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Jon Bon

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Everything posted by Jon Bon

  1. Nope, definitely not in reference to your post. I read it, and nothing struck me as off. EDIT: Reread it and, yeah you used it totally correct. Purely coincidence. Your post is also very well put together, with spoilers etc, an excellent example of a project thread.
  2. Please answer the poll before reading the thread. Introduction Too many people and game developers(yes even commercial ones) mislabel their product, with demo, trial or beta, depending on what they wanted. If you are a PSN member then you have likely downloaded a Beta version of something that had no user feedback options, or bug reporting features, nor a forums to support such options, in other words it wasn't a test at all and just a trial version. The same goes with demos, I have downloaded games that say demo, only to be booted out after an hour of play, which is by definition a trial release. This type of confusion is ridiculous, it is far from difficult to understand the meaning of this terms, and assign the correct one. So I write this to encourage independent developers to use these terms correctly, as well as give everyone a better understanding of their true meanings. Alpha Version (1)(2) The first version of your game ready for testing. Likely done closed, and not public. Likely done to software that has the majority of its features complete, or done to feature complete sections of software. Beta Version(1)(2)(3) Second round of testing done to full feature incorporated software (near if not complete). Can be made public. Is always the last round of testing before official release is considered. Further testing is simply a second round of beta testing. Demo(1) Short for demonstration, this one should be self explanatory. A demo is a complete (likely small compared to the complete product) version of your software. Demos are used to show your work to prospective users. Demos are normally released after the entire product is complete or near completion, and generally when at least a release date has been given. These are primarily used to generate hype and get basic user feedback from the intended user base. Trial(1) A full and complete but limited version of your product. Normally limited by time or amount of use. These serve the purpose of allowing your user base to do everything they want with the product, but inevitably still require to buy it for complete and unrestricted use. Conclusion Properly identifying and labeling products is extremely important when it comes to reaching your intended target audience and keeping them properly informed. Even if your product is free upon release, it doesn't mean you want your user base to be confused about your products intended use, or limitations. Proper terminology is extremely important in any setting, it leaves little room for error and misinterpretation. Whether you are releasing a game for free, for pay, or just for fun, you are still part of an industry that has terms with standard definitions, why not use them, and properly? The pro's do things a certain way for a reason, because it's proven to work. That doesn't mean there isn't a better way, it just means there is already an effective way. If you would like to read more on the basic release cycle of software, check this Wikipedia link out as it covers it rather nicely. http://en.wikipedia....ease_life_cycle
  3. Foxkit, you are describing fan boys. They jump from one product to another, whatever is new and hot, until they find their 'WoW' or 'CoD'. Then anything else similar that comes out is never better then their little slice of life. These people do not represent the heart of the community of gaming, they are simply the bread and butter, the people who pay the bills. What you are describing is the action of immature, likely young, people, who have yet to grow up and experience the world for themselves. Those same people likely never try new foods, or anything different in life for that matter. It's a phase most grow out of, and because the gaming world is mostly filled with 12 year olds, since they have the most free time, then you run into this attitude more often then not, because they aren't mature yet. It's your job as a properly informed and mature individual to attempt to persuade everyone else to a broader outlook on life, as is the burden of intelligence.
  4. I disagree with the graphics debate, since graphics can be added to any engine and rights sold separately. I do however get the ease of use as a selling point. Well you are definitely inforned, and to be honest, I am not hung up on XP, although I do know XP is capable o everything you listed and more, there is no reason one can't use xp to make a game as simple as rm2k3, much like playstation mini games, are nes quality but sold on the psn. I like how ya compared ff6 since that is the main influence and inpiration for my rmxp game. With all that said, I think this would benefit people. Sort of a training wheels for game making. I am working on a production company and I can completely understand the need for an entry level game engine. I needed to check and make sure it was different though, and easier is different. In any event this is what sold me. "Sure, if there's a demand, we won't mind doing this. We'd make a bit back off our older programs that could be used to fuel the newer projects." If there is a market for it, and will be a positive gain, then yeah, I agree, and have now signed the petition.
  5. Hmmm, I get it. May I ask which engine you choose over the maker series? I think it might be relevant to the conversation as a basis of comparison.
