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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. Tomo2000


    Remember that deal we made... -evilface- You owe me half.
  2. Tomo2000


    :o -kills self- Lol just kidding but seriously fts (f**k that shit)
  3. Tomo2000


    I'd rather not work where she works... Not my kinda thing...
  4. Tomo2000


    Girlfriend greater than Minecraft (I always get the symbols mixed up... So I didnt want to use < or > or >.< )... And, no matter what order (yours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays coz while shes at work I do Minecraft), Im still bored :P .
  5. I can't remember, found it 3 years or so back. And yo right back :P .

  6. Tomo2000


    I am FOREVER bored... And, Kiriashi, your theory is not absolutely correct. It helps for most of the time, but thats about it.Then you got an extra 10-25% of boredom.
  7. Hey, welcome to the forum. Either it's not even bed-time or its nearly morning (by morning I mean, like, 6am. Not 12:01am). What country do you live in? Also, what is your project about? Hope you enjoy your stay :D .
  8. I can't believe how fast this year has gone so far. I feel like it was only yesterday that I was making my new years resolutions and now its nearly time to make some new ones... Life is too short, sometimes...

    1. Dark Den

      Dark Den

      i feel the same

    2. Ecowolfsteen


      Yeah, it's been going WAY to fast, but, hey, I'm not complaining.

    3. Kiriashi


      Words right out of my own mouth.

  9. Hey guys, Been doing a bit of work on Hope Afloat lately. Little bits here and there. My request is for a Police Officer Characterset and, if possible, a down sprite for it also. I need it to be male and wearing a black police uniform. That's about it, really. If you want to add a logo to the shoulder, or a helmet, or anything like that its up to you. I dont know if I'm being specific enough... Haven't requested in a while. If you have any questions just ask. Thanks in advance. Edit: -facepalm- 2 Prefixes... Have never got used to that. Also, RTP style, please. Either that or White Ties (if anyone even knows White Ties... Preferably RTP, though). Keep on being awesome guys, ~Tomo2000.
  10. Hey, welcome to the forum. I wish I could say I remembered you, lol. I remember seeing RMXPUltimate a while back... Who knows how long ago. I would have signed up but I found this place. Nice drawings, by the way. Their great. I wish I could draw :( I can draw some pretty b**chin' blades and daggers but thats about it.
  11. Yay, RG's back :D . Did you get your projects off your other computer yet? Also, as Wyzrd said, log onto AIM more now :D . Hope to see you online rather soon.
  12. Welcome to the forum ^~^ Hope you have a great time. If you need help don't hesitate to ask, there's a ton of friendly people willing to help.
  13. Looks good, might need to edit the walking left and right frames, its a bit off there, but the front frames look great :D .
  14. Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay :D . It's ironic that we have a french member because just the other day at school all through english we were talking about french people :P .
  15. Wow, holy -bleep-, that's amazing!! When you were drawing all the lines (I didnt open the first spoiler) I wasl like "What is he doing?" then the finished product and I was :o . That is awesome :D . Your map looks great, too.
  16. Nice, Marked. I was trying to change the name but overriding it would have been much easier.
  17. I'm not trolling, I'm just saying it's kinda rude. Anyway, I've got nothing better to do for the next who-knows-how-long, so I'll try make the script.. Edit: Hmm, odd. I tried a few things and get any of em to work...
  18. I'm sorry if I seem like an ass, and no offense, but you join the forum, know (obviously) little about RMXP and expect a script when you haven't even introduce yourself? Or anything about your game? I'm lost, to tell you the truth. First, who the hell is Alexander? Arshes? Aluxes? I dunno, lol. I think its a bit rude to just walts in and demand anything. Not even a thank you anywhere. And then you have the nerve to say your impatient? Well do it yourself or get someone else to do it, we're not your slave. I'm sorry, again, if I sound like an ass, but seriously...
  19. King Propergator, Brute, Master Zen, Broodmother. Betcha can't guess what that's from (clue - involves zombies/infected/infested)

    1. Tomo2000


      No... Red Dead Redemption you say... With zombies... TO EBAY!!

    2. Ecowolfsteen


      xD. Nah, no EBAY, it's only 800 MS Points. But, I got the Undead Nightmare Collection Pack, which cmoes with 3 different DLC for RDR. SO beast.

    3. Tomo2000
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  20. Tomo2000


    That "Goin' Ghey" one? Yes I did... Oh no. Run, Eco, run!!
  21. Tomo2000


    I would join in on this rather scary joke (that might not be a joke) but: a) I'm a bit freaked out... b) I don't wear pants with zippers, I think their just stupid (just like jeans. I. Hate. Jeans.) And furries...
  22. Tomo2000


    I say the Pikadoom thing in your sig, Eco, and couldn't help myself but sprite one :P Tah Dah!
  23. Tomo2000


    Happy birthday Eco :D Have a great day.
  24. I am Teh Zombeh Masteh, and since zombies are mindless, I declair myself Leader of the Halloween Zombies, thus, Prince of Halloween. No, that NOT mean I am Kiriashi's son and if you even TRY to mention that I will send an army of zombies to get you lol. Good luck everyone.
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