Now that we have a good, full-proof system of topic prefixing and thus easily distinguish topics of different engines, I have been thinking of merging the forums in the Game Dev category.
At the moment, clearly there's a bit of confusion going on. The amount of topics in the wrong forum is frustrating. For me, I just have to read what forums are there and I know where it all goes. Why is that so hard? Apparently it is. One answer to that question is that we two types of forums in the Game Dev category: Engine specific and merged. For example, you have RMXP support topics in its own forum, but RMXP Scripts and resources are mixed with all others.
So the idea is to mix them all into one forum, and members are forced to use topic prefixing, so it should work out just fine. There shouldn't be any confusion.
Would look like this:
Game Development Discussion
Tools & Utilities
Projects & Teams
-Project Recruitment
-Official Tutorials
Engine Support
-RGSS Support
Resource Showcase & Critique
-Resource Requests
User Submitted Scripts
-Scripts Request
Nice and simple, right? Since I'm suggesting this, maybe I'm biased towards the idea. But, I'll try to deliver an appropriate list of pros and cons.
-Simple structure that reduces confusion on where to post
-Ability to expand on supported engines - if we include an engine in the topic prefixes, then it is considered an engine we support. Before we only supported RMXP/RMVX as we had specific forums for those engines
-Easier to make mods to list specific topics - for example, if i wanted to display all of the RMVX support topics on our VX homepage, I could easily to do as they have been prefixed
-Difficult to tell which engines are support on the forum for newbies
-the forums do not have the engine in their name and this affects SEO
Thats all I can think of right now :sweatdrop: Thoughts?