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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I voted yes cause i think your plan will work and signing up again is no problem. I wish Marked would see this topic I would like to know what he thinks about this.
  2. Thanks and that's an idea to. Can a mod change the title to "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" Happy New Year's to everyone.
  3. I like the new category's. going with PHPBB is not a bad idea. there avatars thing is cool.
  4. its a different forum host than invasion power boards heres the link for more information http://www.phpbb.com/ Cant wait for the changes
  5. Nice i never knew he had a site thanks Marked Thanks Emily for the upload
  6. Sounds like a great idea cant wait till its done. will we still have our accounts when you make the switch to PHPBB?
  7. lol. Hey nice job as always. I love this one http://formlesstree4.deviantart.com/art/Pu...adise-107744535
  8. Welcome to RMXPU have any questions dont be afraid to ask.
  9. I got merc for christmas working on GTA4 next What games you have.?
  10. These might be handy to upload. i always wanted to make a mini game like this. Hope someone has them.
  11. Welcome to the forums if you need help im your man and don't worry i don't bite(Hard)
  12. Nice. You have a PS3? add me polraudio I ate lots and i got Ratchet and Clank Future: TOD Mercenaries 2 World in Flames Thats all
  13. Yea i like the 1st one to but the 2nd one is good also.
  14. Polraudio

    Show off

    awww..... common is little arky scared? It cannot be that bad. Just cover a few things with windows
  15. I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas
  16. Polraudio

    Show off

    Nice desktop, XP is always nice. You might not believe it but my pic is of XP to. and hey you might want to watch what folders you have open when you take a screenshot XD
  17. Happy 22nd birthday my good friend Leon. I wish i could get ya something. I feel like that to and im only 18. Life is short live it to the max.
  18. So whan you going to post?

  19. Polraudio

    Show off

    Have you ever wanted to show other people what your computer desktop and stuff look like. Well heres a look mine.
  20. Yea you should. I would buy from you any day.
  21. Welcome aboard if you need help remember my middle name is help. Actually Ray but who cares right?

  22. Welcome Blackbound hope you enjoy your time here. Like Leon said its a little slow but around January it starts to pick up. Also if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask.
  23. Very nice Marked. I might use this
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