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Jon Bon

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Everything posted by Jon Bon

  1. Here is a teaser of Uranus. Let me know if you like it and I'll keep going and finish it up.
  2. I have added detail to the medallion, now is the last chance to specify any look desired, or alterations etc. Each unique aspect of the image is created on a separate layer, so you can request any level of change needed. Here is a link to the picture which I uploaded to deviantart. http://jonbonium.deviantart.com/#/d4vy9xq Here is the picture below, for everyone else who can see it fine. As far as what is left, I still have to add some more 'shading' in the effect of tarnish, and a shine probably, and of course the 'spin' animation which is simple.
  3. I think this is what you are looking for? The Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP, works really well, and should have more than what you need. Make sure to take a couple days and read through the setup.
  4. Hey thanks. I have actually had this concept in my head for a while, and it is in fact highly based off of an animated television series from my youth called Reboot. Thanks, this project is literally oozing out of me. I can't help but keep creating stuff. I have officially put everything else, other then requested work, on hold and am going to finish this as a top priority. Update: I think I am going to go with a general RTP style for the sprites/character graphics in the game, drawing and editing as needed. below are some concept sprites of the main characters. Keep in mind these are concept and incomplete in every aspect. ~RMXPU~ ~Degradation~ ~Malintesa~ I have also been thinking about a graphical style for the tileset, and I keep envisioning and leaning towards an Earthbound (Snes game) type style. So I decided to grab some screenshots of the game, and draw some concept stuff over top. Check the screenshot below of a basic, non shaded, street, house with door and windows. Opinions needed, keep in mind this is concept and not remotely finished in being drawn.
  5. What about the 'fair use' aspects of US copy right? Also known as 'fair dealing' to the Common Wealth countries. It operates with four determining factors. Purpose and Characters - "The first factor is regarding whether the use in question helps fulfill the intention of copyright law to stimulate creativity for the enrichment of the general public, or whether it aims to only 'supersede the objects' of the original for reasons of personal profit" Nature of copied work - "Although the Supreme Court of The United States has ruled that the availability of copyright protection should not depend on the artistic quality or merit of a work, fair use analyses consider certain aspects of the work to be relevant, such as whether it is fictional or non-fictional." Amount of substantiality - "The third factor assesses the quantity or percentage of the original copyrighted work that has been imported into the new work. In general, the less that is used in relation to the whole" Effect upon work's value - "The fourth factor measures the effect that the allegedly infringing use has had on the copyright owner's ability to exploit his or her original work. The court not only investigates whether the defendant's specific use of the work has significantly harmed the copyright owner's market, but also whether such uses in general, if widespread, would harm the potential market of the original." There is now a some what fifth category, which is a sort of guilt by association. If your product is a on legit site, it is likely considered honest, where as if it is part of a pirate site that is held against you. Examples of fair use in commercial media, The song Barbie, from the band Aqua, MANY animated series doing parodies on other characters (to the extent where their animators completely redraws exact duplicates of the copy righted material), Stephen Kings the Dark Tower book series, borrows many aspects from popular fiction. If one is to read and fully understand the above 4 parameters, then it is clear that MOST fan made games, do not automatically fall under infringement, but COULD, depending on what the fan does with the original license, and how much new content they add, and of course they can not sell the game. It is also important to note that the 'fair use' law is not a protection from being sued for infringement but is in fact a form of defense for if it happens. It is also important to mention that fair use is taken as a case by case scenario rather then a blanket law. For further information you may visit the Stanford Universities website, from which I fact checked this information. Then there are things like the Audio Home Recording Act, which allows the public to release media (non previously copyrighted) and sell it using Tapes/Discs. Since if you were to buy a blank tape/disc and sell it to someone that was technically copyright infringement because the original company owns the rights to the medium(Tape/Disc) you are selling. EDIT: Using others material in your work could also instantly become Piracy. As you mentioned including music that is required to be paid for to listen to, if that is included in your work, people can in theory download your game/media in order to solely listen to the music. This turns the product into piracy. Piracy is a form/type of theft/stealing, like plagiarism is also a form/type of theft/stealing, not something completely different. Much like man slaughter and homicide are both types of murders, not different than a murder, just a sub category (type). Webster's Merriam Dictionary clearly defines piracy as it pertains to this conversations as: "the unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright". A good rule of thumb of any 'law' is no victim, no crime. In the case of 'victimless crimes' as some people like to fabricate, the victim is always society.
