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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I think I may have found what is causing the problem. The earliest reported sign of this happening was December 14th, in Leons topic: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2141 At the bottom is says: Okay and before that there was the topic about the points system: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2044 I think it is the points mod that is causing the lag. The problem is that when i try to remove it it causes all sorts of errors. I doubt turning it off will help. I'll try remove the mod and see if I cant fix this for you Anemoi.
  2. Alright I have installed the PM flood control. I was worried this may not work or mess with the forums because of a compatibility issue, but everything seems fine. I tested sending a PM from a members account. The PM sent, and I could not sent another until 5 minutes later. So all is working so far. If anyone finds any errors within the message system it is important they're reported to me. The flood control is for every member and it is 5 minutes. So you can send 1 pm every 5 minutes. Staff dont have any flood control. Reporting any spam PMs is important also.
  3. Sounds good Leon, I enjoyed playing the games you made before. We're actually already using reCAPTCHA, thats how we stopped the bots the first time. Logout and click the register button to see. To stop the spambots IPB have released a PM flood control which I'm going to try and install later today. There may be a compatibility problem though.
  4. That is interesting. Actually the part about the forum re-structure was written on march 30th before I actually started planning changes which I tested on an offline board. From you said it doesn't really matter about the forum structure as to why of if members are going to be posting their projects or scripts. At the very least it is easier for them to do so. There are certainly going to be minor edits especially to forum descriptions but I'm not keen on doing this again. We've done it like 10 times and apparently got it wrong each time. Well its a comparison. Did you read the page? So new users can compare the two engines and decide which they like. The table is not finished yet however, im trying to base it off facts and not opinions. For example RPG Maker XPs graphics are way better than RPG Maker VX's. I'm glad you like the script archive. That is the main announcement that I had to make, it took a long time to make and I hope people will find it useful. I just really want to expand and open it to the public to be able to add their own stuff, but my time is running out :( To show how effective the new system is, I replicated the articles that were being added a year ago in one night. Hours and hours of work done in minutes.
  5. Forum-Restructure I have been thinking about a more effective forum structure that will solve a couple of issues on the forum. Firstly there is a very large decrease in introduction topics. At my last count a few weeks ago I think it was at only 5 for the year so far(its a little higher now) and its almost the fourth month of the year. Secondly is project topics. People aren't making project topics so much anymore and lastly is scripts. Looking at that as a whole, you could say RPG Maker topics in general are struggling. The case may be a decreasing interest in RPG Maker but we are still primarily an RPG Maker community so it's our task to promote it somewhat. The post by Hai obviously sparked some serious concerns. And it would seem that Emily and I are back to the drawing board once more. Looking at our Game Making section, I suppose it is rather intimidating looking at it from a new users perspective. Whether familiar with RPG Maker or not. So here's my new philosophy on the forums of the forum - strip it down to its bare elements. For example: Discussion, Support, Scripts, Resources, and Projects. Chuck in a couple of sub-forums and you've got yourself an idiot-proof RPG Maker forum section. This structure should hopefully stimulate more activity through a much more user-friendly structure. There should be no confusion about what goes where and eliminates the maze-like attributes we have or had in the past. Of course we want to appeal to a wider audience of game makers, so another category is necessary in this structure. This where AGM and Game maker etc. topics will be. As of now, there are no topics on those makers as I've seen so I think its necessary to divide them from Game Maker. A separate category will hopefully promote the fact we do support these engines, and this will be advertised and made clear that RMXP Unlimited does support them. Here is a screenshot of the previous forum structure for comparison. I chose the simpler skin: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/5071/previousforums.png Feedback and criticism please Scripts Archive Over the past couple of days I have been working on creating a more effective scripts archive than the one we currently have on the website. To do this I created a custom content method specialized for RGSS Scripts. Each Script item or article is divided into its elements. If the article does not require an element, then it does not show. The advantage of this method is that there is no html at all required to be done and you still get all the features and more of the old script archive. I would like to say a lot more about its features, but I have not yet released script submissions to the public. Here is a run down of viewing the scripts archive: As for item view, you can see for yourself. There many nice features of the new articles, such as the new lightbox method, ajax rating and comments. The commenting system is powered by intensedebate so it is not integrated with the site or forum. However any can use it if they just enter a username and an email address. Any script on the site is downloadable in .rtf form(if not a demo). I tried a lot of different methods to display scripts on the site. The short ones were okay, but once you start getting thousand+ line scripts they start not copying properly and you get a lot of useless articles. So I decided that the most effective way is to have them in a text file. The great thing about this is that most of it originates from a single template file that I actually made myself so it's possible to add features to each article without having to edit every single one. I wouldn't mind some feedback and bug reports on the new archive :) Its here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmx...s1-scripts.html The articles are still there so we dont have so many broken links. I'll redirect each of them to the new articles so traffic doesnt get 404 errors. Minor Stuff I did some stuff in the Gallery ages ago. First of all I merged the sections. Then I split them. Short story shorter, I read the help files and derived the categories from there. I think it came out better than before. See sections here: RPG Maker XP RPG Maker VX(lonely) Look better? Oh, and there is now a category for your personal resources! Kiriashi and Nisage discovered it already. It's for all your RPG Maker resources. The point is, you're playing around in photoshop or actually enjoy making resources(or whatever), so you can upload them to your own album and people can credit you if they use your stuff. Use it. The RPG Maker XP homepage has been completely redone. Special thanks to Kirisahi who helped me with the tables you see there. The aim was to make it more new-user-friendly. Its about 90% done so far: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmxp.html VX will follow. There's a bunch of other small things I've done. Such as Engine post icons. Topic starts will have seen those already(start a topic to see them, they're at the bottom of the page). They're basically post icons of the engines. They're complementary of the new forum structure. We are currently supporting Game Maker and Adventure Game Maker(not yet released). Also I got the ajax search working on the website. Its at the top-right of the screen on the website. I need sleep now. Enjoy the updates! A few more major ones to come over the next couple of months ;)
  6. Happy bday Wyz! NZ time its the 13th. I'll wait for someone to make a topic in your time:)

  7. Yeah that's right, and by default the setting for members receiving emails when they get PMs is turned on. It's unfortunate because people will more likely spam real emails they may get from us, and any email sent out will probably appear in the spam/bulk folder.
