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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. In the distance I saw a group of zombies walking through the street. One was far larger than the others, possibly their leader. I also saw him decapitate one of his own zombies for no reason I could see. I wouldn't like to mess with him. I ran up the Video Store door, knocked on it and said "Is anybody inside?". Then shot a few zombies that came from me from behind the store.
  2. Really good game, Leon. Never picked you for a game creator :D . I guess some games need to test out a few scripts.
  3. OMGHOLYPAPANDDEXTEROUS! That is a lot. Reminds me of reading the criteria of my grade 10 history assignment... Zzz... Not as in its boring, like Wyrd said, but its REALLY long.
  4. I have an idea. Find an old sea-hag and offer her your legs in return for a tail :D . Just do the opposite to what the little mermaid did... Then go eat King Neptune.
  5. Hope you have fun, CJ. See you in a week.
  6. If the tutorial doesn't help, you could always use the Exterior Tileset at RPG-Palace. That tileset is pretty good for making a fortress. Just download the demo because that way all the X's and O's and priorities are already in for you.
  7. [Glad to see you posting again CJ. Im going to wait for SolShadow to post something before I continue]
  8. "Every single day gets harder and harder. Mission after mission, death after death. It is, litterally, a hell hole down there," Sounds a hell load like Fall of Reach now, but only sorta. I think that it would be good if you were captured by the enemy, and wrote the entries for the days anyway, maybe on the cell wall or something :D .
  9. I turned around, almost shocked by Adam. "Yeah," I said, rubbing my eye, "Just trying to find more survivors," I fired my nail gun at another zombie that emerged from behind the Video Shop. "I think there might be another survivor in the Video Shop," I said, "The doors and windows are barricaded and there are new zombie corpses that I havn't seen from time to time." [Adam also realises that the eye Tom is rubbing has a small pupil than the other]
  10. [4:30am - Dawn] I exited the bunker, again, planning to try and find more survivors. My original plan was to get supplies but since one of those Hulks came from the Shopping Centre it doesn't look like it was gonna happen anymore. I continued down the street, keeping an ear out for screams that were human. I looked from building to building, but the sun was just rising so it was a bit foggy. I thought of calling out but that would just attract unwanted attention from the zombies. Well... I got enough nails. May as well. "Hey!" I yelled, "Anybody out there!" I turned and saw zombies run at me in the direction of the Video Store. I fired nails into them and kept looking around incase somebody heard my call.
  11. [Reserved incase of Extra Space]
  12. [Just to remember, the rest of the people who Rped (Aya, CJ, Kiriashi and a few others) havn't been very active in the RP for a while, so its probally a good idea to just pretend that you met everyone] *7 Hours later* I woke up from my sleep, injected myself and stood up to get something to eat. I walked over and turned right, pulled out a frozen TV Dinner, microwaved it and started to eat it. I walked past the bookshelf, got some more nails for my nail gun, and returned to the Bedroom.
  13. I remember seeing this in the news. It was the own girls fault for not turning off MSN, I believe, and not reading their E-Mails. I also believe that the students that did it should be sent to Juvi for murder, even though she commited suicide, it is still unacceptable to cause this. I've known 2 students who commited suicide after being dumped. They were, back then, 4 years higher than me but I still saw them around the place. 1st was depression and one even took to drugs to try to get his mind off things, but he ended up leaping in front of a bus. The other started drinking and killed himself by hitting himself in the head with a bear bottle, then falling unconsious against a tiled floor, which he had locked himself in the room. Sad, really, but one does get over matters like this. I had to get counsilling from the school after the 1st one.
