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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. Well don't delete your post, it would be good if you could add the solution to your post so that if others have the same problem, they can see the solution. Thanks :)
  2. dolarmak


    Some times unless you can code the RGSS yourself you just have to accept that you might not find exactly what you want. I hope you can find it, but I'd also suggest trying to learn RGSS to get what you really want. If you have any questions, we're always here to help!
  3. Donno if you saw this, i edited the post 30 seconds before your post, so you were probably typing when this went up. Also i was having issues displaying the image because the attachment program sets file as a weird string for it's location and file name. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=1713 and when i try to input that in the image tag i get an error saying that this file type is not accepted by our forum.
  4. Hmm...this is a bit disappointing, when over 3/4 of the population can be against something, but their representatives in the government don't have the same ratio. Here in Canada we have the same problem, often times bills get put into place despite the majority of the population being against it. I assume it's the same in the US for the same kind of laws. I don't think the majority of them actually agree with these laws, but they are clearly misrepresented.
  5. Hey, I'm going good too. School starts in 1 week for me, and since I've been out of school for over 10 years i'm a little nervous lol.
  6. lol, another forum update...after you told us there wouldn't be anymore. I knew you were too addicted to this place to leave it alone :P on that note, my first bug report. In the announcement bar it shows:
  7. I want every one who enters this topic to vote, come one, don't be lazy!
  8. well thank you for taking the time to resolve this, I hope it doesn't happen in this manner again. Like I said in my rant, people in our community need to ask first when something stolen comes up. All the indy game sites are more than willing to remove stolen stuff if it's found. When people make threats (and yes, going to our host and telling them to have it removed is a threat because the host is liable due to copy right laws in the US, so they threaten us after) before we've been given a chance to take this stuff down makes those responsible seem less human. Thankfully this was something that could be easily solved, but it's disturbing to see how fast things could has escalated and how easily we could have lost this forum over an issue like this. Next time you should tell your friends to go to you with issues like this before doing something like that.
  9. Yes they should have. kellessdee the orignal poster hasn't been on in almost a year. You can try PMing them but you're not likely to get a response from them. Since this topic is clearly so old, I'm locking it. If you want to make any requests it's better to add new topics.
  10. But then it wouldn't be night now would it if the sprites were unaffected. I'm not sure it would look right, like it'd be one of those things that pull you out of the game by breaking the reality of the game. Do you get what I'm saying? There are actually plenty of night time illumination scripts out there if you want it to look dark, but still have lights like candels, lamps and street lights shining.
  11. Since Amaranth Games messed up I went on record to their forum and complained about what they did, showing for every one our experience with their company. What happened? My topic was moved to a admin only forum and locked away where i can't access it. Anyway since I feel it's necessary for a person opinion to be allowed to be expressed I'll post what I wrote here for you guys at least, and so you can know what happened.
  12. you have a full week, i don't think there should be any excuse other than you were lazy or forgot that would really be honest XD
  13. was this file they are refering to the one i removed last month or is this another one that was there for more than a year?
  14. Wow, Thats kinda a douche move on their part cause I was the one who asked them directly if their stuff was on our site cause that guy who uploaded their character set and had it removed within 6 hours, i also asked them to report any thing else and told them we would remove it right away...We can't always know what stuff is in their games, they need to tell u this shit first. They were lucky i asked in the first place, not every mod would care enough.
  15. Yes paralax are allowed Also send your entries to me in a PM with 'Summer Contest' in the title.
  16. Sorry guys for the delay, but the tile set I had originally prepared seems to be corrupted and I can't find it again. So instead it'll be any tileset, but with a summer/beach theme. it can be modern, medieval, what ever, but as long as it's summer or beach themed. Throw some pirates in there if you want.
  17. just a little...like 12 years xD
  18. I remember this, it's really old XD
  19. There will be no size limit, but don't think that bigger is better, I'll be judging on how you use all the space in the map. lol the theme of the map is actually 'Summer' doesn't have to do with your geographical season :p
  20. Come on people, we can do better than 2 votes!
  21. Summer Mapping Contest Alright every one I'll be hosting a Mapping contest for the last week of August. The rues will be set below, but I'm giving people advanced notice about it. This map contest will feature 1 tile set and the person who can make the best map will win. Judging will be done by me, Dolarmak based on creativity. The tile set will only be uploaded to the site for the contest on the start date so no cheating can occur. Prize will be a special graphic made by Dolarmak to display in your profile/signature. If any one else would like to contribute a prize let me know and I'll add them to the list. Edit: We got actual prizes guys! Hope people will enter. Start Date: August 24th End Date: September 1th Rules: 1 Map per Contestant Any tileset All Rpg Maker programs Evented characters allowed Prize: Special Contest Graphic Titan Quest Steam Key Dead Space Steam Key Entries: Send them to me in a PM with 'Summer Contest' in the title.
  22. August Voting To Vote For: Bob423 Dolarmak Kevin.ds Evalloc ------------------------------------------ We had a decent response for the nominations now I was a greater response for voting! Every one who comes in should vote!
  23. Thank you guys for your nominations. Good luck to every one!
  24. Well technically the rules say you can't nominate admins, since i'm just a moderator, i don't see why not lol. I'll be closing this tonight, you have 12 hours to nominate any one else!
  25. lol good to see you solved it :)
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