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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Welcome to the forums Shok. We have many tutorials on the forum that could help with RMXP. Be sure to check them out.
  2. As the title states, will you switch over to RMVX? This is just a little survey which could help us decide how much/if we will integrate VX forums/Categories to the forum. Dont forget to post reasons why you voted for which option ;)
  3. If a picture can say a thousand words, then a demo can say a hundred thousand(HINT) Nice Tut though. It should help a lot of new members. I remember it took me a while to figure this out when I was quite new to RMXP. Actually I gave up a game once because I couldn't make it so you needed a potion to get past this guy...lol
  4. Lammorra, you seem to make a separate posts to reply to each member. Make sure you keep your posts together. I have merged your too posts. Just watch out for that in the future. You shouldn't thank us just yet. Your problem isn't solved yet is it? One way to determine if it is your computer or not is to uploaded it and let one of us try it on our computers. If you are unsure how to upload it, or where, you can view this topic for hosts: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=782 If you don't want other members to see your game(many don't) then you can send it to me in a PM. You can also attach it to your PM instead of uploading it to a host. Of course you don't have to send it to me, it would just make it easier to help.
  5. Marked

    Shadow XP

    I was only two years older when I started this forum, age has nothing to do with anything. Although, do not offer to help if you are going to give him information that will change his mind.
  6. There should have been more spelling mistakes recorder. I replaced 45 words with RMXP Unlimited. Dreamweaver replaced them all automatically, still leaving credit to Dubealex though. I don't see that happening here anytime soon. Do you think it would happen just because we forgot to edit the file? Maybe its just me, but some people are so serious over such small things.
  7. Marked

    Move routes

    It could be other events on the map. Create another map and use the Set Route Command again there and see if you get the same result.
  8. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/rules.html All members, especially staff, should read the new rules.
  9. Delete your "Transfer Player" commands on both maps and make them again. Incase something went wrong the first time you made them. I have a habit of making demos for everything, so heres a quick demo of transferring the player between maps: transfer_player_demo.zip
  10. Marked

    Best programs?

    Are we talking free or paid programs? There's Photoshop which I used for Spriting. You could actually use paint to do it. For tilesets, just make a 32x32 square, and make another, and make it a different colour. Then copy and paste them so you have your own grid. You can do the same with Charactersets.
  11. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited satan6676.
  12. Yeah. At the end of the day its your life, and you are an adult. It is a little more difficult living under your parents roof though. It may be easier to move out, that way you can do what ever you want. Although moving out makes things a hell of a lot more difficult. But at least then you can do anything you want, and there's no parents controlling your life. Also, I hope your sisters baby is born healthy. If it is born like that, its not a good thing. Its certainty not something to hope for. I know that is not what you meant though.
  13. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited. We don't publically announce we're stealing stuff ;) Anyway, we know you were joking. Enjoy the site, ask you if need anything.
  14. Thanks for Affiliating with us. That means this site is highly recommended by RMXP Unlimited.
  15. That's because you cannot submit images to that Category. In the RPG Maker XP Category, you must select a Sub-Category, such as "Tilesets". In this Sub-Category, you can submit images. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....post&cat=10
  16. That looks great Black Shadow. To submit to the Gallery, just goto the Category(Tilesets for example), and click this button:
  17. It looks pretty good so far. You havent done much, so you should finish it off so we can see the final version.
  18. Marked

    Flash Intro

    This tutorial was more about making intros for clients, and for products. It had a lot of information about working with clients, and animating for the product. This is quite simple to do, it was surprising how easy it was. Its just a bunch of motion tweens really, but it had a lot of useful things in there. It was actually a 5 hour video tutorial. Whats a flash maker? I used Flash 8 for this. I would use Flash CS3, but computer isnt even good enough to run it.
  19. Please read this topic: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=630 Not everyone knows the summon night series, so please provide some reference pictures.
  20. I checked your member group. I must have forgot to enable Albums on your group. Goto the Workshops Category again, and you should see a button called "New Album", click on that.
  21. Here is a video I made from a Tutorial. I did make this, although it is identical to the one in the tutorial. So even though I made this, you could just say that I learnt how to make this. The tutorial teaches you to make flash intros for websites. I also put it on in an html file so it you can view it on a page: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/intro.html I think the preloader's not working right though. Does anyone see a loading bar when viewing this? If not, it will probably run slowly.
  22. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....mp;CODE=leaders You do. You are still a teacher. So you can have these topics moved to your class if you like. Great work on this.
  23. Thanks. I think in XP they made an extra frame for Charactersets so you could animate them. Because there is always 2 frames exactly the same on each line. In VX I think they just play the middle frame twice instead of playing the frames in order. Of course I could be wrong, but it makes sense. It only took about half an hour to make these. Once I had the dimensions and a template, it was just copy and paste. It will be a while before they used though.
  24. Marked

    Quick help...

    I made a quick demo for you to see how this is done: Random_Speech.zip To make him say something specific you use local switches. If you want him to say random things, do it like its done in this demo. Dont worry. You'll get there.
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