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Jon Bon

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Everything posted by Jon Bon

  1. Nice. Wow cheated and then played through, that's impressive. I don't know if I could keep interest in an rpg if I cheated first, it must be awesome. The Gif plays totally fine on my crap computer, so I think it's probably good to go on most comps. Checking other thread now.
  2. My plan was to make a vertical graphic as well, it's incomplete at the moment. That is just what I came up with in 20 minutes before bed. I just wanted to post it now so you knew you had something to work with when the time comes. It shouldnt take me long to complete.
  3. I will definitely hit this up for you mate. I do have a few questions though; how many frames does it need to be? do you have anything in mind, or any ideas, I have a few. Can you make me a 1 frame template with that same red circle in the correct spot? This way I can simply draw over top of it and it will be aligned perfectly.
  4. 393 frame Gif, thats epic. Looks really good man, I love classics, I never got to play this but seems like I would have enjoyed it. I will definitely do my best to make those sprites for you (replied to your other post). Great job again on the Gif, I look forward to this game! -Cheers!
  5. I will definitely give this a shot. What do you think the best course of action would be? Should you send me the character files to look at or should I grab the demo of VX Ace?
  6. Is the 'miss' text based or graphic based? Is it possible that you have changed a graphics file and put a word in the wrong place?
  7. Here ya go, I made this up before bed. When I have some time this week, I will finish it up. Let me know if you like/want it, or if you want it to move, rather than be still in each frame.
  8. That sounds really neat. I love cross over games, especially when done well. I look forward to seeing some progress on this for sure, based on your other thread you definitely have some good ideas. Welcome aboard the forums and glad to have you here. -Cheers!
  9. I am not entirely clear on what kind of combat system you are trying to develop here. Would you be able to generalize it a bit more? I think I may have some advice/input but I'm not sure if it's relative. Are you trying to make a turn based combat system using a pixel based movement?
  10. I never listen to pretty people. She obviously spends more time grooming and priming than she does developing her intellectual views on life. It's the people who can't get laid, that spend all their time reading and thinking, their opinions I respect. Some white youth who thinks she has it 'all figured out' and who probably hasn't even been to the highest population foreign places in the world, China, and India. Her world view is based on a small outlook regardless of how serious she is. People like that need to be left to grow up, when she gets some world experience, her views will change.
  11. Sounds good to me too.Good effort you two. At least it will be fixed when we swap over.
  12. It takes about 2 whole seconds to load anything on this site on my P4 desktop with windows XP. On my HP Laptop with windows 7 it takes less than 1 whole second. I don't know if that's fast or slow, I am ridiculously patient, so of all the problems on the site, the speed is my least I think about. But I don't think that is true for the average user, I can't be certain.
  13. I definitely don't know of any off the top of my head, but if you find any, post a link here. I think everyone could benefit from those types of resources.
  14. I already stated they both fight at full strength, so any writers nurfing is irrelevant. I also already stated they are fighting in an honorable tournament style battle. Supermans powers are mysterious and unknown to be limited. Goku is clearly limited, and his power is measurable, even when at his strongest. You have failed to address the fact that Superman has an Eidetic memory (photographic memory) and would easily counter Goku's fighting style. Superman can also hypnotize people as well, and Goku is definitely susceptible. On top of all that Superman is genius level intelligence, Goku is known to be 'dumb' or 'simple' if you will. Those things factor more into him winning then anything else. Superman wins because he is horribly written and designed to be unbeatable. Goku is a properly written character, with grow, flaws, etc. I am way more a huge fan of Goku, but it doesn't change how unbiased I am and I can clearly see Superman would win, it would be an epic fight, but Superman would eventually win. GOKU DOES NOT SUPER-HUMAN REGENERATE. Superman is healing the whole fight. And I consider them roughly even in strength. When Marvel and DC had their amalgam series, the only one who could even theoretically stand toe to toe with Superman was Gladiator (Kallark) and the only reason Gladiator could fight him equally is because he is even more horribly written. Gladiator is as strong as his belief in what he is fighting for. So if he believes in it 100% he can not be beaten, period. All in all Goku is far more realistic, you can't start saying "superman can't push planets, physics etc" because we are talking hypothetical worlds here. You have to accept whatever they can do in their own realm as fact. Goku is designed to be beatable, and there for add suspense, Superman is not. I have seen every episode of each series, and I read the JLA, I am not sure how more qualified to answer the question I could be. EDIT* I didn't mention any telekinetic because it is not necessary considered cannon, and can't be clearly measured for the fight, so I left it out. If you include that in his powers list, that means his is like Gladiator and is as strong as his will of mind, which again makes him stronger than Goku, but I didn't really think he even needed that to win.
