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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Haha :blush: This was needed though. The forums are essentially working properly now, and it should load quick and also have its own mobile theme. It's also still integrated in several ways. For example, the header uses the same code and the layout CSS + images are all from the same files. I uploaded these new changes before work and run into way more issues than I anticipated. Only now at 9pm did I manage to get things working :exhausted: The member integration system just decided to kill itself but I managed to come up with a dirty hack to get everything running. I need a break *grabs vita*
  2. Nah, it wasn't that much of a hassle. Actually it gave me something to do while I was bored at work (I hope my boss doesn't see this :P ) But yeah, thanks for the offer :) By the way, I'll explain why our mods missed it (I don't think I've said this yet). It was uploaded in the downloads manager in July last year. Not long after, the links to the downloads manager were taken away because I decided not to use it anymore. But I didn't take down all the files because of google traffic. And that's probably how your friend found it too, while all of us who are active on the site would never had the chance to stumble upon it. Pretty unfortunate.
  3. Hi guys, I have decided to break one of my most treasured coding achievements; the perfect theme integration between website and forum. While the new system may not be perfect, it shouldn't be noticeable that the two are running on different applications. Previously the forum was run through the website, thus perfect theme integration, but at the cost of a lot of functionality issues. On the upside, we should have a near fully functioning forum back and no long have the issues we've been having for almost a year now. It will also allow new administrators to take better control of the forums. At the time of writing of this, things are pretty buggy. I'm having a few issues with still with the website and forum trying to get along; both want to run at the same time, so I'm working on that asap. The new skin design is also a WIP. Feel free to report bugs. Hopefully there's not too many :oops: Some things are going to be inaccessible for the new few hours while I get stuff working. It was working perfectly fine on the dev server... typical.
  4. Working on some majorly ravamped stuff for RMU - it's going to be good. Who said development had stopped? :P

    1. Polraudio


      I thought you did lol. Cant wait to see what you have in store for us :D.

  5. Well I'm glad this is all sorted :) It's not really a big deal, I don't think my boss was too happy to receive the email though, and I had to explain the situation to him who in turn has to explain it to our host provider, all within 48hrs before they "disable" the material. So it can get a messy, but that's probably because the Act forces everyone to act immediately, breach or not. @Amanda: Thanks for taking the time to explain the situation :thumbsup:
  6. He already got internet. He said in his statuses that someone paid for it.
  7. Yeah, well it's slightly more inconvenient if they do report the website, because it doesn't go directly to me, someone has to forward it on to me. The file was labelled "crack", so its poor on our part for missing it, however the link is only available on google now, so that's probably why all of the mods missed it. The US copyright statute is pretty poor tbh, it protects copyright holders slightly disproportionately. But oh well. Our server happens to be in the US.
  8. RMU has received a copyright infringement notice served on us following action from Amaranth Games about a file uploaded in July last year. The file was a crack for one of their games and has been deleted. This is a reminder to report all illegal materials that you see on the site, particularly uploaded to our server. It would also be my preference for those whose rights have been infringed to use internal reporting methods rather than using a copyright statute. We’re running a legitimate operation here, unfortunately some upload content gets through unnoticed by our moderators.
  9. summer? It's winter here! I demand you change the RACIST title! [/franklin]
  10. By the end of the day I will have done work for all 3 of my jobs; all in 1 day

    1. Polraudio


      Wow. Thats alot of work.

    2. Marked


      Yeah. 9 - 1:30 at web dev, drive over to my law job 2:00-5:00, then do some web design stuff in the evening. But it's uni break right now so got no lectures.

    3. Polraudio


      Thats going to be hard once uni comes up again.

