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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Well lets see. I did 5 Battlers 9 Characters 14 Icons Nisage did 9 Gameover's 1 Character Jambo6c did 1 Animation Not sure about the other members but its coming along just fine.
  2. Feels nice to be back. I was so bored without this site.
  3. Final Fantasy 7, Alright then try installing the latest Direct X. If you need help finding it just let me know.(Need your Operating system if you do)
  4. Because some people don't care.
  5. Hmm........ Dont see what the problem could be. Try diffrent MP3 files that you know for a fact that will work in RMXP. Sometimes i get MP3's that dont play in RMXP. or try making sure its not muted in the Mixer (If using Vista)
  6. Hey Joey how are ya?

  7. Alright i think i found the right one. http://www.radarsync.com/driver/d273775-si...on_audio_codec# click on the "Download the Latest Version" on the right Let me know if it works.
  8. I'm not entirely sure but i think you would go here. Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Device Manager -> Sound, Video, and game controllers. And tell me what is under there.
  9. Thats why im RMXP Support Team :P Edit: oops DELETE Let me know if this helps
  10. Order to get it to be universal you would use a switch and a common event to make it stop, In the common event you would want to use the Conditional branch and for the conditional branch you would want to use the timer command like so. Example: As soon as you make the timer appear you would want to turn on a switch which turns on the common event. The common event will stop the timer and display the message. NOTE: Please look where you post next time.
  11. Exactly what i was going to say. Try updating your drivers.
  12. How come no one else posted comments here?So sad.

  13. At least he is here now.

  14. Yay! The site is staying up for another year. My Member of the Year will be seen! Lets hope it stays up till it goes through.
  15. I see i forgot about getting points for the gallery. Thanks and sorry not remembering. Sorry Shade the Mysitc
  16. Nice song thanks Kiriashi.

  17. I have seen this for 2 members. They have points that they do not deserve, not putting anyone down but these members were not active and have only made 1 post. For an example Shade the Mysitc http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showuser=527 Only has made one post and has 22 SP how is that? and blackspets http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showuser=5929 Has 8 SP and has only made 1 topic to request something. Is there something wrong with the system?
  18. There could be many problems first if you have Vista right click on the sound thing in the lower right and go to volume mixer while RMXP is up and make sure the sound is turened up in the mixer. For XP double click the sound thing in the lower right and make sure your sound things are not turned all the way down. Does sound work for other things?
  19. SMF has lots of stuff you can customize. I enjoy using it.
  20. I dont watch much anime but I would have to say. Kaiba(Yu Gi Oh) Van(Ziods) Claude, Dias(Starocean EX/Starocean The 2nd Story)
  21. Welcome Sherry, if you need help just ask, me and the other members will be glad to help with anything.
  22. Description sent out. Dont know if its good. Got it and quoted in the Rules and Information to make it clear. Cant wait to try it this month.
  23. How did you know? I ban Kiriashi for banning before i get to bann him.
  24. We will see how it goes for the first month and if i need help i will be sure to ask. If we dont get enough nominations before the nominations period is over i will check every post and next month i will ask for help. Be more active like you have been and some one will nominate you.
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