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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. IDK $74.99 is alot for an engine when you can get unity for free and buy assets that will make game creation easy. But yea id love a 3d rpg maker. Only downside will be finding assets for it tho because i bet lots of people will charge for the models and stuff. Making 3d models isnt as easy as making sprites. Personally id like to see something like XP but with all the features added from the previous and later rpg makers.
  2. Thank you for that review(everything went better than expected). Altho with 55min you only experienced a fraction of the game(theres upgrades to make everything go much faster and easier.). Most of the problems you were having will be fixed in the massive overhaul we are currently working on. We are adding a year, month, and week system along with having to pay your workers with money and tools every month. the ugly menu's will be replaced with objects and separate rooms for doing skilling. You can also lose the game in the overhaul and take out loans that are to be paid off over time. there will also be a credit score system where you are rewarded for being on time with payments. The main game will be more like management mode but management mode will be far far more complex and have more content. Once we release the overhaul will you be up for reviewing that one?
  3. I sent you a copy of the game in a PM. If you have never played a clicker game before welcome to clicker games. And if you find them fun 2 hours will go by and feel like 5min xd. Theres alot to the game since there's a prestige system that you can find in the settings.
  4. Not all games have a story and are an RPG. How would you like to try a different type of game(Mine Clicker)? Even knowing the game is commercial id like someone to give it a go and see how well it is. Id have to give you a link in a private message and you have to promise not to give the link to anyone else. Game Title: Mine Clicker Estimated time in game: 8-Unlimited Hours Engine used to create game: Unity The link to the game (I prefer to have the game on a GDU page): Will send in PM if you agree to above terms.
  5. As long as i can make whatever i want in unity id totally join. I got a cool platformer game i can try to make.
  6. This topic came up today and i figured its something good to talk about. How would you combat fake money but keeping the person anonymous at the same time like it is now? ---- Heres my long idea that might just work. One way to combat this that no one would like but would be really effective. Each bill has a serial number, and you also add a hidden bar code that only certain scanners can pick up. Every store is linked up to a central government system that keeps track where the bills are in the stores and if they are currently in the store or out of the store. So when you give money to the clerk they scan it into the system and scan any money out. If that bill is already scanned in or out when they scan it there will be a red flag. If the bill isn't in the system at all then that means someone tried to fake a serial number and bar code, then a red flag will show(not an actual red flag but a warning for those who don't know what i mean lol). You also use the current system on the flagged money to see if its the fake one or real one. If the bill is already in the system and the bill you just scanned in put up a red flag you will know what store has the fake bill since the system tracks what store it was checked into last. so if your bill isn't the fake one you contact the other store and let them know they have a fake bill. Sure this system wont work for face to face transactions but its a way better system than what we currently have and in the future it will nearly rid all fake bills. This will also be good to combat crime. If a person steals money from a store without scanning each bill out and tries to spend it at another store or store it in the bank the bill will still be shown in the store it was taken from. So the bad guy will get caught if he tries to spend it in any way. If lets say power goes out there could be a battery powered scanner that uses satellite internet to transfer the data.
  7. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: The Familiar of Zero - This is the only anime i really got into(its REALLY hard to find good anime for me). Its got lots of comedy, romance and all around silliness with not much fighting. The story was great and left you wondering what is going to happen next after every episode. It was done so well that you couldn't even guess what was going to happen next and what you hoped would happen didn't happen lol. Sadly the last season was kind of rushed because the creator died before he could finish the manga that the anime was based off of. At least they ended the anime with a perfect and sad ending. If you are waiting for the manga to end before watching the anime don't because you will be waiting the rest of your life. The whole anime is 10% fighting 15% seriousness the rest is comedy and romance. Just how i like it, more comedy and romance than anything else. IDK what its called but nearly every girl falls in love with the main character and the person he loves always abuses him because he looks at other girls(most of the time unwillingly lol). Oh right what is it about lol. Its about a guy from Japan being summoned as a familiar to a completely different world. The familiars job is to protect the master. Yea im bad at explaining things but trust me its good.
  8. Sorry for the late reply, i was ZZing. You go to your properties for RMVXA, updates, then uncheck the enable steam cloud. Mines grayed out because i disabled it globally for every thing.
  9. TB is a tiny byte. 1024 tiny bytes = 1 mini byte(MB) so you are just over your space limit. id suggest removing 1 resource to free up enough tiny bytes. Totally kidding BTW, i know what a TB is XD. My best advice is to not use steam cloud for any game making program and rely on good old USB backup or upload it to googledrive/mega/box thingy, etc.... I personally have steam cloud disabled completely because its annoying.
  10. What is your fav pol(l)?
  11. List arrays are amazing. My script was 3600 lines now its 300.

