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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Son of a... Okay, now they gone. Looks like I'm gonna have to go through one of my several hundred backups. I'll do that just now. How are you liking that new Wiki? Old or new, which do you prefer? Edit: I re-installed the Wiki and uploaded the tables, so it's working perfectly now. It even shows the Article count, which it wasn't before for some reason.
  2. Hi Gunobby, welcome to RMXP Unlimited. That was a short introduction, why dont you tell us a little more about yourself.
  3. Yesterday, but I need to set it up. At the moment I'm working on another part of the site which will probably be up this month. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/wiki/ Ark, I can still view the articles. It says there are 0 per category, but if you go into the Categories they're all there.
  4. Yes 100gb is a lot, considering we average 5GB per month. But I can see how an account could use that all up. A whole lot of large image files. Thanks for the info, but one more thing, can users delete their own images?
  5. I need some information about Photobucket. I've never actually been to their site before, but I see a lot of images hosted there. What I need to know is, do the images that members upload ever get deleted? Or can members delete their own images? Basically I'm wanting to know if I posted an image from photobucket, would it last forever?
  6. Marked


    1000 active members How ungreatful am i? :huh:
  7. I could try to repair this, but would you actually prefer an external wiki? For example, this software: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
  8. Really? Define gone? It's still there, being a pain though. I'm going to re-install it to try and get everything to work right. I'll try get that done over the weekend. Things are starting to stack up a bit at my end.
  9. Yeah, all you need to do is ask. Welcome to Unlimited!
  10. Marked


    1000 copy's of ark's 1000 virgins.
  11. Umm not exactly. A project in the "Games in Development section" can have a full storyline, screenshots, and game play. Once the project has developed far enough for 30+ minutes gameplay, it belongs in the Demo Games section. Perhaps the title is a bit misleading. After a Demo has reached 30+ minutes of game play, it is likely to be continued, and become a large project. Do you understand? The Games in Development section is not just for a couple of paragraphs of 5 minute writing. There is a standard all project topics must reach.
  12. Thanks. These updates are due to another part of the site I will be introducing. Demo Games: Games in Development: I'm working on the descriptions... :huh: My idea behind the Games in Development section is that there are a ton of new users who come up with their storylines and things first up. A lot of the projects don't make far enough in production to come up with a good demo. A demo with 30+ minutes of gameplay will be fairly developed, and have a more concrete storyline. If anything this is separating the standard of projects. In both sections their may be demos, but there will be far better developed demos in the Demo Games section.
  13. You're right. Icons will become a real pain when many of them are added. Charactersets too. I'm actually planning a complete do over of the forums and components. RGSS scripts will be organized into: * Custom Menu Systems * Custom Battle Systems * Movement Systems * Custom Message Systems * Stores, Inns, Etc. * Mini Games * System Enhances * Player/Party Systems * Database Related * Misc. Systems And this will also transfer to the Downloads Manager, which structure will change to(I'm just typing this now, it may be different): RPG Maker XP -RGSS Scripts * Custom Menu Systems * Custom Battle Systems * Movement Systems * Custom Message Systems * Stores, Inns, Etc. * Mini Games * System Enhances * Player/Party Systems * Database Related * Misc. Systems -Projects * Completed Games * Demo Games * Games in Development RPG Maker VX -RGSS2 Scripts * Custom Menu Systems * Custom Battle Systems * Movement Systems * Custom Message Systems * Stores, Inns, Etc. * Mini Games * System Enhances * Player/Party Systems * Database Related * Misc. Systems -Projects * Completed Games * Demo Games * Games in Development And all the other Categories will remain the same The Tutorials section will be changed into: * General RMXP Tutorials * RGSS Scripting Tutorials * Eventing Systems/Tutorials * Mapping Tutorials As for the Gallery, I will add sub-categories. I have actually done this before, where I had for Battlers: Male, Female, Monsters. And Charactersets: Objects, Male, Female, Monsters, Animals, etc. It will be some time to I get around to these changes though, and I will make an announcement in the Staff forum before I do.
  14. But by using a Keygen it will register the program, making it identical to a purchased version of RPG Maker XP, right? So if you sold a game made in an illegally registered copy of RMXP, wouldn't it be the same as selling it in a legally registered copy?
  15. Why cant you copy and paste? You should be seeing a code box with the script inside. Try downloading the Demo: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....amp;showfile=10
  16. Welcome! You'll find sprites buried in our Gallery somewhere. Enjoy your stay. :D
  17. Game 1: You may sell games using the RPG Maker XP RTP. Game 2: Legally, I'm sure you can. Most resources you will find will say you can use with credit. Most will not mention commercial use. But if you go around selling a game with resources made by users from the RMXP community, there's not a whole lot they can do. I may be wrong about this, someone feel free to correct me. If you credit your resources, you should be fine. Game 3: Enterbrain lets you sell games made with the software, so why not?
  18. The demo isn't working. Please re-upload this Trickster. Edit: I managed to guess the URL from another script you posted here. Seems you changed your Script Demos directory to Scripts.
  19. Marked

    Text Message

    :lol: It could have been your Girlfriend using your mums phone. Have you told your girlfriend about it yet? That could be an interesting conversation.
  20. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited! By the way, you were our 1000th member!
  21. That could be interesting. Can you view this article?: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....rticle&id=8 You made two of the same article, see if you are able to approve this one.
  22. Yeah I agree. Agreed as well. And it's our forum. I will never call this my forum. Okay so you do not like rmxp.org, and you want to make .ORG members aware of how bad it is? Correct? I disagree with this. You don't like a forum, can't you just be inactive? Do you have to go around forums trying to convince everyone how bad it is? Perhaps I am wording this rather harshly though. In my opinion, arn't we taking the internet way too far? This is no form of sex. Sure you can call it that, but come on, lets be serious. Saying things to someone on the internet that are sexual...who honestly cares? Does that make them bad? This is where I disagree most. Your group disagrees with the community, so you've decided it should be destroyed. There is a very simple solution. Just don't goto the site. vigilantepunishment, you are welcome to continue to argue your point, I'm just giving my views. As admin of an RMXP forum I will not give my opinion on .ORG. Although I'll say when I made an introduction topic(not under this username), the replies I got were...disturbing to say the least.
  23. That's quite a while, especially considering how most users get their "registered" version of RMXP. There's a legal way around it though. You know how if you were to delete format your drive and re-install windows you could install the trial again? It's quite obvious, but when you install the trial it stores information on your computer. It has to know if your trial has expired, right? I don't know how to do it, though I've had a friend do it for me. If you delete all the RPG Maker XP information from the registry, you could install the trial again. You could search that up, and do that until you can pay for a license.
  24. Ah I'll try fix that. See if you have the same problem with the next article. :huh: The result of almost 2 years work. Brilliant. I started on the history of RMXP Unlimited. I'm not finished yet though, not by a long way. I posted it in the "Forums" Category, but it will need to be moved to an appropriate Category when its done.
  25. Here is the link to purchase a license: https://license.ntitles.net/purchase.asp?m=...8B140BC809DD502 It will set you back 60USD. One time payment.
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