  8. No problem, it is my duty. :rolleyes: The good folks at IPB have released a PM flood control system, which will stop the mass PMing and will allow moderators and admins to get onto the offenders before they're able to PM hundreds of members. I am reluctant to install it however because it may cause some compatibility issues and effect our website integration. If the bots come back then it's important to report it to me and I will install the PM flood control. I'll also be checking whether or not any mass PMs are sent.
  9. It's not just our forum. Have you guys had any emails yet saying you a PM from the other forums you're registered at? Anyway, I'm working on how to stop these bots as I'm writing this. I'll tell you if I come up without anything. I've disabled mass-PMs for members and I'm going to disable emails from this forum until there is a fix to stop the PMs completely. EDIT: I found a similarity in the two spambots so far which is their IP address. Four members including the two who were reported us have that IP address. With any luck, any other similar spambots will have the same IP address and wont be able to register. I'm not sure how likely that will be though.
  10. Pol, I can't believe you don't know about this issue. Since about late last year the forum has developed a sort of lag in things such as post and updating the last post. It happens in most things that add an entry to the database, such as adding a post or even if i were to create a new forum. If I were to refresh the page, it wouldn't show. Refresh it again, there it is. And it will disappear and reappear again. A couple of hours later it will show permanently. As to the solution I have no idea. The website which is on the same database experiences no lag, but that doesn't tell me too much. My guess would be there's something in the database, and to go about fixing the problem would mean taking the forum and site offline while I clear all unessential data, and hopefully that would fix the problem. Since the site works fine on the same database, I'm thinking that could work. The forums database has been running without modification since November 2007, which is quite some time.
  11. Which one is that? PM me the link?
  12. You could have included a little more information in your file about the program. It has some info in the readme file as well. I believe this is an earlier version than the other one we have in our downloads manager: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....amp;showfile=80
  13. tested as of 9th April 09 and working perfectly for me.
  14. XP or VX? When I first read the topic, I thought you were referring to a script on our website. Here is a VX script called Blitz: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmv.../306-blitz.html You have to input a sequence of keys to cast a skill. I think this fits your description.
  15. I see where you're coming from. I do have one or two personal preferences like this, I suppose it is a flaw of mine. I do feel alone in this :(
  16. New link: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/7637/memb...roundfinalr.png
  17. I made a picture for you Kiriashi: Is anyone getting my point? :( In the case of Polraudio's signature, there may be a use there. It says if you're on your computer at home or school, or what you're doing when you're offline. I may be able to alter a moods modification to get something similar to what you guys want.
