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Everything posted by Marked

  1. this? or this Both are working for me, what browser do you guys use?
  2. Thanks bigace. I'd say half is a bit too high, more like 20-30%. Things just take so long sometimes and I've had my hands tied with work these past weeks. Layout design doesn't take too long so long as you know what you want it to look like. I could whip up several concepts in a day but honestly I hate designing :P I'm playing around with stuff while developing new sections. I've got a new background in (you may need to refresh). It looks like a photo but it's not. Still on the hunt for the right background. The parallax effect is a bit more noticeable with this one.
  3. Yeah, either which way it's going to change. Can't have a background from a popular game >.> Thanks for the offer but nah... I'm afraid I may be a bit too fussy and I'm still playing around with layout designs. Not that I'm saying you're not good enough, coz I got no idea regarding your skill. I've an idea of what I do want for the background but its not an easy task to request because the image has to be above 1600px wide and larger than 1200 high.
  4. My 2nd trip to the doctor this year, and I haven't needed to go before then since I was a kid. Fml.

    1. Marked


      O.o how did that happen? Perhaps a disgruntled ex... roofies... I duno if I'm healthy, but I know I'm not real sick :>

    2. ShinGamix


      stop having so much wild sex! then you wont have the scratch marks on your back.

    3. madanchi


      Hahaha I never thought about that, but no, it wasn't that. Maybe when I when to Hell for a business trip, but I doubt it.

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  5. No offense taken, obviously I didn't make it :P And its always great to get feedback. This image literally appeared on my computer one day, it came with some other files I was downloading and you know how sometimes people pack .zip's with things to make the filesize larger. I thought it looked cool so I Was trying it out. I've got this parallax scrolling thing happening with the background so you can see its not fixed, but you also never see the bottom. What I need is a really tall background and that effect will look really good. Anyways I have a poll up in your post for feedback. I will certainly change once I can find something that looks better.
  6. Can you tell me why you're confused about where to post it? I really want to make it clear for people which is hard to do sometimes since I know where everything is myself. It's one support forum for all support questions.
  7. This forum is for scripts. All support topics go in the support forum. There's a real big notice there, but people only tend to read what they're looking for. I moved 2 of your other topics. There's a serious mod shortage here :/
  8. I will fix all the theme bugs soon! I accidentally/purposly uploaded changes before they were ready

  9. New stuff coming soon

    1. Marked
    2. Joey


      ...So you just threw in some random background, not knowing anything about it? xD

    3. Marked


      Yup, that's exactly what I did :D

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  10. I only mainly found an error with the manager, which does cause the page to hang. The chat issue may or may not be related to the browser, seemed to work for me although I didn't test it for long. The popup box when you click the manager link is called a modal. The CSS and Javascript for it is 3rd party and since has been updated, and I can confirm the bug you're seeing here and that it is working correctly on my development site, which has been updated. If I uploaded it now things may not work correctly, particularly areas on the forum. But I will get the updates live asap.
  11. Would anyone ever buy RPG Maker VX when there's ACE? I really need to know if we should have a page up in the engines section. I'm thinking no?
  12. Right now we're just starting out, so ACE and RMXP, possibly IG. I'm looking for screenshots of the editors and a video of going through the editors and playing a basic demo. So what if you create a basic setup, basic map and battle or whatever and have a video going through the editor looking at the database and the scripting section, and then play it and have that shown on the video. Preferably it would zoom up where the mouse is at because the video will be of limited width on the actual page.
  13. We have no affiliations. You could make a video. What I'm after is a really nicely produced video demonstration of the features and game play. Looks like I'll be getting the screenshots from elsewhere. I'll get these pages out soon. As for reviews, I've posted about my plans for reviewing engines previously but I will be releasing the pages asap without that feature initially.
  14. It's probably an issue on your end. It's just the CSS not loading.
  15. Hi guys, I'm currently working on some pages for engines. The pages will be a presentation of that engine, including features, screenshots, etc. What I would like to have is some screenshots from some of the members here. I'm looking for some nice screenies to show our guests what the engines are capable of. This is for any maker in the RPG Maker series (hopefully more engines soon). I would also like to know what is most important to you, or what information you like to find out immediately about an engine when deciding to download it. For example, I'm looking for what information I should put down here: Thanks :) Some of the older members may be able to find their screenies up here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/5467-the-screenshot-thread/
  16. That's odd Mandanchi, should show up in all browsers. I will fix this issue shortly, I gotta wait a bit and then I'll reskin the entire forum. The error has been there for a few months so I'll leave it a little while longer.
  17. Why deny a member an award just because he's just won it? That's like being penalized for being a good member :P
  18. I'm gona change it back to the old system and move the status updates to its own page. For some reason the javascript is missing for this. I really should done this earlier >.> Been busy with stuff.
  19. I'm not sure you can complain about participation if you make a contest without warning that lasts 24hrs :P I also like to see polls for mapping contests, everyone has their own preferences and a poll is a good way to judge. This reminds me, I was supposed to start the Game in a month contest soon.
  20. I'll make you something for free if I can put a copyright at the bottom: "Designed by Game Dev Unlimited" ?
  21. Back. Sorry bout the bots. I stopped the flow of them registering about 2 days ago but about 70 bot accounts were made. Not to worry though, there's always a way to stop them.

    1. Marked


      Yep, I noticed that while I looked on helplessly from mobile internets

    2. madanchi


      Welcome back Marked!

    3. Marked
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  22. Double post coz I'm on my phone. So after u nail the basics, then u wana get into oop, classes and functions. It's a long road, I can't imagine ever making a forum and I'm always learning php. Though simple comments etc is simple. Let me kno if u hav any php issues u can't solve, no one has really asked me for help with php yet :) I'm alright
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