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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Few crashes/bugs i been having. Right clicking on a scene and clicking open crashes the client. Double clicking to open it works fine. When trying to add any of object to the scene i get this. When clicking cancel on where to deploy the client crashes again. Clicking Edit then settings crashes the client. Also cant figure out how to add tiles to tilesets as every option is grayed out. Right now it is completely unusable for me. not sure what the requirements are for the program as i cant find a list anywhere. Hopefully this helps you out. Looks like a very promising engine :D EDIT: i started a completely new project so everything is new with the new version.
  2. LOL. I dont know if i will do games again for contests.
  3. In about a month or 2 i may run another contest with game prizes. Dont think it will be a game making contest tho as those are hard for people to do. May be just mapping with interaction. So you make a map and you event stuff to make it come alive. Will have to be playable of course.
  4. Not sure how to do it. I tried before but failed at it.
  5. Watching and playing games are different. You may like to play it but watching might be boring. Playing it might be boring but watching might be fun.

    1. Moonpearl


      Just like football. :p

    2. Polraudio


      Hack and Slash games for me. Cant stand playing them but they are fun to watch.

    3. Moonpearl


      I don't know actually. Games I don't like to play, I also don't like to watch. And vice-versa.

  6. Hey there Enigma. Long time no see. You try out unity yet? Its a great engine to get started with.
  7. Was wondering where you went. Hopefully everything gets better for you soon *pats* :)
  8. Got a beta invite to Project Spark but i cant play it because you need Windows 8.1 to play it :(. If anyone has Windows 8.1(8 wont work) and wants the key send me a message.

  9. Really google! Way to remove all of my youtube subscriptions :(

    1. Bob423


      Everything's fine for me. That's really weird.

    2. vincestick


      Google is ruining YouTube's already shoddy user-friendliness. I don't even bother commenting anymore because I refuse to bother with the Google+ account they MADE me make.

    3. Polraudio


      they decided to use my real name when i told them not to many times. i cant stand commenting anyways since it always get burried within seconds.

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  10. Welcome to RMU Jeff :D. Have you completed any games in the past?
  11. Those features would be perfect. I haven't put mine up there yet cause theres nothing to put up. its still in very early development, and i dont even have a story or characters. Still fleshing out the systems. My complicated rep system still got lots of work.
  12. Nice vids. Only thing i can see you improving on is language. Swearing turns people away.
  13. Its ok. The project is updated and all fixed. If you want you can still play it and judge it to give bob a little feedback to help him in the future.
  14. Well since bob was the only one who submitted a project he wins by default. I have reviewed the project and will provide a link below for everyone to play. Bobs Gameplay(8/10): Battles for the most part wernt to bad for a short game. The most interesting battle was the final battle since you actually had to heal and use the skills from bob to take the boss down faster. There was 1 shop in the game that allowed you to buy potions. Music/Sounds(10/10): Music was a good fit for everything. Story(6/10): Only story i really got was that you needed to save santa. Mapping(8/10): Mapping was great in all the areas. The 2 places where mapping fell short was the transition from the snow to the evil rocks looking place and the school hallway. The hallway in the beginning could have had stuff on the walls like pictures, bulletin board, and flyers. Characters(5/10): Didnt feel like i got to learn anything about the characters. The comedy was great tho. Total(7.4/10): Not bad for a very short game. Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79905611/Arcatis%20Christmas.7z
  15. Start submitting your holiday contest games to me. they are due. im allowing only another 23 hours to submit. i wont accept anything after. So far bob is the only one to submit one.
  16. Start submitting your holiday contest games to me. they are due. im allowing only another 23 hours to submit. i wont accept anything after.

  17. Ace just added more than what VX had. still lots of limitations tho.
  18. I stick with XP because it can do everything all the others can without having to jump through hoops. Mapping: XP's mapping is superior in every way IMO. Sure you can port your graphics from XP over to VX/A but that takes lots of time and lots of planning just to get it to work correctly. A different graphic per layer is a huge pain. I wanted some objects to overlap other objects in VX/A so i had to use the same object 2 times on different images just to get it to be on 2 different layers where in XP all i had to do is select a different layer saving me 5-10min. Autotiles are a huge pain in the ass. I hate the fact that you have to know what sections of the image are suppose to show up transparent, what ones are animated or not. Same with the walls. Took me a while to figure out that the top 2 ground autotiles are solid and the bottom 2 rows are the ones that show up transparent. Sure you can use parallax mapping but you shouldn't have to jump through all those hoops to get the game to look like you want it. IMO the mapping is the #1 thing in any game cause if you have bad mapping chances are people are only going to play the game till they see the mapping. You could have the best story and gameplay in the world but bad mapping can ruin a whole game. Database: Sure the database has a few nifty things like notes and a few things here and there that i dont use anyways. Not much of a difference here. Sprites/Graphics: Only thing i really liked was the icons. Having 1 sheet for all the icons is a good idea. Not sure if theres a limit of how big the icon sheet can be but if there is another limitation you can run into if you have lots of items. The character graphics are not bad but annoying when you have to have a !$ in the file name in order to show them as a single character per graphic. Now chibiness is well meh in my book. I thought we broke away from chibi characters in the 90's. Gameplay/Scripting: Theres lots of neat things they have done with the gameplay like sprinting, airships, boats, TP, and 60fps. But all that stuff can be done with scripts in XP. Sure 60fps is nice but the human eye cant see more than 30fps anyways so i dont see why people are always "But its got 60fps and that makes it worth it and better" The screen resolution is something every RPG Maker was bad at. Give us at least 720p(1280x720) or custom resolution enterbrain instead of this 90's 640x480. I highly doubt anyone has anything lower than 720p now days. RGSS3: I havent played with it to much but with what i have played with i still prefer RGSS1. RGSS3 to me in a nutshell is methods inside methods inside methods. I cant remember what script i made an edit to but i had to edit 4 scripts to make 1 little edit. Events: Havent noticed anything new/worth using than XP. Final Notes: Give me XP's mapping, sprites, and icons and i would switch over any day. So thats all the reasons im still sticking with XP. Mapping being the main reason cause the tiles are a pain in the ass and still limited like crazy. IMO VX and ACE are a step backwards from XP. Sorry for the little rant. People need to know where some veteran RPG Maker users stand.
  19. Yup. I will pm you the games as they come in. Basicly were going to be basing everything on a 10 point scale and averaging them. I will PM you later with details on how to judge them.
  20. Looks like ace does it a little different Input.trigger?(:C) Just search for Input.trigger? and you should find some of the options. I dont see any for sprint. It should be easy to edit most of it. anything other changing what is already there i will have no clue on as i havent done much of RGSS3 cause it confuses me most of the time.
  21. Polraudio

    Main Menu Options

    Yea if a scene has a scene_name(2) thats defining the index to go to. Glad i could help, if you need anything else just ask :) .
  22. Dont forget to submit your game for the holiday contest by the end of tuesday.

  23. Polraudio

    Main Menu Options

    Ohhh im sorry lol. Picture is worth 1000 words. All you need to do for that is define the height of the command window like so. @command_window.height = 224
  24. Click mark solved on the post that solved the problem. its in the lower right of every post.
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