  18. I'm sorry to disagree with every single member who posted in this topic so far... but lets see if I can't show you why I'm against pruning members. I'll have to limit my argument to "fake" members only: member with no posts, avatar, or any sign of activity at all. Firstly they are neutral. The provide neither benefit or harm. So they are useless, why do we need them, why should we have them? Wyzrd's point of the amount of members you have affects the amount of registrations does not apply to this forum in my opinion. Once you get a certain amount of members, registrations as a goal completely disappears. I think it was around the 2000 mark for me. Of the 917 days since the beginning, there have been 7011 registrations, giving us an average of 7.6 registrations a day. Keep in mind that we had 2 months of downtime in 2006, countless random occasions on our various hosts, so the average for this year is higher. I do not think that 7 guests click the registration button everyday because they see 4000 members already registered. If we pruned members, say in half, I think that the same amount of users will register everyday. As I said in the above paragraph, 7000 people have registered to date. We have 4,300 accounts, so we have already pruned in the past. The advantages of the fake members in my view are: I like to see a high member account. Various members on the forum have put a lot of effort into it(the forum), and it's a slight motivation to see a large value there and also gives the sense that all the work did actually achieve something and got recognized. Members like Leon who had this commitment dropped on him and he put in the time. isaacsol who hosts the site included, and then of course Emily and myself. To us they are mere values in our database, but they do help. Motivation is a big one. We're known amongst ourselves for fluctuations in activity, it changes like the weather, and kills motivation. The amount of ideas that run through my head seem to be unlimited, but obviously I am prevented in seeing them through. Since my return there have been a lot which I'm going to announce in the next couple of weeks, and I'm really close to making the final break through in my site project. Another thing is bulk emailing. In our time I think we've sent out four, each time setting records for members visited in one day(today the record was doubled because of a spambot getting PM-happy) and pageviews in one day. The main advantage to that in my view is that we were in a real slump before one or two of those bulk emails, and they are generally a spark of activity. We haven't been required to do that in a long while, thankfully. I am actually against bulk emails however, I think its slightly unethical of a forum to do so. It can seem like a negative form of advertising, and simply spam. That would depend on the bulk email of course. If I were to send an email to every member of the forum for something such as an interesting topic(eg a contest), to me that would be considered spam. Does it apply to every member you're emailing? Will it benefit them? Ethics is important. Lastly, this is a personal thing for me I suppose, I want to keep user IDs as close to the account count as possible. The 4303rd member has a member ID of 7011, the gap is huge. Further down the line I don't want the 3000th member(because of pruning, they're 3000th) to have an ID of 10,000. I would like the gap to be as close as possible. Originally I had a lot more arguments in mind, but the arguments trying to defend members with no posts who haven't visited the forum in more than 3 months are rather limited. Okay, so why is it a good idea?
  19. Yeah, that really is big. To be honest though I do have a list of every persons resolution who comes to the forum, sorta. The list includes undefined at 71.63%, so I have under 30% known to me, which is the reason for this topic. The resolution of 2560x1600 has viewed the website just once though, according to these statistics. Is that the resolution that your monitor is set to? When you view the RMXP homepage, the banner must look really stretched, right? Thanks for the information Anemoi. So far most resolutions are under 1600, which is ideal for viewing the site. I've been working on the homepages for RMXP and RMVX over the past couple of days. They're looking far better than they were before, and I've still got a bit to do on them. My goals are to make them informative and also stimulate their usage as well.
  20. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited. If you're interested in reading tutorials, we have some useful ones indexed on our website: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmx...-tutorials.html Hopefully you will find them of use.
  21. Enjoy your holiday, Nisage ^_^ See you when you return.
  22. Uh, this system really makes no sense. Secondly, I have an idea of how I can get this to work but Im sure there's no current mod for it which means hours of work for an existing system(the icon beside usernames in topics). You just want it in your sigs? However, I like the idea of this for members in the chatroom.
  23. I'm glad you like it. I had realized months ago how bad the homepages were for RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX. Not graphic wise, but they are practically informationless. I will change them so they are also an introduction to the program(include screenshots, specs etc.) and also where to find resources on RMXP Unlimited. Also the content seems slightly outdated: "Introducing RPG MAKER™ XP, the latest Windows entry in the RPG MAKER series" If you end up using Joomla, I think I'd be able to help out a little with it. Hey thats weird, its been 1 year and 2 days since the release of the website. Thanks for the screenshot Pol, its rather useful. The animation is in a different position in mine compared with yours, so I need to alter the method I used to place it there. I agree, the banner is too stretched. The VX is in general a better graphic, but its height was greater than the XP one when I cropped it, so it comes out more stretched. Won't take long to fix that one up. I'll also post the logos I made for the other RPG Maker web developers, perhaps they'll be useful? If you don't look at them too much, you can almost miss the obvious flaw :P : Can everyone still vote please? I would like a good representation of the resolutions of the members here.
  24. It went okay, could have been better but no so much without the break :) Man you're gonna surpass me with posts soon. I'm sure I wont get to 1k anytime soon. haha, thanks Leon! I read what you said in your member titles topic, I appreciate what you said. Hey! I dunno about being awesome or anything, but yeah send me a PM or two. I don't mind :) It would be cruel? I missed you too Maphy! :D :D Thanks for the welcome. I don't know if you'll see me around much. I purposely minimize my posting nowadays, but I'm extremely active behind the scenes. You don't really notice though do you? Just today I've done many things and spent about 4 hours on them and there is some cool stuff for you to discover ;) I'll consider it :P Firstly, I need to develop will power and the ability to prioritize. My studies require computer usage everyday, and the forum is right there calling me... Also(I totally just realized this), im supposed to do assignments in the holidays! haha, im glad it worked out!
  25. This is a little research to find out how big the screen resolutions are of our members. So please use the poll to tell me your screen resolution. If they seem sorta random, just choose the one closest to yours. The reason for it is that my resolution is pretty small, and so to make a functional website is to make one compatible with all sorts of browsers and resolutions. I was on my brothers laptop and realized the homepage is really squashed, whereas on mine it stretched to the entire page. I thought that would happen though, but set the width to a percentage after that so it should look the same on every computer. I'm remaking the homepages for the RPG Maker XP and RPG Maker VX sections and im trying to make a nice banner for them. Example(Click). It should look like this: The "RPG Maker VX" text is a flash animation and its a button used to return to the rmvx homepage when you're browsing scripts and tutorials etc.
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