  15. Superman can move planets. I based all my facts off the DC Encyclopedia. Do some research.
  16. Since they are both heroes we have to assume it is an honorable tournament style fight. I am a huge fan of Dragon Ball (including Z and GT), I watched every episode the day it came out. I am also a huge DC Comics fan, and know tons about superman specifically. In my opinion Superman wins. I'll explain why at the end. You just pulled that out of thin air, wheres your proof hes faster or stronger? Super man can fly so fast that when he goes around the earth, time goes in reverse. Super man is also so strong he can move planets. LOL. One of Superman's main catches phrases is "Faster than a speeding bullet". Really? Because Goku has died double if not triple the amount of times Superman has. In other words he fails more. Coming back means nothing if your wife and children are dead already. Superman has saved, the world, the universe and multiple time space continuums. Sure but who needs heat vision hands when eyes is instant and directional pin point accuracy. Not to mention it doesn't 'melt' things it dissolved them at a molecular level, he isn't shooting heat, its radiation. Also no charging necessary, instant shot. Superman can definitely destroy a planet Kryptonite? Goku wouldn't use Kryptonite. You have to assume we are talking both at full strength, you cant pit superman at the beginning of his career against Goku at the end of his career. Superman is a being too, he grows and gets stronger as well. Superman is known to have to always hold back every time he fights even the strongest of foes. Even when fighting Doomsday superman held back untill the last second, hoping he didnt have to kill him, but he did. Oh and before you say he died, he didn't, it was just a long sleep. Superman is much much fast than a gun. Superman can easily travel through time with his speed, Goku can not (or at least hasn't yet). Flash is faster than superman, but he is the only one to even come close. Flash is so fast if he goes maximum speed he ceases to exist, so it's not a fair comparison. Supermans heat vision is directly related to his current power level which is based on his current level of absorption of the suns solar rays. His heat vision is much much stronger when he is full strength then when you see him just flying around kicking butt. Goku withstand 100x earths gravity when training, not just 10x. Superman obviously moves as fast if not faster than Goku because of his time travel abilities, so it's safe to assume he can move fast under heavier gravities. Also I know for a fact superman has been on heavy gravity planets, but I can't say for sure if it was 100x earths gravity. You have pit them both against each other at the best and strongest written points in their career. Superman has seldom struggled with gravity on any planet, and he has done much space travel. Superman regenerates very quickly by direct sun light, as long as the tournament happens anywhere with sun, Superman regenerates. He has even come back from near skeleton, so; similar in regen power to Wolverine. Goku would not use beans to heal because its an honor fight. Superman has never technically been defeated, Goku has. Superman can withstand an atomic blast and is immune to all forms of disease and radiation other than red sun of krypton. Superman has an eidtic memory, meaning he would memorize Gokus martial arts moves and be able to counter them almost instant, he is also a genius level intellect, which Goku is not. Superman can also hypnotize people, and Goku is definitely susceptible to hypnotism. Goku is definitely awesome, but I am sorry Superman wins. Why? Because he is one broken ass hero, with little to no weakness, which is why kryptonite was invented. The only way Goku would use it is if Superman was evil, which defeats the purpose of the debate.
  17. People to vote for: -Calvinchun -ForeverZer0 -Moonpearl Last day to vote is the 29th. Good luck everyone!
  18. If you agree to something, it waives previous rights. You agreed that "Only Licensee who properly completed the user registration may distribute its own Game." This means Enterbrain decides what defines properly completing their user registration, which in fact means paying for the product. Anyone who agrees to the user agreement has agreed that unless they paid for the engine they wouldn't release a game made on it. Plain and simple. Anything else is irrelevant. If your country states that user agreements are contracts you must uphold, then you agreed to it and it becomes binding and supersedes any other law. It's called signing away your rights, and it happens all the time. No matter what way is attempted to be found around it, unless the program is paid for it can not be used to release a game. This is why the information is on peoples registries, because their user agreement covers it perfectly. EDIT* Let me be clear, I am not saying you are not aloud to edit your registry, I am saying its irrelevant because you can't use the engine to make a game and release the game unless you pay for it, as per their user agreement.
  19. Do you have any type of portfolio or anything that shows your work? With links to the 11 games, I want to try one. Can we get a link to the Game Master website, since it's too common a term to simply Google.