  6. Wow, did you just compare the difference between two game systems to the difference between two game making engines? Game engines make games, consoles play them. An nes can be another option to a wii because they are different, an engine is used to make something and an upgraded version of it can be entirely better in every way, but it's not automatic there for discussion worthy. We aren't comparing two different types of chairs(game consoles), but rather, the machine that makes the chair(game engine) in a loose sense. If the two chair making machines are different and one isn't superior to the other, then both are an option, as it can potentially be with some engine choices. On the other hand if one chair making machine(game engine) clearly makes better chairs in every aspect, why bother using the older model? Comparing NES and Wii is like comparing a stool to a wingback chair, they both serve the purpose they were intended to. Comparing two game engines is like comparing two factory machines, one can clearly be better/more efficient, so it is worth discussion, and is less about preference which is what comparing two game consoles is about. I am not going to throw away my signature and tell a company to work on something that isn't useful to anyone, nor did/do I plan to sign something before being properly informed, which is why I asked questions.
  7. broke my keyboard, likely be away till I can get one that works properly. Till monday likely.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      ummm, on screen keyboard, voice to type, I have two computers, I do have a back up keyboard which is what I am using but it is 4 my playstation and two letter keys don't work. So it's a pain, I ctrl+v every 'u' and I just don't use the consonant. I did however think a three options, at the top o' my head.

    2. kellessdee


      YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE RMXPU rrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........

    3. Jon Bon
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  8. Thank you very much for that informative post Kell. Would you think that RMVXA is a complete improvement to the way RMXP works? I realize it has the same amount of layers, but they force you to put images on certain layers. When I use RMXP I am constantly having to put layer 2 stuff (non floor) on layer 1 simply because I need more layers and always try to hold out on the event layer, specifically for like dense forest, where you can't see the ground, so you just put the correct tile as ground so they all display properly. If my layer 2 stuff is always layer 2 doesn't that limit me a whole bunch? I have only used RMVX, but my understanding is that the tile layout and layer separation were the same.
  9. By 'doll' you mean animatronic robot right? Because it moves, and speaks, and has very basic reasoning in it's early prototype phase. Theorize if they were so realistic you couldn't tell the difference, why wouldn't it be a permanent alternative to human trafficking? How are realistic robots in 38 years (companies estimated public release date) hard to fathom? Even if it cut down on violent crimes by a fraction of a percent, that's enough to justify it's creation for me. which is all I am doing.
  10. Great job on activity and friendly nature. Everyone is being really helpful, I love it. Keep it up everyone!

  11. If you answer these questions, I can almost guaranteed find the cause of your problem, which is the first step to solving it. Is Dazzle hardware or software? If hardware, how does it connect to your PC/TV, what kind of cord, A/V, Component, HD Cable, etc. Explain to me what the purpose of Dazzle is, explain it to me like you are telling me how you set the whole thing up. What exact purpose does the secondary capturing program you need function as? You mentioned playing console games, where does this factor in? Is a real life console hooked up somewhere in this equation? I reserve the right to ask follow up questions based on the answers you provide. If you answer the questions properly, there should likely be no need. how can you expect me to help you If you aren't willing to give me the information I need to solve your problem (which I am confident I can, at bare minimum, progress you to the point where you can solve it your self with the information I ascertain). I believe the issue can be solved by changing a setting somewhere to allow for better resolution, but I need a better understanding how you are using these different components, which you should be able to explain to me in a matter of minutes, versus my hours of research. Help me to help you.
  12. The only value I can see in this is the legal use of the RTP, which in theory they could just sell separately for a small fee. Now just because I don't see the value, doesn't mean there isn't any, and I would actually like to ask a few questions, to better determine whether this is in fact a good idea or not. I assume EB is enterbrain. 1. In your opinion, is RM2k3 better, or different enough from RMXP to necessitate it's release? 2. Do you think rm2k3 can make anything that RMXP or further generations of the engine can not achieve? 3. Would there not be logic behind them not planning to translate it originally, or do you think they just weren't sure about market viability? If 1 and 2 are answered with yes, then yeah I would vote for an English release. But there has to be a reason to use this engine over others made by the same company, even if it's merely the lower cpu requirements.
