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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Hello micahskeet! Welcome to RMXPU. If you need anything just give me a poke :P How long have you been using Rpg Maker?
  2. I have been addicted to Guild Wars 2 since Saturday :D

    1. Polraudio


      You can play it. Will take forever to download it 15gb. But you only need like dialup to play it lol. Once its downloaded you will have no problems playing it internet wise.

    2. Kevin.ds


      ah okey :P what lvl are you? class race ? :D

    3. Polraudio


      lvl 37 and im an Asura Engineer.

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  3. If you are unsure about something use the report button. I always check reports when i see them. Sometimes im gone and i miss necro posts so reports are the best way. When in doubt report. If you have a question whether its ok for you to post just send a pm to any staff.
  4. Last day of work :(. Now i need to find another job.

    1. forcebreaker


      im really sorry about that, im sure you'll get a job in no time (or at least quicker than i did, lol). did you get fired or somthing?

    2. Polraudio


      Temp job. I worked for a thing called Michigan Wroks. Its to give people under the age of 25 a summer job. Since summer is over i no longer have that job.

    3. forcebreaker


      Ahhhh, well, at least you were not fired. That wouldent have looked good for the next job :) lol.


    4. Show next comments  147 more
  5. Sweet. One of my friends is also teaching English in Japan.
  6. Hey, welcome to RMXPU. :D Cool your a teacher. What do you teach?
  7. im going to die. im sick and theres stupid cigarette smoke throughout the house. Nothing i hate more in the world than cigarette smoke.

    1. Bob423


      luckily, here in washington, you cant smoke inside a building, and have to be at least 20ft from it

    2. Bob423


      public buildings that is

    3. ThatOneGaijin


      Yeah smoke is one of my least favorite things to inhale. Hope things look up for you.

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  8. LOL. i took care of the spambot 5sec before ace reported it. Thanks for reporting things. It really helps out :D.

    1. Marked


      spend like 20minutes deleting all their posts and accounts, etc. I plan to finally budge and prune bout 8k accounts, slim up the database.

    2. forcebreaker


      Wow...moderating sounds stressful... 0.o

    3. Polraudio


      sometimes. right now i got 60 reports to go through.

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  9. ~ANOTHER TOPIC MOVED~ To the correct area. Please look at the area your posting in before posting.
  10. ~TOPIC MOVED~ To the correct area.
  11. Its kind of hard to do without some encryption and would be a pain to generate all the serial numbers your self, insert them into the script, and you would have to release a new game every time you run out of serial numbers. There may be other ways with making a server to handle serials. If 1 person got the serial key everyone got the key and you may not get more sales. Unless you do the server thingy to tie a key to an account or something. Im assuming you are selling your game since you have a serial system. Not sure what other ways there are. Someone with better knowledge than me will know an easier way. In the end its not worth the trouble.
  12. Consoles = Short-term. PC's = Long-term. Buy a console and all the games are worthless and useless in a few years. Buy a PC and your games are good for as long as you own a pc(forever usually).

    1. ShinkuAura


      True Story-ignorant comment. Consoles may have old hardware and may not be powerful as a PC but it's where most of the profit comes from, besides not many people have money to invest in a gaming PC and rather play on a console since they don't have to upgrade the hardware.


      And we're all going back to the MAC platforms since many people such as Gabe Newell said that windows 8 is a disaster and it's not a PC anymore.

    2. Polraudio


      Lol yup.


      I might ride windows 7 out. If i could game on linux like i can on PC i would instantly switch.

    3. forcebreaker


      Im sorry, i dont know a whole lot about computers, so whats so bad about windows 7, or 8?

