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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. You can change the controls by hitting F1 while the game is running. Other than that im not really sure where to change the controls as im not that great at RGSS3 yet.
  2. Its not annoying, i enjoy helping people when i can. Very easy to remove. Just takes the removal of 3 lines in the script.
  3. Make sure the armor is an Accessory cause if its not it wont work. Heres the project it works on for me if you want to compare. http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/swiming-script-521.zip
  4. Polraudio

    Main Menu Options

    Theres a few things you need to set in the Scene_Menu STEP 1: First you want to edit the top part like you did to add the options to the menu like so. As you see to actually make the options show you need to add s7 and s8 where i have underlined. Without adding that the options wont even show. Now when you select the options nothing will even happen cause you havent told the script to do with those options. STEP 2: Last we need to add what the actual options that will be called when you select your journa. Since you didnt provide the bestiary script info i will leave a blank spot for that. Scroll down to about line 168 and you should see something like this As you can see there is something called when 0-5 when 0 is actually the 1st option so when 0 would mean s1, when 1 would mean s2, and so on... So to add our own we are going to need a when 6 for bestiary and when 7 for journal. Now for the hard part. We want when 6 and 7 to have the same 2 things that when 5 has. $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) plays the decision sound effect that you have set in the database. $scene = Scene_End.new calls the end scene. Since the quest system tells us that it can be called by $scene = Scene_Quest.new we can easily add it to the menu under when 7 since when 6 is going to be the bestiary. Once your done adding all that to when 6 and 7 it should look like this. Hopefully this helps you and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  5. I made major edits to the swimming script you found. No events are required at all. All the credit still goes to who made the swimming script since all i did was make edits. All you have to do is change the $boots = 32 to the id of the armor that is in the accessory slot. You can find $boots at the top of the script on line 12. Once the player has that item equipped they can press enter on anything that has the terrain tag of 2 #============================================================================== # ** Swimming System v1.0 #============================================================================== # Author: Diagostimo #============================================================================== module Swim_Config #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BEGIN CONFIGURATION #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Terrain tag of water to swim on WATER_TERRAIN = 2 $boots = 32 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # END CONFIGURATION #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- end #============================================================================== # ** Game Character #============================================================================== class Game_Character #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Public Instance Variables #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_accessor :swimming #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias init_diag_swim initialize def initialize init_diag_swim @swimming = false end #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Passable? #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias passable_diag_swim passable? def passable?(x, y, d) target_x = @x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0) target_y = @y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0) return false if !@swimming && $game_map.terrain_tag(target_x, target_y) == 2 passable_diag_swim(x, y, d) end end #============================================================================== # ** Game Player #============================================================================== class Game_Player < Game_Character #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_player_diag_swim update def update if $game_actors[1].armor4_id == $boots if Input.trigger?(Input::C) && !@swimming d = @direction target_x = @x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0) target_y = @y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0) if $game_map.terrain_tag(target_x, target_y) == 2 player = $game_party.actors[0] refresh @step_anime = false @swimming = true move_forward else end end end update_player_diag_swim if @swimming && $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y) != 2 @swimming = false @step_anime = false player = $game_party.actors[0] refresh end end end
  6. I got it to work so far but the transition to get in the water is being a problem and you can also exit at any point even if its an X tile. This is what i got so far and you can play with it. Set water to be terrain tag #1 and have a switch that is always on. If i can figure out how to fix the problems i will let you know.
  7. Polraudio

    Main Menu Options

    Look at the beastiary and the journal script and tell me what is says after class. It does matter what the case of the text is so type it exactly as is. Once i get that info we can start.
  8. Welcome to RMU. I knew someone would read my post on steam. Whatever you need help with we are here :thumbsup: .
  9. Welcome back laansolo :) . I been also trying out Ace a little. So far the only thing that's holding me back is the tile limitations still.
  10. MOTM December Closed Due To No Nominees
  11. Looking good. :thumbsup: When you go to create i get "Nice try, but only beta's are allowed to view this page" Not that i have info on my game yet. Just wanted to check it out.
  12. Polraudio


    server might have been down during that time. I can get on now.
  13. I love skyrim lots. I have wayyy to many hours into that game with and without mods. Mods is what makes the game great(only on PC). I must have played for a good 100 hours before getting bored of it, then i added mods to make it harder, realistic, make it look and sound realistic. I would have to say all the elder scrolls are the best games money can buy(only on pc cause of the mods). If you have a powerful enough PC to run skyrim and oblivion i would highly suggest getting it on PC instead so the game can stay alive with new content. Theres lots of ultra high quality fan made expansions that feel like it was apart of the full game. They even go through the trouble to put voice acting in them(using pro voice actors from other games). EDIT: if you want to look at mods for them i will link the best site for mods. Be warned some mods(2%) are not safe for work so don't view the mods at work. Oblivion: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/? Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/?
  14. Got a new link? All i get is "Repository unavailable"
  15. You shouldn't have a title graphic since it skips the title completely. Make sure its directly above Main and below everything else. Theres also this you can try. Shouldn't be any different. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/75-title-skip/
  16. December Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: Contributor: Misc.: --- Im doing it a tad bit different this month and for now one. Please read the Information/Rules before nominating since i updated the topic. Sorry for the late topic. Almost forgot lol
  17. Time to head home for break :D

  18. Long time no see Broken. No need to post quotes here anymore since we have a quotes system now. Way to the right of the quotes is an add quote button. http://www.gdunlimited.net/quotes
  19. If i can get at least 4 more people to join i will also throw in The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut for 1st place. So that will net 1st place 2 games.
  20. Like the way it is now :) . Comments are important to have cause feedback is essential. Edit: When i click on any of the latest resource i just get a blank screen.
  21. Tuesday is the last day of classes for me then i get a month long weekend.

  22. All added. Thank you for joining :) . Dont forget to check the due date and the contest has started.
  23. I want at least 4 people to join this if possible. If you are unable to join due to the due date i can extend the due date but i need to know what day would work for everyone.
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