  13. Agreed, a person who is trafficked CAN become a prostitute but it's not automatic, in other words not all trafficked humans for sex become prostitutes. Being forced to be a prostitute is not human trafficking, it's forced prostitution, it's only trafficking if the person is sold permanently at any point. You can be a victim of both however. A person who is captured and forced to be a prostitute is not a victim of human trafficking until they are sold permanently to one person, if that person then pimps them out, then yes they are then a prostitute, but only if they have sex with multiple partners, if they have sex with the same person unwillingly they are just a sex slave and not a prostitute. The definitions of these words ARE black and white, they define certain circumstances which can clearly by outlined and given a title based on the words original creation and intent, as is the purpose of words and terms. But of course they are equally non mutually exclusive as they are not conjoined terms. Trafficking(trade)=permanent acquisition of a commodity (object/person) Prostitution(service)= a repeat service provided to multiple people The robots are far from lifeless (as you would know if you read the article), they currently react to touch and speak based on spoken commands and someone at the expo was quoted to say "it has life like skin". It is also a prototype that is expected to hit consumers by 2050. I am pretty sure in the next 38 years it will be FAR more realistic then it is now. And when I talk hypothetically about it's release I am of course referring to their expected release date. But just so we are clear, this is not a static doll, it is a fully interactive robot that's purpose is to emulate life to the utmost capabilities of current science and technology. There is no reason why they can't scream, struggle, or even bleed, as blood curdling as it is to imagine. Sex trafficking is part of human trafficking, which has other sub categories too, like organ harvesting, slave labor, etc. Again, yes a victim of human trafficking can become a prostitute but its not automatic, the two words are exclusive in their definitions but can pertain to the same person. Any further and we are talking in circles, I am done discussing this as I clearly understand the definitions of these words and their pertinence to different circumstances, the difference in the terms may be subtle but it's there. I am stating nothing other then the clear definitions of these two different words/terms, as stated by the world wide recognized authority on English language and it's definitions. If you choose to believe these words have different definitions then they truly do, then there is nothing I can do to change that.
  14. I can't think of anything just yet, but I intend to. I do have an idea for you however. Take a look at some of the scripts and eventing systems for xp, and just by the name/idea of them make your own. You don't even need to grab the script, just the name and concept should be enough to try on your own. In the mean time I will try and think of something relatively simple.
  15. Websters Merriam dictionary clearly defines prostitution as; "the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money" Promiscuous: "not restricted to one sexual partner" People are not forced to sell their bodies. Their bodies are sold for them. It is not the same as prostitution, it is the same as slavery. Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking, not prostitution. Prostitution= Sex worker gets money, works multiple jobs. Sex Trafficking= Slave is sold permanently as a possession to someone, looses all their rights and is never paid. Dolls would change something, because dolls can be programmed, sick and twisted individuals will be able to use dolls that simulate life. They could then legally perform whatever heinous acts they want for a fraction of the price, because the robots are aiming to retail for $7000, much cheaper then a human slave. Agreed not every crazy sadistic psycho is going to use a robot versus a human, but it would definitely help cut down the number.
  16. No, you are missing the point. People kidnap young children, foreign visiting women, and other unsuspecting victims, drug them up, and sell them as permanent human slaves used for sex and murder. That is not prostitution. The reason people are able to do this, is because there is a market for it, in other words, people are buying so people are selling. If there were dolls that were more life like, say like a robot, maybe these crazy and sick individuals will buy these dolls for a fraction of the price as a human slave. That is what I am talking about. EDIT: I am more then for the legalization and organization of prostitution and brothels, however that is not what I am talking about. Can we get this moved to mature debate and discussion please?
  17. "I'm using it to play my games (and when I feel like it, recording them) on here...that's pretty much it." What 'games' pc, console, wii, nintendo 64, atari? What's a 'here', "I don't know what else to say...when you go into 16:9 mode with whatever program." What do you mean 'whatever program' I don't understand. You are using way too many vague terms mate. Explain to me the entire setup. Where does dazzle hookup to, what are you using, like you are giving me so little information, I still don't understand what you are doing. Assume I know nothing, because do know nothing, and explain it to me from the ground up like you are trying to sell me something.
  18. Your first post says nothing about capturing game console picture, it talks more about computers. I still don't know what kind of software you are looking for. What purpose would the software serve, like why do you need it? Are you trying to view the file that dazzle creates and puts onto your computer? Maybe if you better explained the purpose of Dazzle and exactly what you are trying to do without giving examples of other programs. Just say in laments terms what you are trying to achieve. This problems seems solvable, but I don't have enough information.
  19. I saw the reference to Dazzle, and thought the same thing. I actually had to google Dazzle, I like how you assumed everyone in the whole world knows what a Dazzle is. I still am not even 100% clear what you are even trying to achieve. But if you are using an official product, I don't see why you aren't using their customer support.
