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black mage

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Everything posted by black mage

  1. The AMS is Dubealex AMS R4 right? It works fine on me with both script used. Just checking, the window dissapeared after a few seconds right?
  2. Try this on script call : $popup = Window_Popup.new("Test", 400, "001-Weapon01.png") Test is the text that should appeared. 400 is the window widht. 001-Weapon01.png is the icon that'll showed up at the beginning of the message. You can leave the icon empty.
  3. I think you can write a special message window script for that. The one that just showed a window and text, without needing an actual input from the player. You can look at my Popup Window Script, and begin your work from there. I think it only need some adjustment. Popup WIndow Script
  4. You can achieve this using Dubealex message script. Have the item named like "Sword of \n[n]", and you can call in in text using \v[in], with n in the square brackets being replaced with the appropriate number of heroes and items in the database. EDIT. On a second though, it'll appear only in a message. The one that you want is to have it appeared on the menus and item description, right? Let's see if I can find something. EDIT 2. I think you're gonna need to write a script on that, for each window that you want to have the shortcut replaced into stored name in current database. All that I've heard is only a script for message windows, haven't heard any for items and menus. But, yeah, it still possible to do that. The way to achieve that for message window is already posted by Heretic. You can apply the same method for other window script.
  5. Hello Cat. Welcome to GDU. I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
  6. Maybe you can learn from Interpreter 5 in the default script. There are some method for moving and rotating pictures and other functions.
  7. Better than banning everyone 'cept Phrono. I'd go with banning Phrono though. :shifty:
  8. Looks like the state inflicted conditional branch doesn't work on the battle event. Try putting it on the common event instead. It works for me.
  9. I was managed to change skill by calling an common event via battle event pages. I think using change skill command via battle event pages are working too. Maybe there's something wrong with your calling condition. :)
  10. I think you can just choose one whichever you prefers, and explain that it works on another engine as well.
  11. Well, I just love to see works done by someone. Sometimes it give me inspirations or motivations. :p Anyway, good luck on your game. :)
  12. Welcome to GDU, uh... red flashy guy... uh... Phrono. I see that you're a Graphic Designer. Mind to share some with us? :)
  13. Yeah, the script is not your average script. It requires some degree of struggle on writing scripts via trial and error. It's a module anyway. The script should be written in another script as a method and then you can call it via script call. I'll tried my best to explain if there's still question, but don't expect much since I to unfamiliar with this script. Still, learning for helping people isn't bad. :p
  14. There is this : http://rpgmaker.net/scripts/258/ It was submitted in script for RMVXA, but by the description, it's safe to say that it'll work on RMVX and RMXP. Hope this helps. :)
  15. Reporting. Hide logo for game pages doesn't seems to work. I put the setting to hide but it still appear in top-left of my game pages.
  16. Reporting. I think you broke the download button. I can't download my games at all, and yesterday it went just fine. Instead of downloading, it gives me an error like this :
  17. The one that bob use is for RMXP. Since I'm not sure that it'll work on VXA, I'm doing my own search. http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/12030-switching-party-members/ I think the second post is all what you need to read for scripts, or do you prefer to do it with event commands?
  18. I'd like to have Graphics Artist and other title similar like that to be added to the category on Credits & Thanks section. AFAIK there's none for graphics artist, and I need to credit some of them for my games.
  19. if @timer > 0 @timer -= 1 else something happened that trigger the script. end Something like that, perhaps? I'm not sure myself, but I think that's how it'll works.
  20. You can use Conditional Branches, Switches, Variables, Event Pages or combination of them.
  21. Welcome to da house. Good luck on your game. Don't afraid to ask if something goes wrong. :)
  22. It appears that you've deleted the action for sequence "MULTI_ATTACK_RAND" from your script. This action are linked with skill number 89, which is "Thunder". This is linked by default, so I assumed you changed the skill no 89 to something else. Btw, there's another skill that got linked out with another sequence, but I'll leave that for you to cover that, since it won't hurt at all, I think. So, apparently, the error appears when someone is casting "Thunder". Because when the thunder is casted, it call the action sequence named "MULTI_ATTACK_RAND", which I believe you have it deleted, thus an error appears. You can fix this simply by commenting or deleting this two line from "SBS Config" script. when 89 < #About line 1531 return "MULTI_ATTACK_RAND" Hope this solve your problem.
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