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  1. Marked

    New post icons

    I have been meaning to replace the old post icons for a long long time. The others were ugly and pixely, hopefully I have made an improvement with the new ones. I think in the future I will make a larger variety, but for now here's what we've got: RMXP RMVX
  2. It works fine for me. I did test it with SDK 1.3 however(and not without). EDIT: Added a version of this script to website: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmx...s-enhanced.html
  3. Exactly. Just like the pictures above.
  4. Yeah, Chief is right about that, most of us Administrators have had to make major moves in the past. It can be a hard decision to make, but you have to ask yourself what is best for the site. Will it benefit you? Here is an example. RMXP Unlimited(This forum) has 2,500 members and 9,000 posts. I posted a link above to where we started from: http://z3.invisionfree.com/RPGXP_Unlimited/index.php?act=idx That is where we started. We left once we were on 2,000 posts and 200 members. We have 10 times more members now! Although I do wish we could have those 2000 posts back because they built the basis of what this site is now, we are much better off that we moved. This site could not have improved this much if we had not moved to a better place. But, it's your choice and it sounds like you do not want to move at all. The Admin knows best after all.
  5. You could use Dreamweaver and you could learn html(though the two don't necessarily mix, Dreamweaver being "Cheating"), or, you could use php software. Compare Joomla software to a site made in Dreamweaver. You may be able to get a better looking site in Dreamweaver(I mean, you could that by just having a cool background...thats photoshop), but in terms of cool effects and content management, well, Dreamweaver doesn't even have that. So I think you should consider that. It will save you a heck of a lot of time. I could have a site up in an hour(graphics and all), and I can't script a thing. I don't know anything about servers. But I know a lot about invision power boards, joomla, databases, hosts and everything to do with creating a site such as this. I can help you out with those things. And I can help out with some traffic too, our average daily pageview count isn't too bad.
  6. Ok, well it's just that when you use erase event it is doing nothing. The switch is getting rid of the event, so you do not need erase event. Understand? Also, yes your method does work, but there is a much simpler and easier way of doing it.
  7. Kiriashi, you should have looked at the pictures I posted above. For one thing, you would have learned something new. You can use "Control Switches" and make a switch, or you could use Self Switches. Self Switches are there so you do not have to use so many Global Switches, and they should be used everytime only one event is affected(itself). I think you've got the right idea there, but it's hard to understand. The event is always still there, unless you erase it(which you do not do). As long as the second page has no graphic then it has "disappeared", and as long as there are no event commands the triggers the event is as good as gone. Just a quick note here, you need to know what erase event does. The explanation in RMXP for this is: "Temporarily erases running events. Used only on the map screen." So if you use erase erase event, the event is going to come back. In your example(Kiriashi), the switch is turned on and the event appears to be gone anyway, so whether or not you have the "Erase Event" command, it will have no effect. You would use the erase event command for example, when setting the weather. You would use a trigger that would start the event commands automatically when the map is run, then the event is erased until the map is reloaded.
  8. yeah but doesn't RM2k3 come with its own charactersets? Any is fine.
  9. Sorry for the delay in replying. From your post it sounds like you setup everything correctly, so i will post some screenshots of how it should be setup, and you can reply and see if everything is the same. Page 1 Page 2
  10. Chief, doesn't Dreamweaver write the CSS code for you? I've made a website for a company in my country using dreamweaver and I don't know how to code anything and didn't need to use any code(and got payed $1600 for it). I suppose learning to create really nice websites would be more satisfying for the creator, but I'd still go for a template. If I ever attempted to make another website, I would definitively use Joomla again. Perhaps looking at paying for a host would be a good option? You just want to start a website right?
  11. Just post an RM2K3 character set, any one of them. That is so I can see how they're are made so I can convert the ones above.
  12. If you would consider moving to a better a free hosting site, your forum can be a lot better! I gave you a link before for invisionfree which you could a lot of support for. Or you could just be stubborn and keep the forum you have. Thats okay, there are plenty around you can use. Here is a site that is for Zetaboards or invisionfree forums. It has over 3 million posts on the forums, so there are obviously a lot of skins and graphics here. IF you considered moving, then you could use them. Otherwise there is a forum for Team Icons and Buttons etc. http://s2.zetaboards.com/ifskinzone/index/ You have to register first. Take a good look around that forum, it should help you with your site a lot.
  13. Sorry there have been no replies on this topic. I'll be going after my staff with whips and chains. Maybe some ropes. :mellow: Anyway. It's fine if you ask lots of questions, in fact we encourage it. However, you ask many questions one after another and on completely different topics. In another topic when I helped you, I was writing paragraph after paragraph on different topics on what to do. So just a little advice, make you questions a little more reader-friendly and make different topics for different things you need help with. It just makes it easier for us to help you. That should be in a PM - PM Emily about that if you havent done so already. I would suggest looking through this Character Pack and try to find a character similar to your battler graphic. Characters take a very very long time to make, so its extrememly unlikely anyone will actually sprite for you. However, your request can be done without any spriting. I could easily chop and change existing charactersets to make one for that battler. If you still need it, I can make it for you. For future resource requests, make sure the are the Resource Request forum. Check out this picture from the AMS Demo: Thats how its done. To write the messages that long, write click under the "List of Event Commands"(the white bit) and select "Batch text entry" and press Ctrl+N. Type your message that way. First of all though, download the demo and see the examples of how to do that: Download Me Obviously from the screenshot, click on the Arshes guy from the demo to access what you see above. However, they weren't made to go with each other. You would use \name because you don't have a face graphic and you use \f if you do. But there's no reason you can't do both, but it can troublesome getting them both in there. Since you are using face graphics(since you asked how to use them), I would recommend a new message window per sentence(opposed to a whole bunch of text in one window, which you also just asked how to do), that will give a nice effect especially if you have a range of different emotions of your face graphics.
  14. So you want an RM2k3 characterset with those changes? We're not really an RM2k3 forum, so it's difficult to get support for that program. If you post a RM2k3 characterset, I will convert them for you and do changes that I can(I cannot sprite but I can recolor). But you have to test them because I dont have RM2k3 installed.
  15. Yeah, Lammorra. She was seriously one cool member, and I think we'll never have one like her again. She had health issues, so I really hope she is doing well and that is not the reason she is inactive. Oh, by the way, welcome to the forum. Don't be intimidated by the lack of females on the forum. Its great to see some girls getting into RPG Maker. Although, you don't sound really interested. I gave up on it 2 years ago, but here I am.
  16. Oh... if there was I way, I would have found it. But if you find a way, please tell me. Do you live with your parents? I could start up a server easily enough because my parents pay for the internet in our home. We have unlimited bandwidth, so it wouldnt be too hard. The only thing is I would have to my computer on constantly(or maybe its my modem... one or the other) and that would stack up the electric bill. I've never done it so you'd better not listen to anything I say, so I think you should do a bit of research on what you need to do. How far have you actually got with the server?
  17. How the heck is your internet free? I want what you got. So have you set up the sever yet? Can we access it? Perhaps you need a domain name. What's your site about? Are you going into competition with RMXP Unlimited?
  18. 43rd... you must be rather dedicated to your site if you keep such an accurate count. Most of what you see here at this site is what I set up. I'm sure I know even less than you about HTML or CSS. Although, you don't need to know that stuff for a forum anyway(for the most part). We started out on invisionfree. Here is the first ever part of RMXP Unlimited: http://z3.invisionfree.com/RPGXP_Unlimited/index.php?act=idx I would recommend invisionfree.com for starting a free hosted forum(not saying that you should definately move though). The skin isn't that appealing to me, but that is not to say I wouldnt register because of it. The only advice I would really want you to consider is not to hide your forums. You may have few posts(though I can see you dont), but for whatever reason you are hiding them, it doesnt really have a positive effect. While some people are put off by how a forum/site looks, it does really matter at all. In running this site we had every to our advantage in terms of software. We can have the best looking skins and the most advance software running the place, and yet we struggle to get posts. What really makes a forum is the members on it, everything else is just a convenience for them.
  19. Would that be this script? http://rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmxp/rg...-flash-v10.html (oh yeah, we have scripts too) If it is that script, then I highly recommend not using it. All it does is place the flash movie over top of RPG Maker XP, it doesnt play in the game at all. Its just an illusion. If there was such a script that could play flash files, i'm sure we would all know about it. It would be a huge revelation and would introduce a new scripting language(action script). Though I could be proven wrong, I don't follow RMXP anymore. Define flash onto the screen? I can do basic animation in flash(seriously basic), but as far as getting those flash animations into RMXP, we'd have to convert them into .avi movies. That would largely increase the file size however. Cartoon/Anime cutscenes are sorta not really going to happen(sorry to be negative). To animate like in Anime takes professional skill and heck of a lot of time. Perhaps in a commercial game it would be an option, but at the moment thats a bit big. But thinking big is good. Also you'll notice that most scenes have detailed(like photoshop quality) backgrounds which arn't animated. I think would have anime styled screens with text down the bottom. I suppose that's the next best thing. Good quality pictures/cutscenes, just not animated. Oh, and sorry to interrupt the discussion... :P
  20. Marked