  6. I totally agree, but at the same time like using the RTP myself. I think using the RTP is fine, but the stuff should at the very least be colored different, and edited etc. Straight stock RTP stuff, yeah, I definitely can't play an RPG using any of the first 30 sprites as a hero unaltered. But I really like the style, and think I'll probably be using it for a while. Also im a bit biased because I am trying to make a pack so the RTP is more versatile to prevent people automatically feeling like they have seen it before, type thing.
  7. Awesome, I thought so, but had to be sure. The Zelda sprites I am editing are to fit in an RMXP type size, ~32x48, If you want to take a look at the enemies I have, Zelda is there too, I would be happy to try and make some into Minkoffs for your game. I figure if you like the way the look is going, you can request which ever characters or enemies you need made into a Minkoff. In other words, if you're interesed I would love to do some sprite work for your project. http://zeldaengine.net/thread-121.html
  8. Agreed, I was thinking too, that maybe just having the light part of the hair higher up might make a huge difference too. If you edit it and keep posting here, I'll be more than happy to give as much help as I can.
  9. Excellent ideas, center empty is perfect, I didn't know what to do, elements order helps huge too, latin names is another really great idea. That has given me enough inspiration, even though you can't see it, I can go from what you have said already. I will do some edits, and find a more permanent way to get it to you.
  10. So were you able to download it with the second link? The second link is a zip file, not a photo. Here is an upload from photobucket. Keep in mind this is the rough draft, and the basic outline for what would be a detailed medallion etc, with designs relative to your coin, or common to coins and golden objects.
  11. No problem at all, first time this has happened, using this method. Here try this link.
  12. Thanks! EDIT: Watched the story. Was a little rough to begin, but all in all, it was pretty darn entertaining. I can only assume a ton of the stuff was inside jokes but I could be wrong. It actually had a pretty solid, and out there story to it, with some rather striking visual effects too. I definitely enjoyed it, and I can for sure make a magician/wizard in that type of a style for 'Ark'. Updates: I wrote a small bio for each staffer with a class. added a lore section to help give people a feel for the game added open character classes(duplicate themes are ok) so the Legends can pick from, or mix and match, get inspiration etc. Added an NPC's section for site members I want to include, and who ask to be included, all are welcome
  13. I thought the same thing, about the names thing, heh! Agreed, as I was writing them I became more partial to that one as well, changed the class accordingly.
  14. Ahh, yes I understand. I read cinematic too, just thought text for whatever reason. Yeah if its tangible, even better lol. Cool I look forward to it. Kinda funny, those three words well describe me too. I didn't expect such positive feedback, this is excellent. EDIT: @ Wyzrd, I added three potential class ideas for a Thief in that realm, let me know what you think, if you like one or any etc.
  15. Wow, heck yeah. I will definitely read through the complete unaltered version, sounds like it would be interesting to read. And if your character is clearly outlined that's a huge writing asset for sure. I would be honored to take a look. Excellent three words, thanks!
