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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I recommend starting your project in Ace. XP is getting really, really old. There's no point getting into a pros and cons discussion, but you're in safe hands with Ace if it suits your style. Welcome to RMU :thumbsup:
  2. Velcome! I always wanted to travel to Germany... apparently my ancestors come from there. Nice to meet you :)
  3. Finished my last pre-finals assessement! Woooh. In the process I turned 23 :(

  4. No problem :) It's basically a rule to help recruiters get more interest in their projects.
  5. Welcome to RMU btw :) I'd just like to direct your attention to this little notice (in the forum description); Actually, I should change the above to "Early in Development or Established Games". So if you could do that it would be great and also help your chances of recruitment :thumbsup:
  6. I think the number of girls on the site is starting to equal the number of guys... We're gona have to restrain Saltome if the trend continues :D

    1. Bob423


      I can think of a few we can start with...actually, exactly 3.

    2. Foxkit


      Easy bob, don't let them know about your dark side just yet.

    3. Arkbennett


      Jesus Christ, I know I'm on that list.

    4. Show next comments  174 more
  7. Lololol. I like this. Those are some nice stick figures.
  8. Strange how I missed this for so long. I fixed the issue; please keep me updated on whether everything there is functioning correctly.
  9. Bigace... you forgot to remind me, so I got distracted with other changes. But I'll prob do this at some stage. Also, thanks but I'll prob just make 'em from scratch to fit in with the nu design
  10. Marked

    Which is better?

    *throws happiness and peace juice over everyone* :cute:
  11. Hi all, Usually I wouldn't make an announcement for such small changes, but I thought what the heck since they'll be few and far between until I finish uni. First up are some updates to the scripts section design: So this shows the authors avatar in a nice shadowed circle, and there's now a banner displaying the engine the script is compatible with (which also links to the engine's page) This is also a script comment - redesigned to suit our forum's design. I'd also like to tell you about the future of the comments system: Right now there's a bunch of features missing, such as the bottom buttons don't even work. I need to code up those functions to make the comments system a lot better. But after I do that, the goal is to have comments avaliable on all our sections; even the engines section so people can leave reviews. The idea is to open the site up to the community in terms of our content sections and allow discussions within them - just as if they were topics. So you can ask for help with a script, post assignments in the tutorials section, etc etc. All of this will be integrated in the recent posts module on the forum index and all around the website too where appropriate. The other change I made was to make these graphically better, and also link those banners to the engine's section Related to this is whether we should have RMVX (not Ace) back on the forums. I removed it, but all of the content currently lives in the content sections. Vote in the poll or post below :thumbsup:
  12. Trying to work on the site... but just went sprint training for the first time in 8 months and my hands won't stop shaking >.>

    1. Bob423


      Are you able to read? Because I sent you a long pm the other day and now might be a good time to read it. Shouldn't need your hands for that :P

    2. Marked


      Oh I noticed that - I'll read it now :D

    3. Marked


      sprint training lol I meant running

  13. http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-vx-ace/custom-shop-system/revenant-storyes-visual-shop Wow that's awesome :grin:
  14. Ah.. that brings back memories. I sorta liked that interface better than the Vita, until I forgot about it and fell in love with my vita :heart: I look forward to seeing your menu in action :)
  15. Uh, I didn't necessarily say I stole the designs... Lets just say I was heavily inspired. I've also given credit. Also, I got 1,050 words to write in the next 3.5 hours. Cutting it close, but easy :yo:
  16. I'm glad you like it :) I can't take full credit for the design, but I mixed and mashed various designs into a single site. I'm not so good at design, but I'm know how to put them together :grin:
  17. Welcome to RMU :thumbsup: It's great to see another scripter join us :) We have our own specially designed scripts section, http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts Although it still needs quite a bit of work.
  18. Hey Luky, welcome to RMU :thumbsup: Good to see another Ace user ;)
  19. Welcome to RMU! :thumbsup: Feel free to ask any questions about RPG Maker XP. That's what most of our members specialize in. In case you're interested, here's where we keep our RMXP tutorials: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/category/rpg-maker-xp http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/forum/165-rpg-maker-xp-tutorials/
  20. I am yet to write any system to submit resources to the gallery, so it is currently impossible for anyone except me to do it. However, I just noticed there is 1 way. The old gallery is supposed to be gone, but it's still working apparently. So, go here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=gallery&module=post&section=image If it's things like battlers and characters, they all gone in one category and aren't divided by engine. Hopefully the categories don't confuse you. Let me know how it goes
  21. I'll do the graphics... I want to have a colour-coded theme going on the site; Each engine has its own associated color.
  22. Marked

    Which is better?

    Lololol nice one. But yeah... maybe a shared inventory is more practical in terms of building the game. I can imagine having a separate inventory will be difficult to manage? (I just realized I haven't used an RPG Maker to build a game since 2008 :blush: )
  23. Oops! People who got repped in the last few days have received 100 points per rep.. that's far too high :P Changed ~ but you guys can keep the extra points. ;)

  24. This is exactly what I tried doing before... when I wasn't such a good web dev (which is recently!). I can actually have this up in minutes, but no, I have an essay due in 2 days :sweat: If you remind me on Friday evening (it's currently 6pm Wednesay my time, compare with timestamp in post) then I'll get straight on it :thumbsup:
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