  12. Anyone want to date me?

    1. Ecowolfsteen


      pol you know ill always date you

    2. Polraudio


      By date me i meant give me a date lol. EX: 11/10/2015

    3. Marked


      If you pay for the dinner+movie.

  13. I keep forgetting to check the content that needs to be approved lol. Really needs to be a notification of some type(then it would get approved/disapproved within sec-minutes).
  14. So far i made $20.88 on Mineclicker with 9 sales lol. Thats without advertising. 99% of those sales came from just putting up a site and thats it.

    1. black mage

      black mage

      Whoa. Mind to tell us where you put the game? Or starting a thread, maybe. I'm kind of interested on where to put games to make money. :)

    2. Polraudio


      the game is just on its own site. http://www.mineclicker.net/

      Its sold through Humble Bundle(not an actual bundle, its sold through them via widget).

  15. Wow either everyone is dead or no one likes fallout

  16. I just got done watching Fallout 4 at E3 and i must say im super ultra omega ultra fucken impressed and super ultra omega fucken excited. Sorry for my language im just that much excited and happy. For all you peeps who dont know what E3 is or dont get to watch live stuffs i have links for you to watch what you missed. If you dont know what E3 is you might want to come out from under that rock :P Fallout 4 Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuwLSFmATI Fallout 4 Place Building: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOd9mB1OZsA Fallout 4 Weapon Customization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unji5X-zl8o Fallout 4 Gameplay trailer of awesomeness and awesometude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzV1GlDDlv8 Let me know what you think about Fallout 4 and if your excited for it. Release date is November 10th this year :D.
  17. Someone needs to make GDU Simulator 2015.

    1. Bob423


      Or Marked Simulator

    2. Kitsuki


      GDU Simulator 2015 would be sitting at a computer and replying to forum topics all day


      ... best game 10/10 would play

    3. ShinkuAura


      I enjoyed the Real-time Human interactions and wonderful world design not to say the crazy admin who turned out to be the good guy all along!


      11/10 would play again. -IGN

  18. Personally i like the XP style because you can put more details into them and they overall look better and more professional. Chibi sprites are to small and are kind of meh, childish, to short to make it look good with anything, and you cannot put to much into it because of its small size. With chibi you cant do cool stuff like this without it looking odd. Imo chibi = lazy people xp style = non lazy people Sure its easier to do chibi but wouldnt you rather do xp style and get an overall better looking game.
  19. I dont think people understand the word donate. Way to often i see "What do i get if i donate this much?".

    1. Bob423


      Too many people expect rewards just for being nice.

    2. Marked
    3. zahraa


      lol it's silly

  20. Grats. Im not very good at good byes and hellos so ummm... welcome some what back xd. Missed ya.
  21. Im not going to upgrade. Im going to do a full install. To many problems usually arise when you do an upgrade. Im most likely going to wait a month or 2 after release before i even think about getting it. I will however test it in a virtual machine first to make sure ill like it. From what i tried in the preview it seemed good.
  22. Anyone have the Real Life API i can download because i want to make a mod where everyone has speach bubbles above their heads when they talk. I need to contact a Godministrator to get access but i dont have 145,819 years to wait for my ticket to get checked.

    1. drago2308


      Thats really not that much time, I have 342,913 years until mine gets checked, sorry so I cant swap ya.

  23. Ummm i guess XD. Since you don't have a 0 id have to go with 1. I don't think im fabulous in any way. P.S. Im not very good at judging myself or talking about my self.
  24. Its best to start small so you can get the basics down for game development. You don't want to make a large game and find out the gameplay and the way the story is told was complete crap. Would be a huge waste of time. Start small and learn how to do game development before going big The best story in the world could be made complete crap and make a bad game if you don't work on ways to tell that story and the best way is to start small and get lots of feedback.
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