  16. Grats on the posts, heh. Fixed Leon to Lizzie, yeah I 'knew' that, but I didn't know what the score was. I am 'new' here so I want to be very careful not to step on any toes. Excellent, I am glad you would like a character included, Ark as well. All I really need is at least one general characteristic, think 7 dwarves, Happy, grumpy, quiet, mousey, loud, polite etc. That way I can write the dialogue with that in mind. Then I need, if desired, a character class type. Again think generic, so like ranger, archer, mage, necromancer etc, I will then adapt the theme/idea of that class into the theme of the world. As I said the sky is the limit, if someone makes their character all powerful and crazy awesome, that's totally okay, because they will just be them at max power aka max level, and I can scale down from there. The staffers can feel free to develop their characters as much or as little as they want, it's all about fun. EDIT: If the Legends feel comfortable with this idea, maybe each one can assign a different Legend to give them a personality trait, if they have trouble picking it themselves type thing.
  17. That's awesome, yeah if you are at that point, you are literally only a few months behind where I am, skill wise. I really suggest attempting the sprite, perspective is my bane too. The trick I use is I always keep the original for comparison as I create, and I have to zoom in and out TONS, that's the real key, what looks good/bad zoomed in, doesn't always look good/bad zoomed out. When in doubt, I always use others works as comparison. If I don't know how to draw something, I find a drawn example, and see how they did it then try it myself, or I look at a real world example and try to emulate, the angles, lines, shading etc. You are really close to being able to make pixel stuff, I suggest taking a look at the one I edited, zoomed in, and compare it to the unedited one. I made very minor changes on purpose so you could see the difference. 10 shades difference on the edges, is about the only change I made. As far as perspective goes, shading, and contrast are your best friends. Darker edges make things look like the middle which is lighter, stands out or is 3D, shading. When you have a dark color next to a light color, it make it appear to have solid lines around it but it doesn't, like the mouth I did above, only has a black line on the bottom, but appears to be lines on top, contrast. Keep 'frankenspriting' and smoothing edges out like in my example. In a month or so you will feel confident to draw and edit pieces on your own.
  18. Thanks. Kinda funny, those were the only people I didn't recognize from the forums. I got the names from this list; Google search: RMXPU Legends. The above list has been edited accordingly. Thanks! Pol, don't forget to create your character as well, skies more or less the limit, within reason. Since you two are the other more currently active staff, how do you think I should proceed to acquire their bios? That is the key pin on writing the middle part of the story, based on what kinda of characters they choose to develop. Wyzrd, issac and Emily have been active recently, so I would think they shouldn't be too hard to get opinions from if they choose to be involved, but the others I do not know about their 'reach-ability'.
  19. Which link? I tried the download link, and it worked fine for me.
  20. The more specific you are the better people can help, if you have an idea in your head then definitely try and describe it, ya know? Or at least state the ones you have seen etc and didn't like. Scary is a pretty vague term, I looked at the rmxp graphic and thought, well jeez this thing has eyes on it, teeth, tentacles coming out, and an arm with a palm eye reaching to pull me in, I don't know how much more 'scary' you can get. I was like the only way it could get more scary is if it had legs, lol. I think it is far scarier then the FF IX one, but I guess it's a matter of opinion. Anyhow, I am glad you found what you were looking for. -Cheers!
  21. Agreed I didn't like the eyes either, but I was stomach full, teeth floating, and tired as a mule last night before bed when I did that. Brought back into GIMP and just shaved the top off. Take a look. EDIT: Are you drawing the originals yourself?
  22. May I ask which engine you are using? I am making some Zelda sprites for another project that may suit your needs. I have yet to try working with minkoff stuff, but I would be interested in trying for this project, if it is still needed. I look forward to hearing back. -Cheers!
