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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Lol you realize "seems legit" is used to describe things that appear very illegitimate :P
  2. Since I can recalculate points at any time I've done following: members with 1,000 points or more have all been reset to 500 points all members with less than 1,000 points have been reset to 0 points
  3. No, that's why I quoted my own post saying to remind me on Friday evening my time, not like Saturday afternoon.
  4. Dude, this is why I'm the last to survive. The genetic stuff is way over stated. Everyone who said this is a moral because a screwed up population is still greater than an extinct one, even if the inbred's are as messed up as people perceive they would be. Family gatherings would be awkward. It's like dad.. I mean brother... I mean uncle.... Etc.
  5. Dood, I don't want point fingers but I'm point it at you. I had one spare friday evening to do this, and... you let me down. But that's ok coz we're still doing this. When I get time. I actually don't forget these topics, it's always in the back of my head.
  6. You mean the comments in the tutorials? It's technically a system in itself :P Yeah, most of what you say I haven't coded yet. But I will do so :) Exams start in 2 days. So. Yeah :(
  7. Only you, Franklin... "Put two people in a room long enough and eventually they're going to have sex" - Quinn, from Dexter. I don't really have a sister so it's much easier for me to say, well yes I would. In 100 years everyone is gona be related to me. It be like bitches I made you all, I am the king of the world... They would prob see me as a god. If she looked like me, I'd probably go to town on her a lot sooner.
  8. Lololol funny version of Saltome. Don't turn into Joey... actually, he's also comically pessimistic. I miss teasing him in the chat... his reactions were hilarious
  9. w8... didn't Bob help someone the other day? I nominate Bobbles for Kind/Helpful and generally his comically pessimistic tone :D
  10. Boom: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-xp/create-a-flashlight-system OR http://www.gdunlimited.net/search?q=flashlight Welcome to RMU btw :)
  11. Ah ok, just a variable missing. I duno if I do it the correct way. I probably do. I just store the url in a variable so when you submit an edit it will just redirect you to that stored URL. I'll take a look after exams... I'm buried in a textbook right now :D
  12. Sometimes its important to realize what is really important in life... RMU :3
  13. So you had custom conflicting scripts?
  14. I nominate Mepps under contributor for his RGSS Scripts submittions
  15. Just get a keygen for the portable trial versions hashtagnotaffiliatedwithenterbrain Yeah we have several forums dedicated to Ace. I've moved this to the support forum. Also note that you do not need to make an account for each topic you make.
  16. Collective #3 (our periodical gazette of all that's new around the website and beyond in game making) is coming out soon. This topic is for articles/links/interesting stuff around the net that is related to game making that you've found and want to share. Here's a sneak peak of what's gone be in #3 So this is really like a game maker's newsletter, with an obvious focus on RPG Maker and our own content. But I also definitely want to promote other people's work and websites that deserve promotion.
  17. This project looks very interesting. Plus I really like the character sketches!
  18. Yep. I think it's more that some members didn't get their full amount of points and others did. But even so, its much easier to start a sort of economy where members can earn, buy and sell when everything starts from 0.
  19. This wont have worked previously but its working now. Go a head and upload if you still want to :)
  20. Made a proper pagination system for the resources, eg http://www.gdunlimited.net/resources/rpg-maker-vx-ace/battlers?perpage=36&sort=ASC (refresh page to reload CSS if the page numbers look odd))

  21. The theory goes that if points were to reset, members would spend their points so an advantage would only be gained if they sat on them. The trouble is that the point system is new and points were calculated by a faulty script. So the number of points members have may be correct, may be incorrect. It probably doesn't matter too much though since most have left. But like I say, to reset is to level the playing field. You can view the rankings here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=ibEconomy&tab=global&area=rankings You can see Kiriashi only has 1,174 points from 4.4k posts... that's clearly incorrect. By resetting we can see who is contributing to the site because all the points are weighted... including bonus points for creating topics, more points for creating topics in certain forums, bonus points for replying to a support thread that you didn't start, etc. Then there's big points to be made by submitting scripts/tuts, and uploading resources. I guess it's irrelevant if I do reset the points... but I'd say around 200 points. That's what I gave for a Treasure Hunt contest.
  22. That's a good idea :) My main concern was that contributors ought to have points to show for their contributions. Because like I said, the intention is that they will be valuable and useful.
  23. I would like to know everyone's opinion on leveling the playing field and resetting everyone's points to 0. The main reasons are as follows: The points-calculator has miscalculated some members points; leaving some members with a great deal of points (that they actually earned) and some with very few, improperly reflecting their contributions It will be easier to calibrate costs by being able to monitor members' points Member's who've been around a while will have to work for points like new members; increasing market efficiency I say market efficiency, because I want to create a market of points. Members like me who have 9k+ points will create problems in a newly established market. The goal is to make points valuable and give members access to such features that they really value. Perhaps this idea of a market won't become clear until we have a games section; where I want points to play a role in unlocking features. In particular, the ability to remove RMU's branding from the page so it's as if your project has its very own website. Aside from this, items of purchase can include advertising space around the entire website (which is mainly intended for projects... which is probably only practical after a games section), subscriptions, perhaps a services type section. Then a bunch of minor features... eg theme modifications and things like the ability to see who liked your content and statistics on your scripts/tuts/resources/games sort of thing.
  24. Welcome to RMU :thumbsup: You should post your project sometime :>
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