  20. Here is the user agreement for the engine itself, which I found here at the rpgmakerweb.com forums posted by their lead admin. Section E. (i) clearly states "Only Licensee who properly completed the user registration may distribute its own Game." A user agreement operates like a waiver, in the aspect that by agreeing to it, you waive any law that may conflict with their agreement. It doesn't matter if you can legally alter your computer registry because you have already agreed to use their product in the specified manner given above. Which requires you to pay for it before releasing a game with the engine. As long as the country you inhabit recognizes user agreements as legal binding contracts, you still have to buy the program no matter what your skill and knowledge in your computer registry may or may not be by law of your country. This took me about 10minutes to research. Speculation is your enemy, if hard facts are available, look for them.
  21. In the grand scheme of things, it is just that, an extension of their trial. I would bet anything the agreement for Ace says that you can not release a game with their trial. So legal or not, you still would only be able to demo the product for longer.
  22. Understood, I was only curious how incompetent I should rate them.
  23. Ha! And that's a legal loop hole they let slide? In anyone's opinion could they have prevented this? Does this violate their user agreement at all, did anyone check? It would not even slightly surprise me if they overlooked this.
  24. Nice! I love when that happens. Glad to have you here, even though technically you could have welcomed me, heh! I look forward to your posts and creative ideas. -Cheers!
  25. My Dog Ate My Homework Many of you may be familiar with this famous line, known to be said by children who have not done their homework for school from the night before. To a child this seems like a reasonable excuse for not having something done that should be finished. The dog represents a force of nature that can not be controlled, there for validating the destruction of the homework. This seems ok on the outside, and is pretty creative for a child to think up (for the first time). As an adult I look back on it and think, wow what an excuse, not a reason, but an excuse. Don't know the difference between an excuse and a reason? Read on and I'll explain. Let's pretend for a moment the child is telling the truth. Does the dog destroying their homework really automatically validate them not having it when it is needed? In my opinion, no it does not. I would ask the child: "Where did you leave your homework that the dog got to?". It's not like dogs chewing things they aren't supposed to is a big secret, anyone who even just knows about dogs knows this. Now of course this is a child, and the child can not be expected to predict the behavior of the dog and know to put their homework where the dog cannot reach it. In this circumstance I would contact the parents and ask them if they have explained to their child about putting toys, shoes, and other things away since they have a dog. Only then would I be able to determine if the dog in fact did something that was uncontrollable. Because if you leave your homework beside the dogs food dish and he eats it, no free pass for you and your excuse. Now if the dog first got up onto the child's desk, then chewed through a backpack, then chewed their homework as well, that would be a good reason to not have your homework available when it was supposed to be. Once Flash forward, it's high school now, and the same kid sleeps in when the power goes out and his alarm clock doesn't work. His parent comes home and says "Why didn't you go to school today?" He replies, "I slept in an hour.". Does that seem like a good reason to miss school? No, it's an excuse. But it could be a reason for being late to school, but not attending entirely turns it into an excuse. There was nothing stopping the kid from going to school and attending whatever portion of school was left when they awoke, but they chose to use the sleeping in as an excuse for bad behavior. Again, flash forward, same person is an early adult, they are in university/college and they lend money to a friend who says "I'll pay you back in 1 week when I get paid.". A week goes by and the friend never calls, the young adult calls him a few times and no answer, and never a call back from the friend. Since he trusted his friend would pay him, he lets a few more weeks go by. He realizes it's time to pay the cell phone bill and his bank balance isn't right because of the money he was expecting back and he doesn't have enough to pay it. Is he going to call the phone company and explain to them that his friend borrowed money and that he hasn't paid it back, and the bill can't be paid until he does? What do you think they'll say? Flash forward one last time. It's his first real job in his career of choice, and the boss has assigned him the big project. He works every day at work 9-5 and even skips some lunches to try and get it finished in time. It's the last weekend before the Monday the project is due, Friday 5pm roles around and he simply isn't finished. Looks like it's homework time, he brings the project home, and completes it over the weekend. On Monday morning on his way to work he drops the project into a puddle and it is effectively destroyed or at least not presentable to the big corporate investors his boss wanted to present it to. So now he goes to work and tells his boss what? Does it matter what he says? The point of all this is people need to own their actions. An excuse is something you give when you don't want to tell the truth. A reason is something out of your control, a simple fact. Don't let 'powers beyond your control' be the excuse you don't succeed. For the better part of your life you are in control of your own fate.
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