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Everything posted by EmilyAnnCoons

  1. If I ever make the remake (which I am currently not working on) the game would follow this storyline -nods- EDIT: Chapter 6
  2. -nods- yeah, I'd need a demo of the map to test it out and such. I'll make sure to add that above. To make the demo, just make the map, add the NPCs and such with the events that would teleport you into the different buildings, then put it all into a zip file and upload it here to RMXP Unlimited's download gallery. (you can also run the RMXP compressor. It'll make an exe install file that you can also upload to RMXP Unlimited if you can't make zip files)
  3. Hmm...I don't see any reason why not. As long as you include Post Town, you can use any other tileset you want, so I suppose a merger with it wouldn't be against the rules either.
  4. Not really...those are the stats the game has had for the last several years lol

  5. score will not be determined by the amount of maps you make, but the quality of the maps you make. So, if someone makes a town with 4 maps (say, the town, an inn, a temple, and a tavern) while someone else makes a town with 15 maps, and the one that has 15 maps is of poor quality, while the 4 maps is high quality, the 4 maps would get the points. As for which tileset it is...I think it's the post town tileset? I'm having trouble with my computer right now and getting it to actually load up RMXP. EDIT: Okay, yeah, it's Post Town
  6. I didnt think about that. This is an RPG Maker XP contest so ^^" I think it's tilesets 12 and 13...but don't quote me on that...my comp is running virus scan, or I'd load RMXP and look it up. EDIT: You are allowed to use other tilesets, as long as the main town is at least the Town Exterior. If you can make better interiors without using Town Interior, feel free to. Just keep in mind that you'll need to have the tileset in the project if it isn't an RTP tileset ^^"
  7. Welcome to Emily-Ann's City Mapping Contest! The point of this contest is for you, the mapper, to design one small town/city using the "Post Town In" and "Post Town Out" tilesets (or whatever they are in the official English version.) The town has to be fantasy style and has to include a few NPCs. As well, there must be at least an inn in the town. Also, you cannot use a town map you have created before. So, as a recap: - Must use the listed tileset for the outside and must use "Post Town In" for the insides of all regular buildings (inns, homes, etc) - You may use RTP only tilesets for the insides of special buildings (shops, temples, arenas, etc) - Must include NPCs - Must include at least an inn (must be made using the Post Town Interior tileset) - Must be fantasy styled - Must have the entrance at the bottom of the map. - Must be original to this contest (you can't use a map you've previously made) - The finished project must be an unencrypted project The winner of the contest will get their map in my game ^^ I hope that's a good prize...I'm not sure what else to offer lol The deadline for putting in your "application to join" this contest is March 5, 2010 with your map due April 1, 2010. Current Competetors Kiriashi Miguel1 CrimsonInferno ShinyToyGuns Chief(?) Outside Tileset
  8. OMG YAY! I was wondering when this would be back up =D believe it or not, I've gone to 2 other RMXP sites during the downtime...neither was as good as here.
  10. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, when you find out that Koholint Island is nothing but a dream...and then (2 dungeons later) you watch as the island vanishes after you wake up the Windfish...that was by far the saddest part of any video game I've encountered. (The happiest, just to throw it out there, is when Midna is revived at the end of Twilight Princess)
  11. It's ok, I think that's how I stated it anyway. But, yes, that's how I want it to be, so that if enemy 1 dies before it can attack, enemy 2 will attack right away -nods-
  12. works nicely, but still has the death problem...what I'm encountering is, if I kill an enemy before it can attack me, I get another attack...is there a way to fix that? If not, this works fine. EDIT: Could you make it so that the battler is in the center? Like...the window is big enough for the one battler, and the battle graphic stretches? I've seen it done in other battle systems...that's why I ask...
  13. Thanks, I'll test this out. As per your questions, though, I'll answer them right now: 2. Yes, it would go Player 1 > Enemy 1 > Player 2 > Enemy 2 > etc. Although the battle system is designed to be for just one character, it could also work if it was designed for multiple characters. 3. The order of combat would be based upon agility. So, if Enemy 2 is faster then Enemy 1 and Player 1, then Enemy 2 would go first. I hope that makes sense. 4. No, I was looking to make this work with the normal graphics. EDIT: The only problem I've found with the battle system is that when one enemy dies, the system still treats it as if it is there, so if it is a 3 enemy troop, and you kill 2 enemies, the 3rd enemy waits 2 turns to attack next. Is there a way to fix it so that when an enemy dies, it isn't calculated anymore? Also, could you get rid of the Fight/Escape bar at the beginning and replace it with an "escape" option in the command list? Not required.
  14. Ok, so, I have a world map script in my game. I have it working in all of my projects, but I recently started a new project and copied the world map script into that project. However, I am getting this error: Script 'Game_Map' line 465: NoMethodError occured undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass Here is the script (I've searched all over online and cannot find a copy of it) Does anyone know what could be missing in any of this coding that would cause that error? (As a note, Game_Map, Game_Player, and Sprite_Character are all replaced by the above three pieces)
  15. hehe, nobody has commented on my favorite part, though, which is the Skull Keeta thing
  16. Since I now have a new image I use to represent myself, I'd like to see if someone could create a sprite form of it. Here's the image I'm using to represent myself. I'd like to make one request, which would be if someone could take off the jacket she's wearing (the dress underneath it is a strapless dress). As a note, I need it in the standard RMXP format ^^"
  17. hehe, glad you guys have liked it so far ^^ I have other clips up there, too, and if you're ever bored, it should link you to my broadcasting channel.
  18. So, I recorded this on my "livestream" (justin.tv) and wanted to show people some of the fun easter eggs in Ikana Castle that not many people know about (or at least I didn't until recently). So, here's my battle against King Ikana and his minions. http://www.justin.tv/s/n0Ez120/clip/5d8cd023c8248593
  19. lol, this game is epic fail, but totally worth playing :P If you want to know what NOT to do in an RMXP game, this is it for sure. Great game, more people should play it so they can see what not to do. Also...yeah...I never did figure out if that blue haired guy was a girl or a guy o.O Looks like a girl, but it's in the male battlers...
  20. Ok, so, here's what I need. I need a battle system for the current game idea I have. The battle system needs to be set up so that the player's party will be composed of 1 character (max of 2 at any point). The enemy will then get one attack per turn in that one monster can attack at a time. So basically, like this: Player > Enemy 1 > Player > Enemy 2 > Player > Enemy 3 > <repeat> Like that. Anyone think they could help me out with this?
  21. Yeah, I get very few comments on these it seems...it took me a while to make these cards. Some of these cards have been in creation now for quite some time. Overall, not counting any time I wasn't working on them, probably about a week. If you count all the breaks and such...about...maybe...6 months or so? Maybe more?
  22. Another update has been made...there are now 114 cards in the set. Also, I have updated Navi, Tatl, Tael, Ciela, Leaf, and Neri. If you don't see the update, refresh the image and you will.
  23. Ahh, well, I suppose I could give it a try? I dunno, though. We'd have to see.
  24. Well, no one else has responded so far...maybe their waiting for me to think up a story? Still had no ideas with that...any help there is appreciated...
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