leave a lot to be desired. The blog actually is pretty good, but the others... Did anyone do that request for you? Oh, another reason I want to create apps outside of the IPB framework is because IPB uses protocol, and I want to use Jquery. What were they thinking with protocol...
  14. I wasn't referring to your post actually, just since you posted in this topic I thought I'd say that. What I mean by pointless is the atheist vs christian (for example) stating their beliefs, whats true, not true etc. That is truly pointless in my opinion because there simply is no end.
  15. Thank you for posting that Kage :) That is some guy requesting an IPB mod to be made. Seems he has trouble with setting up permissions. I have actually started writing it and have some screenies in my blog. However, this gave me a really good idea... The bug reporting system is a great idea, I can't believe I didn't think of that when coming up with my system, particularly coz mine is going to have a ton of team-management features. :D Also, I have decided not to use IPB for anything aside from forum posting. It's highly likely I'll use an integrated member system then a 3rd party system of creating the clubs/projects app. So IPB is for forums and member management only. That may seem like the whole thing, but I want to minimize the forums involvement in terms of content and interaction (and shift it elsewhere, if that makes sense....)
  16. You've been here for years Kage but I still gotta increase your warn meter for that. Not cool, please do not make posts like this, totally unnecessary and against the rules. I just told him that no one was going to attack him, and what I meant by that was, a post just like this. Even if he did something that warranted a negative response, retaliation still isn't the correct way to respond.
  17. Kinda irrelevant. If I can make a topic like this then I at least have the confidence to write my own stuff :P There will be comments in the clubs section (which will probably be renamed to Projects, thinking bout scrapping social clubs). But here's what I'm thinking. We need a full reviewing section on its own. Ok you know how when you send a PM and you type in part of the username for the member you want to send the PM to and it will auto-complete (give suggestions of the name you're looking)? Well I'm thinking of having that part of the reviews app. You then write your review. Then in the display of the actual review it will bring up links and various information about the project being reviewed. Now say we're looking at the project. It will display any reviews currently in the review section that are linked to it, and there could be several. So you see, there is integration between both apps, and all gaming sites need a reviews section. I think all web-developers are against music automatically player once you land on a page. It can really annoy your visitors. The furthermost extent of this idea that I'd be willing to go is a player which you have to click play. So far you guys have mentioned just little modifications. Think out of the box a little. If you want to be really clever, think about unique ways of delivering content to visitors that is more efficient than the current systems.
  18. *steps down from admin post* Discussion about religion is pointless... You may as well try and tell each other how long a piece of string is. *steps back* No offense Crimson, I know you study it and I don't mean it in that context.
  19. In that case, nevermind. I'm outta this one :P Are you saying if you process information from the bible logically then you can see that what it says is true? No one's going to attack you here. I agree with your sentence about trends in regards to young impressionable teenagers. I saw a few girls in my year at school turn christian just coz there new best friend was. And that was the only reason.
  20. I think one of the main issues here is the Bible (or other such religious devices) which may say that certain sexual things are wrong. It is argued that, the Bible is used as a form as control. Sexual lust isn't morally wrong. No offense to those who think otherwise, but it's just the way humans are. It's just stupid to think its wrong, because its built-in. Homosexuality, pornography and prostitution all involve socially acceptable standards. Anal sex was only made legal in the 1980's in New Zealand (I have a legitimate reason for knowing that). In 2011 I think all 3 are socially acceptable. Religion complicates things, but there a lot of people who simply claim to have a religion and not practice it. Wonder why that is. I can't remember what year it was but I recall our Parliament discussing whether to make prostitution illegal or not, and they decided that it was to remain legal. I think making prostitution illegal is a bit silly where it is a mutually beneficial transaction. By the way, what do you mean by a sin?
  21. HBGames isn't as popular as people think. Just because it used to be rmxp.net then rmxp.org. The hbgames.org people got soooo much content, their traffic stats are surprisingly low. Just saying that in relation to 'I was surprised they actually accepted the request. xD'.
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