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Everything posted by dolarmak

  1. the problem is that New Zealand isn't the only ones trying to make the US and inturn the 1% happy. Canada is the same boat and things have been shakey here for some time. The problem stems with the levels of corruption being so high that people are afraid to voice their opinions now and that the world governments are too afraid to lose the money in their pockets. Unfortunatly we'd all need a world revolution, turning over those governments to see any difference. Force the big companies to pay for their crimes and hold them accountable for everything they do. It's a big job.
  2. lol those are too mmo for here my friend.
  3. yeah welcome to GDU Danny T. :P Don't worry, they don't bite...much.
  4. you'll just have to accept that some people have issues with revieling their personal property to strangers. Honestly you can judge the game without looking at the base files, there is no need to look at the sprite sheets/tile sets. You can judge their awesomeness just by how well they work in game. I'm tempted to join in but I haven't done a game in a while and am unsure how far i'd be able to take it.
  5. thats actually interesting to me. I'll have to look it up too
  6. dolarmak


    how many frames for walking is your character? You realize that RPGmaker standard animation for sprites is only 4 frames?
  7. I'm not saying consoles are dead, I'm saying that they are starting to dig their own graves. They'll still have a few good years on top, but their focus as Media centres rather than game platforms was a bad choice. I'm not the only one out there that sees it, predictions from the top agencies world wide have told Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo that it was a bad choice to focus on the media centre thing when the TVs their connected to have all the social apps the consoles do, Why buy a console when your tv does the same thing? Though Nintendo will probably have an edge on the others cause their focus isn't entirely on that and still very much on games, which is why they'll probably last longest. I think I really got off topic tho. Thats actually an interesting thing, cause I think you'll be right about the HTML5 based games. But the fact that you'll be able to play them on your phone/portable device is huge. And with the fact that TVs can now browse the net, this will once again be a big blow to consoles. Again, why buy a console when your TV and Phone can do it and more?
  8. I think you're wrong about that, seeing as the mobile game market makes millions on the simple 2D games. The market is now for complex games with simple applications that are easy to learn but hard to master. Its all about how fun these games are. Once you forget that you're supposed to be a hardcore gamer (As I am) these games become fun and addictive. I believe we as a gamer culture shun these games cause we're afraid that they will destroy the progress we have made over the last 30 years, but getting a larger audience actually helps bring things foreward. You don't see the film industry shying back from the B movies and silly childrens stuff simply cause the hardcore Movie Enthusiest doesn't think they're worth the effort. These things help bring out the gamer in every one and it's necessary for the "Hardcore" gaming comunity to embrase them cause the next wave of games will be for them. Also FB games are trending out. Games like FarmVille and Cityville are dieing, as it shows on the company's sales records. Add to the fact that they're getting sued doesn't help but thats a different problem. Over the last 10 years sales for PC games has dropped over 50% in light of the powerful new consoles. You may not realize it but that shut down a lot of developers, as well as stopping them from porting games that were put on consoles. This is just looking at the numbers and big developers don't want to make PC games cause they are a risk. This is killing the PC game market. Add the pirating issues and people complaing about always online single player modes to prevent theft(ex. Diable 3), people arn't buying as many PC games. Big name developers like Microsoft arn't seeing any reason to make games for PCs anymore. This has be rising over the last 2 years, but not really enough for the big guys to change their minds on the risk PC games have.
  9. To be honest I believe you're wrong. Consoles are a thing of the past. Right now they're trying to hard to become media centers and are losing the focus on games. Add on top of that the fact that TVs are gaining things like Twitter/Facebook and other programs and integrated systems, they will soon die off. Sure PCs are making a come back in that respect, but the fact that more and more people are on the run and have less time to stay home and portable gaming is on the rise. And with the rising power of miniturization and how powerful mobile phones and tablets are becoming it's a perfect place for games. I personally use my Android phone for tons of games, not just those 'Angry Birds' casual kinda games either. My phone has emulators for my favorite NES, SNES, GBA, Sega Genisis, not to mention the new games that I believe people will love. I'm for Mobile Gaming, and would like to see developers make more games for us 'hardcore' players. Sure there arn't many out there now, but with the increased demand they'll be following suit.
  10. The map looks fine if you're going for a pokemon/zelda look. Personally not my style, but it's not bad. You might want to adda few big trees every once in a while just to varrie the look a little.
  11. I'm not quiet sure what you mean by that? Usually the main villain is the first you see doing bad things cause the writers want you to know whom it is you're fighting against. This isn't an amature mistake, it's to insite player motivation. You see the same thing done in Professional writing, if the protaginest doesn't have a relatable reason to move foreward then the story stagnates. Using the main villain to push the protaginest foreward is usually the easiest way to convey that to the reader/player. I've done writing workshops in the past about making believable Heroes and Villains, I might post one here to help people out.
  12. my most seen cliche is the heroes who are destined to become great, ie the farm boy / city girl who have no training becoming the greatest power for good. It's also a problem with amature literature. It's a bad trope. It was one of the reasons I loved Final Fantasy 6 so much, cause most of the characters were trained soldiers/mercinaries, they did what they did cause that was who they were. also games that use the base RPGmaker base equipment/items/spells, it just shows a complete lack of orignality.
  13. well what is your site? the url? usually the reason you can't find you site on google is several reasons. 1st if you're using a free service provider like http://mysite.freesites.com its usually cause you didn't add any 'meta data' for the search engine to find the pages. it's a common mistake. 2nd, if you have your own domain it would be because you never added yourself to their index list. If you goto google.com they have a bunch of free resources for this. But it's upto the site manager (ie You) to get it done. It's not all automatic lol My advice is check this page out http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=34444
  14. I have been thinking about a Breath of Fire fan game for some time and I finally came up with some character art for the project. I've been toying with a few ideas for the game but so far I'm not sure if I'll do anything yet. either way these are just concept pictures, nothing set yet. I'm pretty happy with them any way. Probably some of the best work I've done. I'll try and clean up the pictures and color them soon.
  15. things are great here, looking forward to any new features you guys come out with.
  16. I know I didn't post much at the time, with work and my RPG maker project I didn't have a lot of time. I'll try and post a bit more if I can.
  17. dolarmak

