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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. We're trying to get this place up and happening :D nice to meet ya Bassfire, hope you enjoy yor stay
  2. Either way, is any one else interested in this contest? Any one have other suggestions?
  3. already been done http://www.i-mockery.com/minimocks/duckhunt/ sorry for the typo lol tho I'm sure you were just kidding, I know a few people that would get angry at me for that :P
  4. I didn't add Crono Trigger for the same reason I didn't add Final Fantasy. Over used for fan games. But I like the idea of a Boy and his Blob as a RPG, I think that could work really well, it certainly would be different. And I have no idea how you could do Excite Bike as an RPG...
  5. I was wondering if any one could help me set this up to look more like breath of fire 2? What I mean is, instead of using the same sprite I have for movement on maps, I want different battle sprites to be used in battle. I also want to change the attack to that of a animation (ie the character don't move to the enemie, and sword icon doesn't happen. Each character has only 1 attack animation, or magic animation) does that make sense at all?
  6. okay, the other ones are workiing now, but the RGSS tut still isn't.
  7. I've tried downloading a few things from the Download manager, but each time I click on the "Download" button, the page just gets redirected to the main forum page. I turned off my popup blocker and antivirus to see if they were effecting it and the problem still remains. I do have experience with these sorts of things on forums and it might simply be a permission problem or a real technical issue, but you guys will have to look into it.
  8. lol I was thinking the exact same, I like the blue dragon but the #4's text style.
  9. Well Marked, what would you suggest? I'm pretty new to the RGSS language, so any advice would be nice.
  10. good to know. I might just look into that.
  11. Welcome to the forum Dave, always nice to see a new face :D
  12. Alright, I tried downloading the trial, but the copy I downloaded was only available in Japanese and since I have no ability to read Japanese I couldn't use it. I was looking foreward to using it but fate worked against me. Anyway, I was curious if any one here has used it? What did you think about it? I had an idea for a Red Dwarf fan game in the style of Lost Vikings. I though it would be pretty funny. I've also tried work with Stencyl to make it, but didn't have the time to devote to that project when I first got the program.
  13. lolz, I like that, I think I'll do the same for the same reasons :P Welcome to GDU Sagat, I hope to see some of your work :D
  14. Hey Rage, good to have you back. I only remember you breifly before your dissapearance, and I did my own vanishing act between for a little while. I've looked into Unity3d, but never really got into it as much as I did for RPGmaker, but yeah it woul dbe nice to see a few tuts on it to start rounding out the folders here at GDU.
  15. Hey guys, the links are broken in this, Just thought you might want to fix it Every time i try to download this from the file manager i just get redirrected to the main forum page. could you guys fix this cause i was hopeing to get a copy.
  16. Alright, here are my suggestions. Dragon Warrior 4/Dragon Quest 4 - RPG Lufia 2 - RPG/ Puzzler Ramancing Saga 3 - RPG Monkey Island - Puzzler Super Metroid - Platformer Castlevania - Platformer I would have added Final Fantasy games, but then again they are over done as far as fan games go. My vote would be a Lufia 2 contest :D I love that game
  17. lol I loved Maniac Mansion :D but my favorite was Day of the Tenticle. Yeah, that sounds like a fun contest. Maybe we could come up with a few ideas for the theme and vote on the best one?
  18. my guess would be when they transfered domains, the urls would still be looking for the old addresses because unlike the site/forum itself which only use the upper part of a URl to find the image ( /graphics/smily.gif) the links in the pages themselves are full links (http:\\www.rmxp.com/blah.gif) and since the old domain doesn't exist any more they are dead links. if you changed first part of the site with www.gdunlimited.net you might still be able to find the old pictures. but that might take a bit of digging.
  19. Well if I were you I wouldn't make the theme too complicated, but Retro Remix with a Set Title does sound a bit fun. I love using retro graphics and game play, they may not too as nice as some other stuff but they were very effective doing what they needed to do.
