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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. Wait... Sister? Your a werewolf too :dragonwant: !? Ok, I promise I won't feast on you.
  2. I'm not a cat you moron!!! I'm a freakin' wolf!!! Oh, and for tips on surviving zombies you can go to my 10,000 word+ Zombie Survival guide :D the link is in my signature. Don't worry... For an extra $10 you can get a silver doornob :D . Also, Formless, a shotgun? Really? You want more of a rifle or pistol. Preferably pistol as the ammo is more common, smaller and lighter. Pistols are also easier to swim whilst wearing.
  3. Oi! My zombie traps work perfectly, thank you! It's your own fault if you step on them. And, with the Werewolf thing, don't take him seriously... *looks around with suspicion* Hmm... Flesh sounds good tonight... You didn't hear anything, mkay? Or you might not wake up next full moon. *INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE* Anyway, please enjoy your stay at camp Scream-till-you-die-screaming. Edit: +10!? Mine only does +6. God damn chinese rip-offs...
  4. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay :D Cabins are $30 a night and camping on the grounds is allowed within the designated areas. Today we have little wind and tempurature is 20 degrees C - perfect conditions to hire a jetskii and ride around the lake for a few hours. For hiring a jetskii or booking a cabin please go to the Kiosk :) .
  5. Tomo2000

    Mini-Ice Age

    And that movie "2012" is doing nothing to help this topic. If you ask me; nothing will happen, the movie is just to make money off of peoples fears and that it's all a big media thing to get attention, just like Global Warming.
  6. Tomo2000

    Mini-Ice Age

    What I actually find quite interesting will be the number of people who commit suicide before the date the world is supposed to end.
  7. Tomo2000

    Mini-Ice Age

    The human race is already adapted to live in Antarctica. A bit more advancing and we could survive an ice age. I think we could do pretty well, already, but still have some casualties.
  8. Tomo2000

    Mini-Ice Age

    We watched about 6 videos and did 3 giant friggen tests on this and the entire time I was saying its a natural accurance but everyone was like "No, the tempurature is gonna reach 60 and we're all gonna die" and for each person who said that I just wanted to slap them. Yeah, that's right! THATS WHY I'M IN THE TOP 2% OF AUSTRALIA FOR SCIENCE YOU CRAZY BASTARDS!!!
  9. Tomo2000

    Your Pics

    @Leon: I WAS RIGHT!!!! HAHAHA!!! *laughs until passes out* . Nah, I saw that pic on your photobucket account. I wish my dog was that small... She's about half the size of me and weights in at around 45 kilograms. And she looses a heap of hair at random times so I'd fall asleep and she'd whip he in the face with her tail and I wake up and I'm covered in white hairs. @Crimson: Yay, you like my awesome, awesome eyes :D . I'll trade ya - my eyes if you post a pic :D . Just kidding. But seriously, people, post some pics
  10. See ya. Take care and come back safe.
  11. Tomo2000