  23. Introduction I came up with an idea for a game based on this community. The inspiration for it comes from many different places, but after a few weeks of fiddling around with it, this is what I have. I thought it would be neat to include the community in a game, as well as make it with their input along the way. Take a look at what I have and let me know what you think. STORY SYNOPSIS Intro Story begins with the hero (you/player character) sitting at their computer searching the internet about indie gaming. Eventually finding the site RMXP Unlimited they click on the RMXPU Game button which sucks them into the digital game world. There the player character arrives in a strange new place only to be quickly attacked by Adbots. Thankfully a mysterious robot named RMXPU comes to the rescue. The hero finds out that this world is being attacked by the evil being known as Degradation, who is sending fake code, adbots, spambots and other mean baddies into the world to cause problems. RMXPU the robot and the hero meet up with a group of people known as the 'Staffers' they are charged with keeping the system stable and fighting off all bad things Degradation sends to attack the system. Inciting Incident The attacks on the system from degradation have gotten bad recently, and Marked (a Staffer) is trying to develop a 'data matrix' improvement for the system. The problem is they aren't sure if they will be able to fight back the attack in time for the invention to be made. On top of that, Marked isn't sure 'how' to implement it into the system he just knows it needs an upgrade, and is pretty sure this is it. The Staffers fear Degradation is planning something big, and now think that bringing the hero into this world, had something to do with it. Together they must find out what Degradation has planned and hopefully stop him in time to figure out how to upgrade the system which is falling apart due to Degradation's constant attacks. End -OMITTED- Villains/Enemies World/Lore Info Story/Party Characters ~Hero~ You, the main character of the main, protagonist numero uno. Create your character and choose; Name: Custom. Gender: Male, Female Age: Youth, Teen, Adult. Look: Skin, Hair, Clothing. Class: Undecided. ~RMXPU~ Class: Synth (Robot/Android) Traits: "Cryptic", "Friendly", "Helpful" Bio: The most advanced Synth anyone has ever seen, RMXPU has seemingly infinite functions, yet an unknown purpose. ~Marked~ Class: Tech Mind(Psychic)- The ability to commune with applications. Traits: "Leadership", "Burden of Intelligence" , Bio: Had a near deletion experience, and was mysteriously saved when believed to be wiped. Since then he has had a type of 1/6 sense that allows him to see inventions in his head without knowing what they are or what they're for, but having perfect knowledge on how to build them. He is believed to be partially linked with the system, and at times appears to know what it 'wants/needs'. ~Wyzrd~ Class: Code Lifter(Thief)- A sprite of subtly and cunning, able to gain access to almost anywhere, always aware of an opportunity, and able to come and go without being seen. Traits: "Tempermental", "Independent Thinker", "Confident" Bio: Ex-Malintesa operative, Wyzrd was the best Code Lifter for the next 3 systems, or the worst depending on how you looked at it. Eventually captured by the Staffers and given the choice to either conform, or be turned over to the IP Police, Wyz couldn't help but fight for the better for the system. ~Arkbennet~ Class: Script Bender(Magician) - Use data to cast a variety of offensive and defensive scripts aka spells) Traits: "Mischievous", "Spontaneous", "Quick-Witted" Bio: Odd recluse and recent new member to the Staffers, Ark comes from a long and distinguished line of Script Benders, although by the way he acts, you couldn't tell. His recent membership into the Staffers is due to his daily code stipend threaten to be cut off by his family unless he "does something with his life, other than spend all his time in that giant castle of his" as his base parents would say. ~EmilyAnnCoons~ Class: Energy Mender(Healer) - With the unique ability to convert Data into Energy, E. Menders are a rare class, and the traits as passed on through multiplication. Traits: "Blunt", "Aloof", "Sensual" Bio: ~Other Staffer~ Other story characters would include all Legend status RMXPU staff members. If you would like to be involved with your character creation as minimal as possible, I would only politely ask if you could give me, a basic theme for your character, ie: grumpy, polite, mousey, etc. a name for your character if different then your user name, and a description of your character if you choose. You may of course create as much of your character design as you want to. Lizzy issacsol Polraudio Kiriashi -Open Class Ideas/Names Sprite Fighter- 'Warrior' (combat using applications aka items) Binary Battler- 'Fighter/Monk' (combat using bare hand) Recompiler- 