  11. Hello internet, I'm back. I don't want to be, but here I am.

  12. You don't really copyright ideas, you copyright expressions. With you think about, a plot of a movie can be played out in many ways. If I gave you a paragraph of the plot of the hunger games, or avatar, you could tell me that is the plot to several different movies. Copyright protects the expression. EG what is the plot of.. I agree its unlikely. It's not arrogant to think a company stole from you because if you're hanging around this forum you're no one. I bet they do search through forums like these for ideas, why not? In terms of ideas, we're all on similar level. You can sum up most of the largest games plots in a few sentences, even a child could give you a great idea for a game. She's not being arrogant but if she was, who cares? Also, if you want to beat a copyright charge you must prove that you used a different method to reach a similar result. Since we're talking about a plot, it would be very difficult to ever bring a successful copyright claim against someone for a small written unpublished plot. But you can put copyright on anything, especially written work, there's no system of registration.
  13. Best of luck with all your studies and surviving without internet. The internet will be here waiting for when you return :thumbsup:
  14. Velcome :thumbsup: EDIT: Sorry had my german translator turned on.
  15. Off to hospital tomorrow. Wish me luck

    1. Bigace360


      Crohn’s tends to run in families, so if you or a close relative have the disease, your family members have a significantly increased chance of developing Crohn’s. Studies have shown that 5% to 20% of affected individuals have a first – degree relative (parents, child, or sibling) with one of the diseases.

    2. Marked


      Yep. You know someone with it too I'm guessing?

    3. Bigace360


      I do my research lol

      hope you recover.

    4. Show next comments  183 more
  16. Just tried watching man of steel... terrible, terrible movie. Not worth finishing.

    1. Bob423


      I heard there's a ton of product placement in it.

    2. Marked


      For me it was the abysmal plot. Aliens, destroy New York, US Army, Save the human race. It's the same as transformers and the avengers. Same crap, different hero. The casting was also pretty bad.

    3. Bigace360



      Don't try to confuse Superman with that trash Disney put called Avengers. Matter of fact anything put out by Disney that isn't original Disney will be crap. Iron Man 3 is a prime example of how horrible Disney can completely shit on a perfect franchise. I fear for the Star Wars series.


      2) Unlike Avengers, that was a normal plot for superman.

      3) That was Metropolis, not NY. Metropolis is the main city in Superman, just like Gotham is the main city in Batman. A...

  17. Hey itchigo, made any youtube videos recently?

    1. chigoo


      yep I usually upload at least once a week.

  18. Gona make sum changes later if I get time. Boom.

  19. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/9826-new-login-system/?do=findComment&comment=82391
  20. Moved to the art forum. Brilliant as always kevin. :thumbsup: Thorin = Hobbit??
  21. Yeah, I mentioned that in the OP. I had to ditch the login system. I couldn't even post with it. Instead we'll use the default IPB login, but keep our new registration methods.
  22. Hi guys, I have integrated into RMU the login/registration system I created for GDU. The registration system has been made as simple as possible to allow our guests to create accounts very quickly. Facebook/Twitter login is also available for even quicker logging in and creating accounts. There's also a new banner, made by Kevin.ds. The point of the new banner is to be much smaller in size and reflect Ace, since it's all the rage these days. There's also a bunch of icons relating to your account; profile, settings, logout below the avatar and manager, personal messenger, notifications and quick uploader on the nav. The navbar is no longer fixed when you scroll down. There's probably going to be a few bugs encountered. I'm waiting to see if bots will be able to register and start wrecking havoc. Hopefully not... I won't get another spare 2 hours to install something like this for a long time :P
  23. Welcome back! (in advance). The site has missed your presence -nods- Those are some nice issues. You should post your essay here if you're allowed when you're done. I'd be interested in reading it.
  24. Lol. He was an admin in the past, but it's been quite a while.
  25. She's not making it sound like Obama is the only one to make the US look bad, she's saying something needs to happen with the people currently in power. Everyone blames Obama and that's what he's there for. He signs them because he is a puppet, that's pretty much what a US president does these days. The only difference between bush and obama is that the latter speaks as well as Hitler did. It's also not about making "America look bad", that boat has sailed. I think you meant to say not the only president to do bad shit / terrorize. Which is obviously true. They are useful for anyone involved in a war, or want people dead, or any other terrorist-like agenda (eg arming the Syrian rebels, (the US even arms its own enemies)). It's still terrorism, anyone who uses them. It's just a matter of time before the enemies of the US get drones of their own. Does that worry anyone?
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