Hi all,
Usually I wouldn't make an announcement for such small changes, but I thought what the heck since they'll be few and far between until I finish uni.
First up are some updates to the scripts section design:
So this shows the authors avatar in a nice shadowed circle, and there's now a banner displaying the engine the script is compatible with (which also links to the engine's page)
This is also a script comment - redesigned to suit our forum's design.
I'd also like to tell you about the future of the comments system:
Right now there's a bunch of features missing, such as the bottom buttons don't even work. I need to code up those functions to make the comments system a lot better. But after I do that, the goal is to have comments avaliable on all our sections; even the engines section so people can leave reviews. The idea is to open the site up to the community in terms of our content sections and allow discussions within them - just as if they were topics. So you can ask for help with a script, post assignments in the tutorials section, etc etc. All of this will be integrated in the recent posts module on the forum index and all around the website too where appropriate.
The other change I made was to make these graphically better, and also link those banners to the engine's section
Related to this is whether we should have RMVX (not Ace) back on the forums. I removed it, but all of the content currently lives in the content sections. Vote in the poll or post below :thumbsup: