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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Hmm. Well you tested it, and Franklin tested it, so who's correct here? On the verge of deleting...
  2. How reliable is your trojan detection software? I think we'd better play it safe and delete the file anyway.
  3. Haha, nice one. Happy Birthday Chief :) I thought you were a little older than 18 actually. Hope you have a good one :)
  4. Yeah lets change it to things we don't like... How about, competition sites?
  5. No way... I can't believe it's you. Yes you were a legend there, and your post count was way ahead of everyone else. A bit like Kiriashi here. When you were a mod you once told me off because I made a post, and my brother made a post a minute afterwards disagreeing with my post. Seeing as our IPs were the same you thought it was one person spamming. Haha, memories. I joined CA in early '06 so yeah, we were probably both active at the same time. My username is also different on this forum, but you wouldn't recognize it anyway. It's a shame that CA has died down from what it used to be.
  6. I don't really know what your reasoning is there, Chief. I think most people would prefer rape than death. The only problem I have with the death penalty is that its extremely rare to prove with no doubt that a person did the murder. I think that's why we don't have it in NZ. I think some americans would laugh at our penalties. In the USA the time you get is so much higher. Murders can get 8 years, or 12 years. Not sure what the maximum is though. Its not stooping to their level. Its justice. A person who kills another person (not taking into account the reasons) deserves to die. Thats fair. You cannot place a time or value on a human life. In saying that, its therefore not reasonable to have the death penalty as innocent people may lose their lives.
  7. Only members can use the Downloads Manager anyway, that's the way its always been. Thats the only part of the site that an account is required to use, everything else guests can see. Sadly though the downloads manager is unstable and rarely allows members to upload projects of decent size.
  8. Welcome!! What was your username on Creation Asylum? It's kinda responsible for the creation of this site.
  9. The poll is pretty conclusive. Haha, is watching sports considered manly? Suppose it is, really. But I think people of all kinds watch them :)
  10. Pfffffffffffffffft. You're next on the chopping block.
  11. Kiriashi you should have closed this topic and posted the link to the new one... I'm too lazy to look... Regarding this site, just think its bad practice to require your real email address in order to download the trials. Yes it is a site made by the company, but that doesn't matter, people still have to hand over their email addresses. Email addresses can be sold, or they can email users promotions, etc. However unlikely, they still have it.
  12. The overall graphic looks great. In the actual game though 3planesoft should be taken out and added to the credits.
  13. Haha yeah I'm like that too with a few things. But I watch rugby most weekends that its on.
  14. Yeah, unfortunately the sports I like are different from those of the majority of users of the forums. Though I'm sure I'd get some replies from the auzzies :P If the poll gets enough votes, then I'll add the sub-forum. However we used to have a sports forum and it wasn't used all that often.
  15. With all the religions out there, how can you define god? God is whoever/whatever the person believes in, it's a faith. I'd do it to get off. :)
  16. Express Game Maker Topic Express Game Maker have opened up Public Beta Testing registrations. The beta testing won't happen for a few weeks, but you can sign up now. More Info:http://www.expressgamemaker.com/Community/Forum/yaf_postst189_Public-Beta-Testing-Registration.aspx
  17. Thanks guys. This one was pretty simple, just hoping its ethical to do with our members work. :yes:
  18. I haven't requested resources for an RPG game for a few years, but I know what it's like getting no support. There's a really popular website software that is opensource, and the support is dreadful. I'm not saying that I'm a programmer or anything, but I had to learn php, mysql and the rest just because I couldn't get any support. I found that the medium sized RPG Maker sites were pretty good for requests. At the moment (to imply it will change) its quite pointless to request scripts/compositions, or any other resource for that matter on this forum. However I would like to think that a lot of the spam replies are avoided here. If not, just send me the link :)
  19. Member's Albums: Full Listing This is a component that shows all of the images from Albums in Member RPG Maker Resources. Features -Pagination -Filters (Most Recent/Viewed/Popular, Ascending and Descending) -Lightbox for viewing images Visit Full Member's Albums Listing NOTE: The purpose of the Members Albums are to distribute members resources and get proper credit for them. The resources in this forum are supposed to be the uploaders own work, however it seems obvious that some members have simply uploaded resources. The other concern I have over this component is that some members may not want to give consent to have their works taken out of the albums are shown in a location that may (or may not) result in a smaller chance of getting credit for use of their resources in peoples projects. I would like to get some Album owners opinions on this, and whether or not this component is a positive thing for everyone.
  20. Congratulations Kiriashi, first member to do it :) My advice for mapping tutorials would be, do some VX ones too? :sweatdrop:
  21. It's not normal in any circumstance for parents to behave like that. As admin I'm obliged to use astrixs. They're being *****. Sorry, but doing that is unacceptable. I'm not too sure what can be done with stuttering. Perhaps speech therapy? I think you should see someone about it where you live. A person really shouldn't go through life not saying what they want to because they're afraid the words won't come out right :(
  22. Marked

    Patching program?

    [necro] I actually found a tutorial for this when I was sorting topics. It's now located in our Official Tutorials forum. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/1134-how-to-make-a-game-patch-just-like-real-games/
  23. What last one? PM me? Yeah, segregation. Also exists in other countries... With class, I don't see how it is preventable. Is it really a problem? I suppose this is another US topic where I can't say too much :( All of our schools are funded based on the number of students at the school.
  24. Icons? Post icons? Click the little green plus icon (some as rep icon) as the full edit screen, they should be there. When did you get so good at mapping? Another brilliantly presented tutorial. Really great job. I'm thinking of making an exclusive component to display these so they get more recognition. :yes:
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