    That tileset is tiny. Do you want it to be scaled up so its the 32x32 grid for RMXP? It's easy enough to do it, but I'm not sure it will look that great.
  21. Hey there Slayers_travels, it's been a while since we've seen you around here. I'm not sure which 3D Game Maker would be the best, but my vote would go to 3D Game Studio. I've got a bit of experience with this program. I even learned C Script and learned to animate3D Models. Creating maps isn't too hard(depending on what kind of game you make) and you can make some good stuff with it.
  22. I remember you, after all you did make over 100 posts. We have grown and recently increased a tiny bit in activity, but we are probably no more active than when you left. A recent bulk email was sent out(and I'm assuming that's why you're back again) and this always brings a lot of members in all in one day. Since our migration to a new host, today is a record day in terms of pageviews and visitors. But I'm sure there will be a day where this is a daily occurrence. Well anyway, Welcome back Ratty. I hope you will be staying with us for a little while longer.
  23. Looks like it would be worth trying out. It's really cool that you can port your games to the Xbox 360. If they have the ability to do that though, why couldnt they do it with the RPG Makers.
  24. Well yes, and if you goto that topic you will understand why this is here. Anything uploaded to the Tools and Utilities category in the Downloads Manager has a topic generated, such as this one. Originally I was going to upload the new version, 2 Beta. Eventually I came to the conclusion that this version was better even though it was older. This one is capable of a lot more in my opinion.
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