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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Lol, okay, after that discussion the first pic makes sense. Why they picking on aluxes. To me he is the most iconic of RPG Maker.
  2. Call me crazy, but what if like.... peps set their own deadlines and then do like a week jam and have to submit when they say they will. If other people can't do that week, then they can choose a time in the near future that suits them, then judging occurs once all submissions are gathered.
  3. Going to build a stats page for our games section later.

    1. black mage

      black mage

      So games will have their own str? Can't wait for that!

    2. Marked


      Individual games already do. Actually I was thinking of making a system that records daily stats to generate graphs for devs....but I'm not so sure... might be demotivating if stats are low.

  4. Weekend game jam's are my jam. We should have a category in the games section for weekend jams.
  5. This isn't your own tutorial right? Also we have a tutorial system so technically there shouldn't be any tutorials posted in the forums these days .
  6. I can hardly believe it. 15 days will be my final ever lecture after studying two degrees. It's finally coming to an end :)

    1. Polraudio


      Very nice! Try not to fail now.

    2. Kitsuki


      Two degrees, wow... all that hard work's finally ending, huh? Congrats!

  7. We're definitely the most friendly RM forum of all time -nods-
  8. That awkward moment when you find 16gb of ram sitting around in your brothers room and my rig's only rockin' 8.

  9. Obviously they are not. That may be all you want to know but there's more that you need to know. Refer to my post if you even read it.
  10. I haven't heard of many RM commercial games succeeding and I'm not sure how serious yours is, but my advice is as follows. You will not infringe on copyright until a commercial sale, so you shouldn't get bogged down with sourcing resources early in development. I highly highly recommend the following the steps: Use the resource in your game PM the uploader for permission or whether they know the original author Note the URL's and author details of EVERY resource you use. If you get bogged down with your sourcing at a very early stage, you're wasting your time and increasing your chances of failure. RM games are 99% likely to fail anyway, so your best bet is to minimize these risks. I'm saying this from experience. I've known a lot of members' who projects have failed because they can't the resources they need. If you're trying to make a commercial game, well... you'll fail. You need to use the resources ASAP, as in right now, so you can focus on other things. Once you know your game is going to get completed and can viability be commercial, then you start to invest more of your time and energy into getting that permission OR finding replacements. Placeholder resources are your only chance of success. Being smart about these things and especially about your planning and development is best way to achieving a commercial game. In fact, such a policy should be written in your project charter. See this is why I told you to make a topic, coz if I answer it will take me a long time to post and I just so happen to have the day off work :)
  11. There are now more than a million rows in the site DB.

    1. Polraudio


      wow thats alot. How much space does the database take up?

    2. Marked


      Lat time I checked it was around 700mb so probably a bit more than that now.