  14. Very cool. Reminds me of "Halo - fall of Reach". Can't wait to 'flip out' at Day 13 :D .
  15. Storyline Hope Afloat is about a man, named Kyle, and his chance of ridding the world of the infection. After the first gameplay segment, you are on a raft just off the coast. You can travel to different areas to get more food, ammo, weapons and cure the area forever. Will you survive? Or will you perish like the others? Characters Name: Kyle Maconbe (Pronounced Mac-n-bee). Age: 26 Gender: Male Home: Emberville. Hobbies: Upgrading weaponry, writing in his journal, talking to his imaginary friend; Joe, and surviving. Demo Releases v8 Notes and News Note: All people who have contributed in any way will be in the Credits at the end of the game. 24th of July, '09: Release of Beta Demo. Also, in other news, 4 days until my birthday. 25th of July, '09: Now the Beta Demo is available at MegaUpload.com. Also, 3 days until my birthday. 26th of July, '09: Beta Demo v2.1 now available at 2shared.com and MegaUpload.com. 27th of July, '09: Removal of MegaUpload.com link because of download errors. Also the release of version 2.5; now including Ashaven. 28th of July, '09: Version 3.0 now available. Also; Today is my birthday :D . 12th of August, '09: Back to work. Added credits to this post, also. Look out for your name; it might be there. 13th of August, '09: Beta Demo v3.5 now available at 2shared.com. 20th of October, '09: After 3 months of work Hope Afloat v5 is finally available. With so much new stuff it will blow your mind. Enjoy. 28th of October, '09: Fixed the overhaul of glitches in v5. 24th January, '10: After another 3 months of hard work, Hope Afloat v6 is now ready to play. This is by far the biggest release so far, with a new infected, 2 new weapons, and a heap of other really awesome stuff. Enjoy. 12th May, '10: Hope Afloat v8 is now ready to play. I kinda skipped v7, as v7 was mostly fixing glitches and adding missions and whatnot. v8 features Jenkins, the 3rd city of the 2nd continent. You will be fighting in a street at midnight, a creepy sewer and an overgrown swamp. There is also a BOSS battle, in Engora, go there and do the newest mission; "Jenkins Jepardy". You will want a LOT of ammo, so good luck. Credits ------------------------- 'Hope Afloat' Credits: ------------------------- Created by: Tomo2000 (Tom) Also Created by: Leerox4eva (Lee) Maps edited by: Kiriashi ------------- Credits To: ------------- Enterbrain - Creators of RMXP [Cannot Remember] - RE Shooting System ------------ Resources ------------- Tomo2000 (Tom) - Custom Sprites [Cannot Remember] - Title Page Kan "Reiver" Gao - Most Paranormals Deathlock - Raft Inside Tileset Zamyzora - Van Sprite -------- Scripts -------- Project Zelda Team - Ending Credits Script Ccoa - UMS Script ------------------------- Music & Sound Effects -------------------------- Kan "Reiver" Gao James Q. Zhang Adam Musel Original Soundtrack - Kingdom Hearts DarkGaia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And all the others I have forgot to mention or can't remember your name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to the following; Friends and just pure Awesome People: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real-Life Friends: Lee (Leerox4eva) - Life long friend and Supernatural Expert. Corey (TheGuyWithTheCash) - An awesome friend; who can forget? Matthew (Maccas ((As in McDonalds))) - Awesome drawer and good friend. Nikki (Torchick_1928 ((Named my photobucket after her))) - Hope to see you soon, havn't seen her in ages. She's a good girl :D . Harley (Davidson) - Good ol' pal o' mine. Lachlan (Lben1) - Good friend from Melbourne. His folks live next to me. He's a good kid; known him from when he was 3 years old and I was 5. Comes up every Chrismas Holidays; another good thing about 'em. RMXPU Forum Friends: Marked - One of the coolest guys I know. Awesome forum, buddy :D . Kiriashi - Sorry for calling you a chick. Thanks for being a good friend. HereYetGone - Another cool dude. Always helping in our RP with his BFG's. SolShadow - Who would have thought helping could have forged a friendship? OverlordMao - Lord Oozerot :D . Good friend; helps a heap, too. Nisage - Awesome helper and spriter. TheSchneid - Always brings me back to where I belong :D . Thanks buddy. CJBoy - Nearly been there from the start; good luck becoming a spriting teacher. Syaoran - Best friends from the beginning. Thanks, man. FormlessTree4 - Another good friend. Thanks a heap. EmilyAnnCoons - Good spriter and Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh card merger. Thanks. Wyzd - Rap on, buddy. Your meaningful words bring tears to my eyes. May great things come your way. Rgangsta - Awesome at photoshop and good with game ideas. Thanks for being a good friend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And everyone who I have forgotten (PM to me to added to the list). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suggestions and C&C are greatly appreciated.
  16. "In the other room," I said, pointing to a corridor, "If you follow the bookshelves to your left there should be some darts, if your lucky. And if you go right there are a heap of boxes and crates full of food and bottles of water." I quickly closed the door behind me, sealing it up completely. "Don't mind me; I'm gonna take a sleep," I said, walking into the bedroom, taking my bunk and falling to sleep.