  13. Would like to see a game with holiday events on certian days of the year.

  14. Not sure what my ipod would fall under so i put tablet. I use to browse the site lots from my ipod but since the full version button on the bottom is broken for the forums i have stopped browsing around mobile. IPB's mobile layout is bad(never liked mobile layouts for any site. hard to get where you want easily). As for resolution my ipod is 4th gen with 960x640. I usually use it in portrait since its easier to browse around with 1 hand.
  15. When something is Illegal people tend to do it more than when its legal. Keep it legal or people will start doing rape to fill their needs. Theres my 2 cents.
  16. When i was very young like 4ish i remember watching my dad playing Final Fantasy 3 on his SNES. I use to watch him play it all the time so thats why i love RPG's and video games. After a while we moved and left my dad(wont go into that and dont ask). We moved to a house in the middle of the woods with no power where i was forced to work for a long time on a farm(by my moms asshole boyfriend who she didnt even like). So till about the end of 2000(october ish) i had no video games in my life or no electronics at all. December 25 2000 i got my first console called Playstation and my first game called Driver 2(reason it got ps1). I played driver lots till i discovered the name of the game my dad use to play then i got addicted to every final fantasy i could get my hands on. 2001 rolls around and we got our very first computer. My friend named Jon(not Jon Bon) tells me about this awesome MMORPG called Runescape. So i tried out and got addicted to it fast(still play it to this day). Mainly played Runescape and Final Fantasy till PS2 and Grand Theft Auto Vice city came out. I stuck with GTA and RPG's for a while. Some of the games i enjoyed were the Star Ocean series, Radiata Stories, Final Fantasy X, GTA VC, GTA SA, Metal Gear Solid 1 2 3, and Kingdomhearts. I stayed with PS2 for a while till about 2008 when i got a PS3 and GTA4. I did lost of gaming on my PS3. Mainly RPG's and FPS's(no COD. i hate fricken cod). Then 2009 came around and i got my first gaming computer(laptop) once i went to PC gaming i never really looked back because most of it sucks. Only reason i would get a console now days is for games you cant get on PC like Final Fantasy(was huge fan till 13 came and made me no longer a fan), and star ocean(was huge fan till last hope let me down). Now im mostly a PC gamer who enjoys games like Elder of Scrolls, Fallout, Runescape, Minecraft, and Most FPS's(not cod). Will i ever go back to consoles? Give me a console that has full support for a keyboard and a mouse(none has yet) for FPS's and you got my attention but most likely not a buy because there to few console games i even like anymore. Lazy creators making my loved games crappy. So there's the story of part of my life and my gaming life. Sorry about the console rant.
  17. Thats exactly what i mean. Just never let your battery go dead. You will hurt your battery and lower its life by lots. I let my 1st laptops battery go dead many times and now its got a 15min battery life. Using the method above on my new laptop for the past 3 years and my laptops battery is about as healthy as the day i got it. Never really used sleep much cause it never worked for me(black screen always when woken up and no way out). Sleep still uses battery but not as much as it would on. I would recommend sleep for more than a few hours if your trying to save every little bit of battery you have. If your in a class that's an hour long then use sleep. any longer use hibernation(read below). Hibernation takes whats in RAM and saves it to the disk then does a shutdown. It saves the RAM on the disk so you can continue with your work or whatever you had open as if the computer was never shutdown. Once you turn on your computer it will be as it was before the hibernation. Very useful for if your working on a project and need a long break without battery getting used up since it uses as much battery as it would completely off.
  18. The VIAO is almost better in every way. CPU is great GPU is perfect for a mobile gamer. RAM is perfect. I dont think she will ever use up all 4gb. HDD Space is more than enough. Its a good idea to let your battery get to 20% or lower(not dead) once a month and let it fully charge to 100%(let it charge. dont stop it from charging during that time) to keep the battery healthy. Thats called a full cycle charge. As long as you do that your battery will stay healthy for years. Note: You will notice a difference in speed between 32bit and a 64bit os. I think theres a 11% boost in performance on the cpu with a 64bit os. Final Thoughts: The VAIO is made more for gaming. If all they do is facebook and browsing around you might be able to find one for cheaper to fit her needs. Then again it will be great so she dont have to upgrade in a while. All you have to do is change it from power saving to balanced or high performance. Takes all of 2sec. By default most laptops are already in balanced. So no hacking needed at all.
  19. I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on a virtual machine. I will install wine and let you know if it works and if i get it to work i will write a little tutorial on what i did. I mainly prefer Ubuntu 10.04. More comparability with that version.
  20. Welcome back buddy. Been a very long time since we last had a chat. I remember the time when we use to talk every day all day :D.
  21. Theres optional scripts in the demo called Atoa ATB, and Atoa CTB. There add-ons to this script. All you have to do to use them is move them above main.
  22. Long to time no see OverlordMao. Welcome back :D.
  23. Congrats to MoonPearl for winning MOTM, you deserved it . Our current kitten status is 18,776 rmxpu members and only 13 of them voted so that leaves 18,763 members attacked and 18,763 kittens left without a home.
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