  20. Sex trafficking is when people are captured and sold into sex slavery. it is not the same as prostitution and is MUCH worse. This may all be true, but I still don't see anywhere that the robot was developed by a university. Also, the article in question actually cites someone refrencing Australia and not New Zealand. I read the article and researched the topic, did anyone else?
  21. Yeah that's the movie. Off topic I don't understand how your taxes paid for a university research program. Is the university in question a public organization like a public school? Because most universities are not run by the government. I mean sure they qualify for tax breaks, and grants etc. But let's be clear, the government does not build universities, unless it is clearly a public university which are generally not research institutes. Which brings me to my next point. A university is a vague term, and can define a research institute or an educational center. On top of that, I read the article and researched into it further, it was developed by a company called true companion. I have no idea where anyone got the idea an educational institute was developing this, but they are not. It's just one man with the knowledge and the free will to do so. All the more power to him. Also the reason it is directed at Amsterdam is because they have issues with sexual exploitation and this product could help with that. On top of that the robot would cut back on sexual trafficking, and sexually transmitted disease. I don't see whats wrong with a research department in one country trying to solve a problem for another. We live on one planet, the lines we divide ourselves with are fake and temporary. Wouldn't it be nice to think the rest of the world is a safe as say New Zealand or Canada is, and if intellectual people from there can help achieve that, why not? Do you suggest New Zealand researchers only look into stuff that directly effects New Zealand? Because as an educated person that sounds silly to me. That also sounds like a breach of free will.
  22. It's not free, but it does have a 30 trial with I believe no limitations. Camtasia if by far the best program I have ever used, it costs an arm and a leg, but it comes with everything you need. Depending on how long term you need a program I would suggest looking into it. I have yet to try camstudio, but if pol suggests it, I intend to look into it.
  23. So as far as flags and such, would all the trees, buildings etc, have fake 3D still, would you still be able to walk behind everything like normal? How does that work exactly with the different layers? Still seems limiting. The whole forced separate layers thing is a broken method.
  24. I don't know if you are aware, but governments are run like a business to the extent that they actually invest money into things, like inventions, products, research etc. in the hopes to get a return much like a normal investment. The money that went towards this was not taken from the education, or roads, as those are completely separate departments with their own budgets. As far as flying cars go, a government will likely never be responsible for that invention as an automotive corporation is likely to be credited for that invention, as well as fund it entirely themselves to keep the rights. Keeping sports open? I haven't heard of any civilized place that is loosing sports before arts and music, they need more funding long before sports does. This is the way I look at it. The world is not filled with the same type of people, no matter what way you look at it, we will never all agree. I admit I am not the type of person to use a sex doll of any kind, robotic or otherwise made. But on the same note, I see the value in it. I like to think that the only people who would use the doll and never end up procreating are the exact kind of people we don't want to procreate in this world anyway. I would also have to assume it would cut down drastically on rape, and other sexually violent related crimes. In any case I think everyone can admit this product will sell like hot cakes, as the synthetic sex dolls do now. So which ever entity invents sex robots stands to profit immensely from this. What does that money turn into if the government invents it? Schools, roads, space programs etc. I don't agree with the product, but from an investment stand point, it's genius, they stand to make tons of cash if it all pans out. Sure we could find something better to invent as a society, but why does that fall on the governments shoulders? Their job is to keep things running, it's our job to improve it. I strongly suggest you watch a movie called 'Idiocracy' it's made by Mike Judge, the guy from Beavis and Butthead, Office space, Airheads etc. The premise of the movie is; 'how will the world progress at it's current rate'. It is by far my all time favorite movie, and I reference it almost daily, and can constantly cite examples as they would relate to today and how we act. If there were sex dolls in that reality, we may have done a little better for a little longer. Anyhow watch that movie and near the beginning when it's doing a montage into the future, think about the sports guy that fathers umpteen children, would it have been as many if there were robotic sex dolls? I choose to believe we will have a future much like that one(in Idiocracy), and with robotic sex dolls to appease the idiots, the intellectuals can get to work on the real inventions.
  25. I put more thought into this. If you end up with a large game there is no reason why you can't look into using torrents, or other data packet systems, or even a downloader program with pausing ability. This would solve any issues anyone has with file size as they would be able to pause and continue their download as needed. I would think this is a more realistic method for distribution of larger games, rather then putting an overall cap on game creation size.
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