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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. Well if that's the tone you want, then go for it. Good luck.
  2. Hey welcome to the forum. I am technically half french and come from Quebec. I can speak french but my spelling and grammar are soooo bad i shouldn't even try. Heck, English is my first language and I can barely spell properly in it lol
  3. I think what QuesTMajoR means by Oration is an 'oral presentation'. As far as the composition is concerned it's pretty good, madanchi is right with the spelling and grammer, you'll want to fix those few things he has highlighted. It's hard to judge what kind of emotion you are looking to convey by the writing alone especially for a presentation. You would have to record yourself (preferable video) to actually give you feed back on that aspect so we could see your face expressions, tone of voice, inflexions and your speach. If you upload one I'll take a look at it.
  4. Cool. Good to see some one using the Zelda engine. Just wondering if you foresee any issues with upgrading it when the Zelda engine is finished?
  5. Okay, in an ABS game i can understand it. But the problem isn't with ABS games, it with ordinary RPGs where they are totally redundant. games where the enemy is only a problem durring the battle scenes. Even in a Chrono Trigger kind of game where the battles take place on the map, the hud isn't necessary until battle unfolds.
  6. as cool as the hud maker is, I don't think Huds are necessary in a game. Check out this article, it explains very well the downfall of Huds and many other feathures people add to games that in my mind are unnecessary. http://finalbossblues.com/fuck-your-features/
  7. hey this is pretty cool, have fun making cool midi tracks :D
  8. Meh, this whole thing is kinda redundant. Its just a background image and that could easily be solved by a quick diy page like Marked said. As for Youtube, they did do a few changes, mostly to the algorethem that shows random videos on the front page. Over all they didn't do a lot. And for the videos that were taken down, it usually because of copyright laws and them not wanting to be sued by big companies over what Joe Blow uploads to his account. People don't realize all the bullshit that can happen when users don't follow the User Agreement, and since you agreed to it, they have every right to take down the stuff they find offensive or illegal. Over all I think Google is a better company than most like Marked explained. Yeah they're tracking us, but then again every one is, atleast they're honest about it. And yes they might be taking out products you like, but every company has the same process about their products. Too few user/buyer equals closing. The only difference is that right now you are affected by it, where as when Singer Sewing Co. decided that they were getting rid of one of their models, you didn't care cause you're a computer geek and not a seamstrice. lol
  9. hey it looks really awesome! Can't wait to see a game that implements this :)
  10. I can help with story development and editing, but with my other project thats all I'm really able to offer. I have to say that having 'Startsville' as the major contender for the starting place is hillarious. I love that you put my joke suggestion down and that it's currently winning with 3 points.
  11. With my current project all I can contribute are some ideas and story/writing editing. Since I was a Magazine editor I do have experience in that field.
  12. how very sad. People with problems like this need to seek professional help.
  13. Lol I live in Canada, and there would never be conscription here...but if hypothetically it happened I would serve, Unfortunatly I do have medical conditions that prevent me from serving in the military so they wouldn't accept me.
  14. How do you not recognise even 1? I mean, not even Cat woman? that was a dead give away! nice job Death, I noticed atleast 7 characters.
  15. Okay I figured out how to make my characters stationary, but I've been fiddling with this for days and don't know how to set the system up to change him and play an animation when they attack, dodge, cast a spell or get hit. any clues guys?
  16. yeah, just use the 'Change Equipment' command on page 3, it'll let you force un/equip anything from a character.
  17. wow, I am throughly impressed with this. I'll have to remember it if I ever plan to make a Zelda game XD
  18. I know I suck at RGSS, so I need a little help. I'm using Tenkentai/Enu Sideview battle system and would apreciate some help. I want to make my guys stationary like you can make the enemies and have animations for the characters to kinda replicate the Breath of Fire look. I need a base character picture for normal status, sickness, and dead. I need them to show animations for attacking, casting a spell, special abilities (Steal, Transform, ect), getting hit, dodging an attack. I have all the animations I want already made (or I'll make the ones I'm missing). Thanks i advanced.