  20. dolarmak

    Transfering an npc

    that seems more complicated than it should be, but back in the day you didn't have such a spiffy feature, you needed to copy the event from one map to the other (or from one part of the map to the other) and either get the timing down, or just ignore timing cause it wasn't that big a deal lol. I've only started playing around with RMXP but small changes like this are kinda funny since i'm sooooo used to doing it the RM2k method :P
  21. It seemes to me like you haven't decided on what you want Darkness. Until then you should wait for this request cause it'll take quiet a bit of coding on the programers part and if you change your mind after it would have been a waist of time. Also it's a bit much to want every battle to do something different, especially with something that does so little in a game and requires a lot of effort. Why not just stick with the regular fade for enemies and if you want a special one for bosses then use it there. And if you really want that many different 'death fades' in your game, you should try to program it yourself to understand the trouble over such a trivial aspect of a game.
  22. I haven't been playing many games as of late, been more on a movie kick. Oblivion (Replay/Finish the few quest I forgot to do, mainly the Shivering Iles.) Skyrim Secret of the Stars (Snes, Never actually beat this game which was bugging me) Breath of Fire 2 (Replay) Lufia 2 (Replay)
  23. I guess it really depends on what you want. There are some people who want to do a full Giant map, thats their thing. Now it's easier for them. Looks nice, will have to try it myself.
  24. EDIT: I realized a few things to help with this so I edited it. It's a bit more complicated than before. Like I said before you need to get away from the switches. This kinda of thing is a bit too complicated for them to be used easily.. ----------- Common Event "Day/Night Timer" Trigger= "Parallel" Condition Switch= "0001:Timer Active" Comment: ---Day/Night Control Timer--- This timer will be the day night cycle Control Variables: [0001: Day/Night Timer] += 1 Wait: 10 Frames Comment:----Day Reset---- This will Reset the timer to '0' when a 24 hour cycle has passed Conditional Branch: Variable [0001: Day/Night Timer] == 60 (or how ever long you want the say to be) - - Contrle Variable: [0001: Day/Night Timer] == 0 : Branch End Comment: ----Inside Building----- This is for if character is inside a building, the timer is still on, but the screen tones don't change Conditional Branch: Switch [0002: Inside, Time ON] ==Off - - Comment:------Time of Day (ex Midnight)----- Add more for each time of Day - - Conditional Branch: Variable [0001: Day/Night Timer] == 0 - - - -Change Screen Color Tone: (-100,-100,0,125), @20 - - : Branch End : Branch End Comment: ------Day/Night Hud-------- Add more for each time of Day Conditional Branch: Variable [0001: Day/Night Timer] == 0 - - Show Picture: 1, 'Day/night Picture' Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal - - Control Switch: [0004:Midnight] = ON : Branch End Make a new Common Event for this Common Event "Find the Time of Day" Trigger= "Parallel" Condition Switch= "0003:Find the Time of Day" Comment: -----Find Time of Day----- If character exits a building where the Screen Tone was disabled Conditional Branch: Switch [0004: Midnight]= On - - Change Screen Color Tone: (-100,-100,0,125), @20 : Branch End Control Switch: [0003:Find Time of Day] = Off ------------------------------ Repeat the 'Time of Day' section for each time you need, just change the screen tone to fit your time, And the Hud section for each picture you have. The picture for your Day/Night Hud should show up on the map transfers, and the hue/color tone changes should stick too. And if you want to stop the timer for like entering a town to keep the time of day, simply turn off the 'Timer Active' switch in the same event that transfers the player to the next map. Then on exiting the town simply turn it back on. Also this will effectly turn all maps to the tone you set. So if you want the tone to return to normal for a house with lights on for example you need to stop the timer and manually set the screen tone when they enter the room. If you want the timer to keep running but the screen tone to stay the same while inside a building, Set the "Inside Timer ON" switch on, and the timer will keep rolling, but the screen tones wont change. I also set your Hud outside this branch so that if they are inside, the timer is still running and they will still notice the time change on the Hud. When exiting a building that disabled the screen tones, turn on the switch 'Find time of Day' and the script will set the screen tone to the right tone. It will turn the switch off automatically. Let me know if you need more help.
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