    common event help

    Nah, you can do a lot in a single common event, as long as you get the sequence right everything should work fine. As for your hud, what are you useing?
  18. dolarmak

    common event help

    Yeah, a single common event would probably save you effort in figuring out your mistakes. My thoughts are you may have just forgot to turn off the switches at start up. Make sure the switches are all turned off at first cause they may cause conflicts when entering new maps. By using a single variable for the day/night you could avoid that issue. I'd also check out Day/night scripts that are available here on the site ( ForeverZer0's Climate and Time Script for example) to give you an idea of what to do. You should always remember to look up if the script exists first before making a post cause more often than not the script already exists. If you need more help I could even post an easy event script if you don't find anything you like on other sites if it's still giving you trouble. Just message me.
  19. I have to say Moonpearl, your always amazing me with your spiffy awesome scripts. It's looking really nice. And your easy install is awesome. If you guys are having trouble with the script and are getting errors, either another script is interfering with it, or you installed it wrong. I might just use this script for my next project, nice job!
  20. Okay, you need to fix the script on this thread so that the html works, cause it's all manners of f*ed up lol
  21. Hey guys, I've been on the site before a while ago and thought I sould check out the site again. So far of the dozen projects Ive been working on only 1 has actually seen a release which was ages ago. I don't even think you can find the orignal files for it any more. I've posted on here with a few mapping tuts but that was a while ago, donno if they're still here. Donno if I'll actually start or continue a project, but I've been thinking about it.
  22. Told you lol Anyway I found a way around it. one of the kind scripters of the pokemon essentials pack explained that they did infact add a multiple choice option, where you can put as many choices as needed. Aparently they prophetically knew i'd need it and made it before, it just wasn't advertised as a main function. eitherway this problem is solved for me.
  23. Pokemon essentials can be downloaded here
  24. No, it gives me an error as soon as I start up the game. Oh well looks like i need a new solution for that project.
  25. I guess the pokemon essentials pack is just too heavily modified for the script to work with it. upon starting the game up i get runtime errors and scrpt errors cause they are conflicting. Oh well, I still love the script and might use it in another game i'm thinking of.
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