It's been a week since the Game Section. A few of tried it which was good, only a few of you actually published a game, which could be better.
I have made the sign up MUCH more accessible. Now you can create a Game Page on every page of the website:
I have also made an additional, more obvious link to the back-end for editing games:
Please let me if there's any bugs with these or anything else in the games section.
At this stage, I'd like to get feedback on the system and take feature requests. What's missing? What's good and what's bad?
Right now the future features I am considering are the following (some of these of definitely going to be in here, but there wasn't enough to add them in yet)
Comments, divided into categories All, Feedback/Critque, Bug Report, General
User-submitted reviews
10 star rating system
Like feature
Follow This Game feature
News topics that display on your Page (more of a blog)... ok, lets call this a blog
In-depth statistics (pageviews, downloads, statistics)
Ability to sell games (starting with paypal)
Layout variations (eg for the gallery you could chose the current 2 column grid, or a slideshow, etc. So showing the screenies, credits, and char profiles in different ways rather than only just the one way.
Ability to post recruitment requests (almost finished)
So I really want to know why you're not using the games section if you're not already.
Also I'm really keen to get some featured games up for the Games index page. These games will get a lot of attention, so flick me a PM if you're interested :)