  17. Lol... Wait... Where'd that music come from? Why did the lights start flickering... No..! No..! WHERE ARE THE CHIPS!!!
  18. "Nice catch, there," I said staring at the zombie that Adam knocked down, "You gotta be pretty careful 'round these parts." We continued walking and mowing down zombies for another 5 minutes until we made it to the bunker. I slid off a panel, pulled a lever up, then down and sealed the panel again as the bunker's door opened. "Welcome to the safe haven," I said as Adam and I entered.
  19. I remember the Jersey Devil... In 7-9th grade I read so many mythical books I was like a walking guide to mythology. I'd love to help; awe the storyline. Reading good storylines like this always give me a good idea; "The woods were covered in burning footprints... But it wasn't the only thing burning; there was a large fire to the south. We investigated to find a large fire, spread out over a recently cleared area. The fire had engulfed a house nearby, also. All the inside of the house, however, remained intact. " The walls had strange carvings and crude images. The carvings resembled an upside-down Devil Symbol (The star in the circle) and the images appeared to be a warning. There were 4 images in total;" "The first had a picture of a creature whose main features resembled a horse with wings; the Jersey Devil. The other was a group of 5 people," "The second was of the people offering what appeared to be money to the Jersey Devil. They were kneeled on the ground, as if offering it to the gods," "The third appeared to be the Jersey Devil rejecting the offer and leaving," "The fourth was a picture of a fire, similar to the one around the house," "And the fifth was of the 5 men, only one had a large cross going through the 1st and 2nd man." "I believe the images represented a warning, and the consiquences of these warning. Shortly after leaving the house we spotted yet another fire and ran to the location," "Just like last time, the inside of the house was untouched and had carvings on the wall. There was, however, one thing that disturbed me about the 5th image." "This time 3 men had a cross through it, and the last 2 resembled... us..." What do you think? I came up with that shortly after reading the storyline. I hope you like it. I had an idea for the name, also, seeing that it is a Horror game; Death never comes swiftly.
  20. "Based 10 years in the future: Surrounding us is a large, 2km-by-2km dome. Everything except us and other people are all holographic. When you walk the holograms move with you, but you don't actually move; you are basically moving in the same spot. You may 'drive' vehicles and 'fly' planes but it works on nearly the same principle." "Everybody has a neural inplant that helps do this and makes other people seem to fade when you are too far away. The neural inplant also generates substitutes that replace proper eating and drinking. Sleeping, however, is still an option." "You can travel anywhere you want, taste anything, do anything; except live in reality. Outside the Dome is a barren wastleland of what the Earth once was; unbreathable air, rivers and oceans have dried up and the ground itself has shattered into giant fragments." "You cannot remember the construction of the dome, or being put in it. You only remember your life as if the dome didn't exist; You are, basically, trapped inside your own mind... And there is no escape." Me and a friend came up with this at school today. What do you think? EDIT: And I am not saying that this is possible right now. I am not a conspiritor :D .
  21. I smiled. "Luckily for you; I do," I said, handing in my metal pipe for his. "As for more darts; I'm not sure. There might be some more back at the bunker. Follow me." I said as I started walking down the street.
  22. I remember at a friends farm there was a group of cows and a goose. The other cows were scared of the goose but the goose stayed near 1 cow all the time, exiling it from the rest of the group. Me, the owners daughter and my sister tried chasing it off but it tried attacking us. We then through sticks at it and it flew off. The other cow seemed happy and merrily waltzed to the other cows. We felt like we had done a good day but the next day it was back... We continued the same routine for the next week and it finally disappeared. I sorta felt sorry for the goose but I saw it walking around in the farm next door the day we were leaving so it looks like next-door is gonna have a new 'friend' :D .
  23. "Glad you got a sense of humor," I said, "Well, from here I can take you to the abandoned military bunker where a group of survivors are stationed or you can help me find more survivors out here in this wasteland."
  24. I had an idea for Zoey. I like the boyfriend thing but instead of an enemy my idea was that he was an infected but still helped you without attacking you. But he can't speak or anything, he just makes growling-like noises. Sorta like the Hulk in the movie when they escape to that cave-like place.
  25. I pondered about this while helping you with a few things, SolShadow. My original idea was a large, floating tower that they live in and a certain spell brings down a ladder of stair-well for them to climb up. Another idea was something like off doctor-who; a small, hollowed out dead tree but inside it is MASSIVE.
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