    3. Polraudio
  12. To me the biggest thing is the ability to port to smartphones, mac and HTML5. That may explain moving away from Ruby. The move to JS as a language isn't a big deal to me... but the porting ability could be a very big drawcard.
  13. I never said I wouldn't do the things in his list. I meant his list contains things that are not worth looking it, don't need to be done, or simply can be done already. That's why I want this to be a community thing and not one member's wishlist. There needs to be checks. Well whatever, here's some of the things he said. Let's start with this: - Teamspeak Server...? plausible, unlikely - A page that features all of a person's work (we kind of have that in profiles, but it seems incomplete) possible, been thinking about this myself - Fix being able to upload a gif as an avatar Good - I should do this - Either remove the blog section entirely or add it to the recent posts thing and make it easier to find No reason to do that. - Reduce the size of youtube videos in chat Trivial, but simple fix. - The ability to delete or edit your own quotes (maybe...?) No. And for moderators: - The ability to edit and not just delete quotes Fine. - Mod powers in chat (kick, ban...?) We don't use it enough, we might instead consider a 3rd party chat where I don't have to develop it - For deleting quotes to redirect to the quotes page instead of that...doll...thing. That doll thing was for you. You don't like???? 3/9 are chat related and the chat isn't used very often enough. It's just one of those gimmicky things that can be used. So, maybe I'll look into integrating chat software that comes with all those features.
  14. That was point too. I though I said this above. Don't take in personally Ardy but, there is no point brainstorming methods of someone else developing this site when such a person doesn't exist. The trust issue is very minor, but if someone new came along that would be a factor, albeit a small one. If this site was deleted I would breathe a sigh of relief...like when frodo through the ring into the fire. Or something. And since we've discussed why the heck am I still here... sentimentality has driven me a long way. Communities have atmospheres... and the people that have come and gone have made this whole experience quite special. It's been here for me since I was 15. Anyways, umm... yeah... if there was a developer then he'd need access to everything. The stuff that's not the forums was written from scratch :) HTML and css will achieve nothing (much). I'm confused as to whether I've been complimented :huh2: Coz I'm totally those things :grin: I'm not that intimidating... maybe I am particularly so in this topic, because it's been necessary. And especially against Bob. I like Bob, but I'm challenging him to see what he'll come out with. Uhuh, well, in addition to what I said, I've had some really great nights being really intoxicated. Even when the end is a blackout. All I'm saying is there's a time, place and age for it (Geez now I do sound old :annoyed: ). Ok, we've established we want something. Is it possible for the community to reach a consensus on what that is? I've said many times that I'm willing to build what you guys want... so long as its a sensible idea. I know in practice a list and a consensus is a difficult thing to achieve. I may regret saying this, but I am willing to do small and stupid features/bug fixes if the community was able to develop a list. In other news, I had a really good job interview today. And getting a full job will free up a ton of time, because I'm currently doing three full jobs worth of stuff each day. And it's killing me slowly.. literally.
  15. I'm glad someone is finally on my side :annoyed: She gets it. You guys don't get it she gets it. Also I lied in my profile so you guys won't wish me happy birthday (even though you don't anymore). I'm still 24 :) (until the 26th). What does three sheets to the wind mean? If it means getting drunk, then I'm too old for that now too :ehh: I've done all that and I'm just focused on my career now. If you still drink to get wasted at 25, unless its a special occasion, it's a bit concerning. I've only managed to spend as much time as I have because I've studied for much longer than average since I studied two bachelor degrees (one of which is 4 years full time study alone). Really? I'm not convinced about that because I just said in my last post, which went completely ignored, that I would fix up the bugs that are...bugging you... if you guys would assemble a prioritized list. Which it literally the least anyone could do to help. I'm not sure doing nothing falls into my definition of "willing to help". I'm also not talking about yourself, I'm talking about the community generally in the same way you are.
  16. A person who is willing to help with code simply does not exist. That is an option that doesn't sit in the realm of reality, nor is it a good idea to give a stranger the power to delete the site. Wise choice. Please do not pay any attention to web development. You both mentioned donations, which honestly bewilders me. Where was the indication that money is needed to keep the site up? I pay about $12USD per year to run this site, and given the ads, I actually make a profit. Ok. Professional doesn't come into this equation, I just got through explaining my position to you. You know what, if there was a compiled list that was prioritized properly, that lists bugs (not features), then I will fix them. I wasn't aware the situation regarding bugs was so dire. You are too lazy, I'm too busy. Maybe neither of us can complain. But, especially you if you're going to say that :)
  17. Dude, you don't get it. Of course that is my mindset, the mindset of others who live in reality. I have given this site a massive proportion of my life already. I started at 15 and I'm turning 25 this month. Honestly, it's time to move on in life and yes, I will not be spending time making things for a few people when I need to be focusing on my career. You get what I'm saying, right? To be honest, if there were 59 hours in a day, I would be doing it without benefit like I have for 9 years. If I died tomorrow, I would probably regret spending the time I already have developing this site, because it's been excessive. Of course that'd be impossible because I would be dead, but you get my point. Also, please be aware I'm talking about development. I don't regret spending time interacting with the community, although that was mostly more than 5 years ago when I was still using RM.
  18. Firstly, please don't refer to me as Roochu. I skimmed over your topic and most of it seemed pretty trivial when I put it into my perspective as the developer. There seems to be a lot of stuff you don't how to use. And a lot of it certainly doesn't need a guide. I'm slightly surprised Bob spent time explaining the BBCode editor to you. You know if you hover icons, it will tell you its function? You just need to spend some time exploring and figuring that's out yourself. There's some things in your list I'd like to implement, and might to do at the end of the year when its possible I'll have some free time. There's a lot of stuff in your list I'd never bother with, and then there's things that don't really matter. Here's how it is. Every time I develop something that is pretty much trivial, it's a near certainty that it won't increase activity. Therefore there is very little benefit to me in doing it. There may be a benefit to you... but you're already a member here, so I'm gaining nothing extra as the person investing the time. If I'm going to develop something, it has to be an improvement with a great deal of tangible benefit to everyone. Not necessarily an increase of traffic, but for example, improving the overall experience of the site. I actually have a UX update on my development server waiting to be deployed, but I don't have the time do deploy it right now coz it will take time to test. The quotes and chats suggestions for example. I would never, ever work on those. It might be nice for you to have, but so what? There's not enough benefit from it. I have a list of ideas that when/if I get time, I will implement. These are: Social functions to the games section (improved comments, rating system, followers system etc.) Improved games section layout (already started this on dev server) Quality control in the games section aka manual approval for public listing proper portals/entry page/homepage for scripts & tuts I am very keen on a community channel but I don't have to lead the implementation of that. If you guys want it, you'll have to proactive and organise it yourself (but I have a channel... so ask me for the PW).
  19. Moved to Resource Showcase & Critique.
  20. Whoever made Weebly... I hate you and your software is terrible.

    1. zahraa


      whoa...Today I got an unwanted program from Weebly and it's impossible to uninstall through control panel D:

  21. We've had youtube channels literally for half a decade. I would have loved for people from all over the community to contribute to it, but it was tough to get people keen on that. I'm happy to go with you's guy's ideas. I'll give you guys access to it. As for teamspeak.... how does this work again? Like an external client for chatting? Aka like skype but not skype and for GDU members?
  22. Not my internet persona. Just the fact that I know code, even though I'm not going to do any programming.
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