    Status on life

    Well, life is just tough sometimes. You know what that's like; relationships, problems. You sort it out of it doesn't work out, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I've grown attracted to a girl who I've known my entire life because she was born a few days before me. Usually I'm fine asking girls to dates but since she's a very dear friend of mine it is much more difficult. It's like trying to break a cast-iron lock with a toothpick. And behind that lock is my self-confidence. Writer's Block is finally over. For you know don't know I was struck with Writer's Block a month or two ago and havn't been able to work on anything except for levels in my game Best Friends Forever Remake. Now that it's over I still have to try and break that cast-iron lock before I can actually do more than a few tiles or an event. Status on my games? Sadly, not much. I've been working on the town, Engora, for Hope Afloat for a while now and am nearly done. Writer's Block just hit before it was finished and the ending of Engora is pretty deep in the storyline. When I get time I will be able to finally finish that god-forsaken town. It is, by far, the biggest town yet. A nice array of obtainable weapons, too. Also, Hope Afloat has a huge file size - 70mg. Thanks to a Program called Audacity I've been able to convert a heap of files into .ogg's. I've also removed some unneeded graphics and made all the other files smaller and managed to get it down to an amazingly small 24mg. The Sequel to Hope Afloat, Grounded, hasn't got too far. The title and a small testing room is complete but there are still a lot of weapons to add and a new script to work on. It will prove to be very difficult but, in time, I will be able to release a demo. There's not too much to be said about Grounded at the moment, anyway. Alone hasn't gotten too far. I'm sorry for Kaylen who has been helping with mapping that I still havn't been able to finish that next room I was meant to finish before my Writer's Block hit. I know the basic idea but just havn't been able to get the inspiration to work on it. Best Friends Forever remake is the only one who got there while I had Writer's Block since it follows no storyline (thank god :D ). I've added a few more levels to it but have decided to release demo's in 10-level intervals. I have around 6 levels so far and when I get 10 I'll make another release. I have a new project which the idea came to me just after Writer's Block left me; it's called A Zombie World. Imagine Hope Afloat on a world-wide scale. Imagine the story told by different people. I'm going for a Left 4 Dead kinda feel in the way it's portraid. Every time you pass a certain area you enter a new 'level'. I might have something like Safe Rooms/Houses to restock on ammo but you can find that stuff lying around everywhere. There are also going to be a heap of weapons that may not be seen in the Hope Afloat series for quite a while, or possibly never. When I get aggrivated I usually sprite. Sprite the first thing that comes to my mind. Sometimes it's stories in their own. Sometimes it's just a figure crying in a corner. In a way, I'd like to thank Rated-RKOFranklin for asking for help with some sprites for his game, Megaman VX, because now whenever I get aggrivated at this mental-lock I don't draw what I used to but something I quite enjoy and that is productive. Thanks again, RKO. I'd like to thank a few people quickly. I'd like to thank Formless for being a great friend and for giving up his time so we can play our own story on Starcraft. I'd like to thank Polraudio for being there when I need somebody to talk to and just being a good friend. I'd like to thank Kiriashi for just being awesome. I'd also like to that Leon, who has also been there to talk to and who has helped me on my quest to break open this mental-lock. I'd like to thank Marked for making the forum and fix that really annoying glitch that has bugged me. I'd like to thank the RMXPU community, too, just for being there. Thanks again and take care. ~Tomo2000.
  12. Or you could increase the map priorities in the Tileset area in Database.
  13. @Omar: 'Ello :D .

    @Zane203: It's not just a single script. It requires 43 scripts, 22 common events, and inside each zombie event is around 32 lines of scripting. But, sadly, I didn't make it, but have taken it apart and editted it to an extent where I have basically memorised it. For the sequel I'm working on a script for it, though, it will be a menu and you can equ...

  14. Awesome :D I voted. I can nearly guess which ones Joey will vote for, knowing out girl-obsessed member.
  15. Wow sabao, I saw some screenshots for your game and it looks great :D . Is there a demo somewhere? Also, it reminds me a bit of Lifesigns Surgical Unit.
  16. Tomo2000


    If you do, RKO, I want the stuffing :D and maybe some popcorn chicken from KFC.
  17. Wow. No replies? These cards are awesome :D . How long did it take to make all these cards? It would take me a month because I don't have as much motivation as I used. Hopefully it will come back and I can do more work on my games then a fragment of a map or a few events. Anyway, again, great cards.
  18. I, myself, are best acustomed with good old MS Paint. Have been using it for around 10 years :D .
  19. Tomo2000

    I am Wrong?

    I don't think your wrong. I don't feel guilt or remorse so when my grandfather died 4 years ago I didn't feel sad although he was always there for me. Slightly, yes, but nothing after he was gone. He's just a memory now. Anyway, I'm sure that during those last few years that, if he could talk, he would tell you how much he loved you. Anything you have left of him you should cherrish and keep.
  20. Awesome, man. I just got photoshop :D .
  21. Wow. This looks pretty damned cool. Can't wait for a demo.
  22. Hello and welcome to the RMXP Unlimited forum. Please enjoy your stay and if you need help either post a topic in the designated area of PM one of our more active members.
  23. Awesome :D Absolutely awesome, man. If I were your teacher I'd give you an A :D .
  24. Me and Formless are friends and we walk on MSN and, with the whole 'themes' thing; I am helping make the themes in my spare time. The program is gonna look great :D and I can't wait to test out a beta version.
  25. If it were entirely possible; Command and Conquer :D . But since you have a 0.000001% possibility of making an RTS game on RPG Maker then I would have to say Kindgom Hearts :D .
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