  19. Sorry about the rant, but it's been on my mind for a long time. The posting of the ESRB thing drudged it all back up and i needed to voice it. ----- A little while ago I got into a heated discussion with my father's girlfriend about video game violence and children. It was one of those discussions where she as a non-gamer had little to know evedence to back up her arguements, but try as I might she refused to accept any imperical evidence I tried to show her. Be it psychological studies done by world renound universities or doctors, she would spew back the FoxNews version of media's 'Video games are bad' slander thats been going on for decades which pisses me off so much. Her arguements stem from the fact that her grandchildren (14 and 17 years old) only play violent games with killing and guns in them and they are prone to violent outbursts. Now lets forget for a minute that both her grandchildren have Aspergers and are genetically predisposed to violents from a drunk and drug addicted father, and lets forget the fact that children with Aspergers tend to get extremely irritated when they can't get their point across to compound an issue with disclexia and social anxiety. Lets just focus on the children in the media. You know, the school shooters....Lets forget that over 400 million people world wide who play video games every day without bothering any one at all, lets focus on the 30 people/children who have been in the news and were killing people, because their so called videogaming backgrounds. First I find it so hard to believe that people refuse to accept the numbers as any sort of value to the arguement. i mean 400+ million vs 30ish people (remember, these guys are known to play video games). Lets take that a step further and take it from a national point of view. Now I'm from Canada, and so far in canada there has been a total of 4 school shooters that I can remember who the media played up their video game backgrounds. Thats stands next to the 7 million people who our own government census says play video games. So in all the stats say 1/1.5 million, which is about the rate I would estimate fro any given place. With that said, 1 in 1.5 million is such a small number, I mean more people will die from cancer. And what about school shootsings before video games...since the early 1800s there have been recorded school shooting. Infact if you look at the numbers, school shootings have gone DOWN in the last 30 years compaired to the averages. On top of that over 90% of them being in the US, and the fact that the majority of those are from gun pro states such as Texas or from gang related turf fights in areas like New York city. What I'm thinking is that guns might be the issue more than video games....just a thought. But it seems that no one likes to think of the fact that gun violence is much more perdomenant with gangs and drug related cases (even involving children) compaired to video game related cases. Just number wise a child is 100 times more likely to be involved with gang related violence than so how with video game related violence. Alright so I told her the numbers and her responce was like this. "The colombine shooters got their training from playing video games. If they didn't play them they would have never got the idea of using guns to kill people." I swear to god that was what she said. I almost had a fit. They wouldn't have gotten the idea if not for video games? Really? So the TV and Movie media which totes guns as the solution to all of lifes problems such as Rambo, Terminator and the Expendables has no impact on their ideas that getting guns to hurt or kill the people who have been persecuting them? Really? Now lets also forget that the police and Federal Invesigators also ruled out video games as a source of motivation, as these people also had a huge collection of illegal/banned movies. The fact that they were socially outcast, had huge psychological problems and were either physically or mentally abused by their parents didn't have anything to do with it, did it? But finally I say lets put the blame on the parents. If media (TV, Movies, Video Games) actually does have an impact on these people and our children, then surly it is up to the parent to moderate what their children are exposed to. If you want to blame video games for the violent behavior they have then shouldn't the parents regulate what games they buy their children. They get upset when a 8 year old watches a rated R movie, shouldn't they be as vigolent when he plays a Rated 18+ game? Why arn't the parents responsable when they were the ones who bought the game for their kid in the first place? You can't blame the media for being violent, adults love violent entertainment. I mean these things have ratings on them for that reason. Blame the parents for not careing enough about their childs well-being or who are too busy with work to be able to see the signs that their child is a psychopath. Lets blame the parents whom these children get the guns and ammo from, their locks which are so very easy to circumvent. I blame their parents for not teaching them the difference between right and wrong, between respect and disrespect, between the lawful and unlawful. Parents need to start taking responsability for their children. I blame the Parents! For those interested I added 3 atrictles as just a bit of referance to what I'm talking about. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/story/health/story/2011-09-14/Dont-study-the-video-game-study-the-player/50406018/1 http://kotaku.com/5900312/studies-linking-game-violence-with-real+world-aggression-may-all-be-wrong http://techland.time.com/2012/04/17/norway-killer-played-world-of-warcraft-which-probably-means-nothing-at-all/
  20. This is kinda interesting, considering that no one actually gives a crap about the ESRB rating on video games. Now I'm not saying that the idea of the rating is a bad thing, I'm just saying that no one I know actually cares how games are rated, which is sad. I think this problem applies more so to the parents I know who will buy games like GTA 4 for their kid and complain that "he's only into voilent games"....well if you didn't buy your 12-year old a game thats rated 18+ then I don't think you have a right to complain now do you. This also plays into the whole arguement that video games cause children to be violent...but i'll save that for another rant. Over all, making it free for digital only/app content is kinda cool. Parents especially need to keep an eye on what their children are downloading anyway, if they cared at all about their child's psychological wellbeeing that is.
  21. The problem Marked, is that this isn't just a NZ problem. This problem of corruption in politics is world wide. when it comes down to it NZ seems a bit better off than other countries but even you guys still have your problems. Here in Canada (my country), like in the US we've given all our political power to corperations. Realizing how bad that is people are finally taking steps to iliminate this, but we're still far from getting what we need. All i gotta say is as much as we have our issues, I still think we're better off than the US.
  22. actually looking at the Tenkentai battle system actually used an Advanced Collapse system you might like. I didn't go into all the details, but it made a FF6 boss sytle collapse fairly easily. You might wanna check that out.
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