'Necromancer' (ability to use wiped code to form new applications and programs) Hyper Linker- 'Archer' (long range combat is your thing, equipped and trained to use the rare T.E.C.H. application) Packet Tracker- 'Ranger' (Ability to track and read sprites and programs, and at time viruses). Programmer- 'Pet Class' (Always has a faithful program at your side). Nano Smith- 'Bard' (Using nano bots in a variety of ways you can orchestrate many different results.) App Specialist- 'Spell Sword' (No one uses apps as well as you do, you can even embue them with energy from your being to deal bonus effects.) Anti-Troll- 'Beserker' ( Trolls, 3L337157's, and even Mad Bloggers, they all fear your raw power) Net Guard- 'Druid' (Your job is to mend and defend, you are a liaison to the IPP, and one is stationed in each system, for the protection of everyone's hopes and dreams) Pop Blogger- 'Enchanter/Mesmer' (everyone can't help but stop to listen to what you have to say, some even change the way they think after hearing it.) ~NPC's~ Gameplay Engine: RMXP Combat System: Undecided Graphical Style: Present-Futuristic Scripts: kellessdee Dynamic Lighting ForeverZer0 Battle Arena Enahnced Item Descripti Journal Lizzie S. Party Changing System Moonpearl Verbal Interaction System Pathfinder Baloon Messages Animated Custom Menu bigace Beastiary Herectic86 Caterpillar Addon System It will be a common 'top' down 2D RPG. Likely turn based combat, possibly live action. The playable characters will be chosen from before and after story events, and change the outcome of the events during the game based on who is in your party. The game is likely to be short, and intend for multiple plays through with the other characters, rather then one long play. The main character will likely be customizable. Community Involvement If you would like a Non Playable Character added into the game as a representation of yourself, or a fictional creation you made up, then you may request so here, and I will add you to a list for addition into the game. Make sure to add a name for your character if it's different then your user name here, and you may also add a desired description, and I will do my best to match it. You may also give/create your own sprite if desired for addition, unique creations only, nothing from other games. Names must be 'clean' regardless of your user name. If you wish to lend out with the project in any capacity you may do so as well, but there is no official recruitment thread yet, until the games finer points are decided. If you have a suggestion on what combat system is good to use, I am open to suggestions on that. The story from start to finish is written in stone, but anything in the middle is not. If you would like to suggest a side quest or story arc for mid plot then I am more than open. This project is officially on development hiatus. Thanks for reading!
  24. I think the problem is you have too much detail on the face when it's close up, and it gets distorted when shrunk. If you are making a rtp sprite size, so like 32x48 then you really only get like 30-50 pixels for the face, a good 1/3 of those are for shading around the checks, face sides, hair etc, and then you get like 6 pixels per eye. You have that many pixels to gain detail from, your face has way too much detail to be shrunk down that small. That awesome triangle nose, will likely be 1-3 pixels max. What you need to do is use your sweet colored big drawing and redraw it in a smaller version, keeping in mind you can not keep all the detail. The reason his face looks all 'derp' is because it's all blury because of the shrinking process. You can definitely use that technique to make the sprite, but you have to zoom in and manually fix the pixels afterwards. Also when shrinking you will notice that the sides become semi transparent, this also makes a character blurry, and tends to make them to blend into the background. Characters should generally have solid, dark outer lines to clearly separate them from the word they are in. I touched up frame 1 of your sprite for you to help give you a better idea what you need to do once you have shrunken something to make it look better. Use it as a basis for comparison, hope that helps.
  25. Bummer, yeah it has free and pay sound effects. I used to have an awesome bookmark for sound effects but lost it. The reason I say to Google, is it's fairly easy to find a lot of useful things, you just gotta know how to search. Last time I search 'open source music' clicked the first link, found free animal sounds, noticed you had to log in, and linked you. This time I typed 'what is the best open source music site' and found an article from 2009 which has top 5 download sites for sound effects. I tried the first one, downloaded a cat purring, sounded awesome, no need to register or anything. Article Took me less then five minutes.
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