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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. January Voting Kind/Helpful: @Tobychew @Moonpearl @Bob423 @Saltome Contributor: @Moonpearl @Enigma --- Good luck everyone.
  2. Ummm rajata99 theres no such member cause thats the title lol. Whats the name?
  3. That would be a good idea. Would be perfect for MOTM, contests/events, etc....
  4. I would like to add Enigma for his contribution in getting FP14 started so far. Im extending nominating till the 25th and voting will go till the 5th.
  5. Very nice job on the changing color :thumbsup:
  6. Starting to get the hang of unity3d :D

    1. ShinkuAura


      good because once you understand unity3D you will basicly understand most the of game engines.

    2. Bigace360


      I plan on using Unity by the beginning of next year as I'm getting annoyed by RPG makers poor performance. Just trying to finish my game.

    3. Chief


      Unity is pretty simple to get started with. It's all that darn programming that flew right over my head. Now I'm just making my own game engine, because screw normal-people logic!

  7. Thats a neat idea. Cant wait to see more :D
  8. Was having TONS of fun earlier making objects in Unity, scripting movement for them and crashing them into eachother with physics. so far im loving unity and hope to get good at it so i can replace rpg maker.

  9. I would really like to see a Unity addon just like rmxp but for free. I would totally ditch rpg maker then.

    1. Moonpearl


      They know that and that's why they won't make it free. :p

  10. Your best bet is to use a different map that is the same and manually place the events where they need to be. otherwise you will need 2 variables for each NPC's and a way teleport them to that position(could look super messy and be a pain) after the player leaves the map you could have the teleport event to enter the place teleport you to the new map instead of the old one using a switch. Im a visual person so im sorry if im still not getting what your asking.
  11. After the event is over you will want to turn on a switch. on the 2nd page of the NPC's events you would want a blank page with a switch requirement. that way when the switch is on the npc wont be there.
  12. I completely agree with bob. XP has way more to offer.
  13. How about something that doesnt tie us only to rpg maker but rpg's as a whole. EX: "RPG Unlimited" would mean we are a community that makes RPG's with anything and not limited to RPG Maker.
  14. January Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: @Tobychew @Moonpearl @Bob423 @Saltome Contributor: @Moonpearl @Enigma Misc.: ---
  15. Hate how warm winter can be sometimes here. Its been 4F(-15C) every day for the past 2 months. Should start just wearing a sweater when i walk to class. Sweating with a jacket lol.

    1. Polraudio


      cause im use to the cold lol. at that temp i shovel snow in my tshirt.

    2. Marked


      Youre a polar bear D:

    3. Moonpearl


      I hate how cold winter can be. Basically I hate winter in itself. :p

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  16. Welcome to RMU paulo :grin: Love how everything grows on trees in your game lol.
  17. Everything works perfect after i switched to windows classic theme. It also works with a regular theme but doesnt work with a 3rd party theme.
  18. Still the same thing after installing 4.0 also reinstalled gibbo to be safe.
  19. Uninstalling 4.5.1. going to try to install 4. going to be a while.
  20. i tried reinstalling .net framework 4.5.1. it should work since 4.5.1 includes 4.0. Still gives the same errors. I also reinstalled gibbo and noticed gibbo is installed in a weird place. Why is it installed in app data instead of program files like 99% of the programs you find anywhere? This is where mine is installed at. C:\Users\Polraudio\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\EOONB4W0.1OV\6X3D9W0N.1EK\gibb..tion_176bfaab6b4f4cb2_0001.0001_099cdba67c779e5d
  21. Using windows 7. What are the actual requirements besides ?.netframework version. I bet im missing a requirement.
  22. I dont do skype. I will figure it out now that i know its a problem on my end.
  23. Dont have much more details. all i did was install the program, try it and it didnt work.
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