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Everything posted by CrimsonInferno

  1. ^ The site is down. Luckily I was also searching for it last night. I'll get the download link! :biggrin_002: EDIT: Here ya go. Poccil's site went down because he couldn't pay for the servers I think... http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Essentials_Wiki
  2. Wow! This is really nice! lol You will ask for permission to use it, right? lol
  3. Ah, I didn't know he/she meant the homepage lol Yea, its pretty slow to me too. I thought he/she meant the forums :>
  4. What browser are you using? Because I'm using FireFox and I have no graphics card, literally, and it works great on my PC....and its really, really old xD
  5. ^Slow? What do you mean? Like speed or traffic of people?
  6. I don't know about texting, I've never owned a phone and I've only used the phone to call my parents a while back. :sweatdrop:
  7. Mine changed by themselves once after my PC was infected by a virus and I had to reinstall it, and it was different. Didn't know how to change it xD Anyways, it might have changed by itself. You should check the settings.
  8. I get on and stay on as long as I can :( I think we need to encourage new members more in threads...
  9. Yes, New Zealand is very beautiful. I had four folders filled with photos of it lol Its definitely 1 on my list of it doesn't share America's new heading... I turned 18 August. If I moved away, I'd still call up my family, if they were willing to talk to me. I know my sisters would, but I'm not sure about the others. Not that they don't care, or I certainly hope they care, but because they are rather shy when it comes to phones or people xD
  10. Yea, they are terrible. I've been trying to learn... Yes please! It would be much appreciated, Chief! :D
  11. Now that I'm finished with my novel and have loads more of free time, I can get back to this! The autotiles have been a punch to the gut. I had no idea how to go about creating one! I couldn't find any tutorials besides one that wasn't really...helpful. I mean it was great, no lie about that and it taught me everything I do know about it, but it didn't help with what I had problems with. And then I came across this image and this, which greatly helped me! Now that I know how to do it (or at least have the concept down!) I can go on with my project. The autotiles were really bugging me and it made me not want to continue until I had months to myself, but now that I have the inspiration and new knowledge of how it works, I'm pretty sure I can do this! So far the only hard things I've encountered was the autotiles and organizing the tilesets. Yea, ripping wasn't hard, it was organizing them that was hard! lol So those images combined with the previous post has greatly improved the chances of actually ripping the entire set of graphics! Yay! :heart: It won't be as great as Dargor's SDK, I know it, but its a great project for those who....don't want to use the SDK? Crazy as they might sound xD But who knows, maybe it'll be used besides my use of it. lol Anyways, I'm starting it up once again! Although it never ended after the last post, I just saved autotiles for last, which was basically slowing it all down.... Well, expect my ten attempts of different autotiles soon guys! I already have two in the works! :lol: (Although I still not sure I know what the top right of the autotile (The "1") does I think I have a clear idea what it is and how to create my own lol) Well, that's it for now :!:
  12. Okay! Will do, Wyzrd! Thanks everyone for the support. It gets hard sometimes and it it really gets to me :/ So thank you. It always helps to talk with you guys, it makes it all better. :)
  13. I really like New Zealand or Italy lol I've been ignoring them, acting like I don't notice them ignoring me. Hopefully it works...however way it will. I'd put some fear in them, but I wouldn't like hitting them...plus I'm the shortest in the house, even more so than my 12 year old brother xD
  14. As Engima said, they would have to be compatible. I forget where...but someone made a trailer of a Digimon & Dragon Ball Z fan game where they had two different systems. One like Dbz and one like FF games...
  15. Well, my siblings have loyalty to me...its just, my parents what's the word, "pester" them. Plus, my youngest brother is really young, so he tells whatever he hears... @Clone: Punch them?! :o
  16. Welcome to the forums, Surando! :D I hope you have fun here and stay active! :)
  17. I had your question before! :D The easiest (really, its extremely easy!) way to understand how to make cutscenes, is to play this: http://www.rpgmakervx.net/index.php?showtopic=5704 You will need an account to access the board, but it'll be worth it, promise! It will teach you everything (almost everything to the system) how on to apply it to a cutscene. I went from "couldn't do anything at all" to "could make cutscenes at a mid-range level". You should check it out, it'll really help you.
  18. @Tomo: I tried, they wouldn't say anything... @Marked: I will. I don't like living here, not even in America. Maybe I'll leave it all behind...? @Dark Den: He ignored you for a broken collar bone? :o I hope it ends soon though. :( @Raiku44: Nah, they'd never hit me (at least I believe they wouldn't lol). All my big events have long since passed...Because I'm 18, we don't (the adults) don't celetbrat birthdays, Christmases and anything else lol Maybe it started for something I didn't do :/ @synchronicity: Maybe...I don't really remember doing anything bad at all though. I remember everything, but not what could have done this. @Kage Kazumi: My grandmother talks with my mother all the time...besides that, I've only seen my grandparents three times in my life, so I don't think they could do a lot. My father's side of the family hates us lol @Ecowolfsteen: I could try and ignore them. I hope it doesn't make it worse. I try to talk to them, but they literally won't respond unless its commands before they leave or something...
  19. Has anyone's parents...ever stop talking for to you for a bit? Is it normal? A few days ago my parents actually stopped talking to me altogether. They tell me to lock the door when they leave to go to the store. The only time they really talk to me now, is if they they are yelling at me or making fun of me, or telling me to shut up. I don't know what I did, but the last time they actually talked to me without anger to it, was a few days before they stopped. I don't know what caused it, but now when I speak to my father he just walks pass and doesn't even look at me. Tonight I wanted to show him something I found (It was a model for Maya that looked real) and he just walked pass me into the living room. To make sure he heard, I say 'dad, wait, I want to show you something cool' but he took his cup and left. And then earlier this morning when my mother was asking my siblings what they wanted her to bring back (koolaid :/) and they all gave their flavors and when I asked if she could get Lime/Kiwi, she told me shut up... I asked if he (my father) was ignoring me to his face and he said yes. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...I can't remember if I said anything to them to make them angry, or if I did something wrong. I would ask my siblings, but they'd tell my parents I was asking and it would make it worse. Has this ever happened to you guys before? If so, do you have any advice to get them to talk to me again?
  20. Oh, didn't know you posted on my profile T.T

    Thanks for the link! I'm checking it out now! :D

  21. Thanks, Marked :)I hope I helped him/her. :) I have a few more and will most likely edit the post xD I thought I should just throw this in as well xD http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=195501
  22. Welcome to the forums, Synchronicity! :D I hope you enjoy your time here! :)
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