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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. Hey there welcome to the forum. If you need help don't hesitate to ask and good luck with your game :)
  2. yeah you did a pretty good job at making it look magical. btw i thought the game was EX- Stigma?
  3. yeah, but i guaranty that's how they did it in Aveyond. A lot of games use this method for the monsters on the map. But what you can do is reuse the same switches for each map, so say map 1 has 5 enemies, so that's 5 switches, but if map 2 has 10 enemies you need 10 switches, but you can use the first 5 over since you're resetting them every time you leave a map. so decided how many the maximum monsters you'll put on a map, and reserve switches 100-120 for instance for monsters. too make it a little easier you could make a common event that turns all the monster switches off. so you make a common event (call it monster switcher), set a parallel process on Switch 99 command events: turn switches 100-120 off, set a wait 01 (just in case the command goes to fast turning itself off), at the very end turn switch 99 off. on your teleport event just turn switch 99 on, and the common event will turn all the monster switches off and then turn itself off afterwards.
  4. They take a little getting used to but when you learn how they work they become an indispensable tool for your game.
  5. Personally I'm not a fan of the tree autotile set, it looks more like a giant bush than tree tops. If you can place trees properly within the top two layers (may need to use an event to make it 3 layers above the ground) it looks much better. But that's just me. Good to see progress, more than I can say about myself lol I've been too busy with work and school to actually get stuff done on my games.
  6. this is actually a lot easier than you think. First make both monster events, on page 1 set trigger to PlayerTouch, no conditions, with the enemy graphics Set the Battle Processing to the battle you want, after the battle set a switch to activate (ie Switch:0001 - Monster 1) on page 2 set trigger to Action Button, Conditions to Switch:0001 - Monster 1 (or what ever you put it to) set the Graphics to blank and no Event commands. Basically what will happen is that when the battle is over it activates the switch making both events tuen to a "blank" page so you can no longer interact with them. There is no need to delete the event, personally i don't understand why they even put that option in the commands. To make them reappear when you leave the map is easy too. In the exit events before teleporting the player to the next map set all the switches off for the monsters. you may need to set "wait 01 " just to make sure the switch commands are done before the character teleports to the next map. If you're having trouble with eventing I'd suggest you look up http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/7383-ecos-eventing-101/ this tutorial on eventing, or browse the web for tutorials on the different functions of the event commands and how Switches and Variables work. These are essential for building a game so it helps if you understand them completely.
  7. when the play is leaving the building are they actually switching maps or staying on the same map? I have to say I dislike using switches for events like this. You're better off having a Variable that keeps track of the story. Example: Talk to elder - Variable:0001 Story +1 Leave House - Variable:0001 Story +1 Event (running character) On Variable:0001 Story = 2, Autorun At end Variable:0001 Story +1 Same event blank (or basic dialog) when Variable:0001 Story = 3 , Action Button Go place that was unaccessible previously. Teleport event On Variable:0001 Story > 2 (message saying it's blocked) On Variable:0001 Story = 3 Teleport to dungeon. this way the switches can never get mixed up. Part 2 can not happen without part 1 being completed. Generally you only use switches that have 1 single action that will never be repeated or don't effect anything great (ie chests or doors, or an actual switch). hope this helps.
  8. the program just crashes every time i try to start a new project. I tried reinstalling it and i get the same problem.
  9. something tells me you'll be outta luck. Not sure if any one here actually has them. bummer on the format loss tho, I know how that can be. Now I back up important stuff on either a flash drive or my external HD, buut these days you can also get Cloud storage services cheap enough if you're into that.
  10. If you're gonna have Mecha Sonic in the game you gotta have Sonic and Shadow as playable characters! lol I like the Zelda 2 throwback, cool idea.
  11. Hi there Hayley, welcome to the forum. Now the intro thread isn't really the place for recruitment, we have a special forum for that. But before you post there we've had a lot of debate on this very subject, new people with recruitment posts. You might want to read it http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/9785-article-why-will-no-one-join-me/ good luck with your project.
  12. hmm..the site bar no longer stays at the top of my page when i scroll down like it used to? I really liked that feature.
  13. I really like the Runner picture with it's slashes and sizzling.
  14. looks cool, hopefully you won't have too many bugs to fix
  15. Then you shouldn't leave so often to stay in the loop :P
  16. welcome back even if it's only partially. Good luck with the essay.
  17. Wow, you guys got it going on! nice to see a large project like this getting made. You don't see professionalism like this too often :) How far into development are you guys?
  18. Wow, old school RM2K graphics, nice. Okay I've started playing and I think you need to work on your eventing. When something like magic, teleporting or fight in Merrick's house happens it would be good if you made visual effects it would look nicer than them just disappearing outta no where. Once i get farther I'll comment more on it.
  19. @railfan101: What Saltome said is exactly what I wanted to say, which is more or less what the whole article was about. Don't give up, work hard and I'm sure you'll get your project finished. Yeah that also plays a big factor, not as many younger students here on the forums much these days. I wonder why that is?
  20. yeah i figured that was the issue. Oh well at least I got it to look how I wanted it to look.
  21. I'm glad to see this resolved. Now we can focus on game making and building a great community. Pol, any ideas on how to bring more people on to the site?
  22. Personally I've never watched a dub that I liked, mostly because the voice acting sucks. At least in Japanese tho I can't understand what they are saying, i feel like they get the emotions right in their ton of voice. That's my personal preference. But there are many animes where the dub has slaughtered the original content. Case in point YuGiOh. I only watched the first few episodes of the original and didn't actually watch the dub, but 30 friends who loved the original couldn't get past the first few episodes of the dub because of the content change. It essentially went from pg16 to pg8....from teen to kid....that's sad.
  23. well it was made in one week and had considerable content for that. I've decided to continue making the game, edit the story and game play.
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