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Everything posted by Crym

  1. Crym

    Anime or Graphic Novel

    I'm seeing a trend here? As if it wasn't already obvious but Megaman super-fan? How's Sakura Wars? I remember Helsing a bit maybe I should give it another flip-through. All good series Cowboy Bebop, I have to say I Ed and Ein are the most awesome duo ever.
  2. Okay as I'm sure many of you know I've been learning to script, so far so good. I've encountered a problem with a new script I started recently displaying a specific entry stored in an array, for now it shows all entries at once. I'm only trying to have it draw the text at a single index after a set amount of time. Other problems that I'll tackle later will be increasing the day by one when you stay at an inn. I've got it so that it will display the "in game pseudo-time" properly and I have my days stored inside an array and then increasing the index by 1 every 24 "hours" to display a different day. This is it so far It's not much since it's a simple script to show a simple date/time. Anyone here able to fix this problem please give me guidance. Thanks, ~TheCrym I fixed the problem, so far I did away with the array and replaced it with a simple variable that is initialized at 0 (0 = Sunday) Here's the fixed one so far, Anyone interested in helping me figure out how to change the screen tone in this script as well as how in increase the day every time the player stays at an inn? Anyone who can help figure that out will be rewarded with hugs and/or cake. After testing a few times I realized, it's military time. Hopefully someone knows of an easy way to make it display in standard time. Any help will be appreciated with cookies and cake.
  3. I nominate Polraudio, for running MOTM, also for being one of the first to have welcomed me to the community and offering to help me with learning to script.
  4. Crym


    Hey it's that thing that was a prehistoric glider that's been in archeological stupid for years not, so far it's only been discovered how it used the back legs to glide and control its altitude. I watched something on this thing once, really interesting though I'm not sure if it's the exact same thing as this one was more feathery and looked more like a chicken. This thing, looks cooler to me anyways.
  5. I am you are we are, I am the eggman, I am the walrus.

  6. Is... it wearing a cow head and pink cape?
  7. I'm planning on attempting something if I can figure anything out. I'm out of practice anyway the ferret mongoose thing took way to long to finish. Hmm I might make a sprite for Camo from Negima heh heh perverted ermine faerie.
  8. Hey all, time for the all time favorite question of Anime or Graphic Novels. I use the term Graphic Novel as technically Manga is a term specifically stated towards Japanese Graphic Novels which read right to left but, there are several other variations, like Korean Manhwa which reads left to right. Personally I prefer Graphic Novels over all but, it does depend though on if the Anime came first or if it was made from the Graphic Novel. How about favorites? I'd have to say my favorite long running Manga would be Mahou Sensei Negima, starts off slow and kinda like a Shoujo (Manga made for young girls 8-20) but eventually turns into an action packed Shounen (Manga made for young males). The Anime for this Manga however sucked, skipped over 2 arcs and ended up changing the story bluntly with an arc that was never in the actual Manga. Others that are on up there are Black Cat and Bleach. Short list but, for good reasons. For Anime, my favorites would be Full Metal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop and Tri-gun. How about everyone else what are your favorites and which do you prefer?
  9. I would but I'm feeling uninspired I started working on a mongoose but it just turned out looking like the everyday ferret, while I love ferrets it's not very weird.
  10. Beware the walrus!

  11. Started to get it.

  12. Crym

    event freezing?

    Actually Ark I tried that and it didn't work right for me, even in parallel it would stop at a certain point where the other tree events were. Have to have the target of the move set to through to let it move through the other invisible events that really shouldn't have stopped it (wouldn't have in XP)
  13. Crym

    event freezing?

    Okay I figured out the problem. The guard event needs to be changed to through. (This lets the guard move through the events below him) On the second page of the fire event, edit the move event and add a Through OFF to the end. (This keeps the guard from walking through walls if you have him moving again later) Still in the move event you need to change it to wait for moves completion. (I can work out a way that you can move if you want the character to try to hide) Also on the second page change the Trigger to parallel process. (Auto pretty much can mess up any event, always has) This should fix all the problems. If you just change the guard to through he will keep walking down through the wall. I'm not to good with scripting yet so I'm not sure of a good way to do the thing with the battle system, I'm planning to use the tactical in my game for large wars and a side view for normal fights.
  14. Crym

    event freezing?

    What do you mean switch between them? If you just want to use a different system you can get a script for it. They aren't hard to use most will have a few lines of comments that will tell how to use them, most are just plug and play. If you want to have more than one battle system that will be a bit more complicated, I'm working that out now myself.
  15. Crym

    event freezing?

    The game files would be useful just to show what you've done on this event, after that I could easily talk you through this problem.
  16. Crym


    I use my mouth, be weird if I did it any other way. That pretty much covers that though yeah something that you have to experience to really understand how addictive it can be, if your susceptible to addictive things.
  17. Crym


    Lucky you, I've just got stubs where my hands used to be.
  18. Crym


    *Raises hand* was stuck in a zombie like trance for 10 hours till I passed out from hunger (not literally). I was shocked I wasted the day away playing that I swore I'd lose the link forever, sadly now I just can't find it at all. I need my fix gotta hook me up.
  19. Hey, I could jump in and help with that once I get more of my project done if you want. I've not done a collab-game in a long time. Enough of getting off topic. I was getting it for my sister but she doesn't have her computer anymore so yeah rather not waste money.
  20. Hm, question if you really don't want to hear the warning then why keep continuing to return to this topic time and time again after you made it clear that you don't want to take part in this discussion any further? Well back on topic, I got RMVX recently and have been fooling with that a bit lately. I still stick with what I said I don't care for RMVX, mostly got it just to be able to help out those who do use it.
  21. It's in a standard license agreement for using the software that you may not mod the files (replacing a old file with a new modified file is still modding them) in any way outside of having purchasing the software yourself. If you purchase the software and install it on your computer, it is yours only on your computer. You must use the software in an ethical way and not use the software to access government computers(blah blah blah they say this same thing in iTunes ToS).
  22. No, I don't wanna turn off signatures. They keep me entertained and distracted from the important things in posts like the actually topic.
  23. Well they can either send you an angry e-mail or they can take legal action (not to likely to actually happen but its a possibility). Heck you'd be safer just using a key-gen at least then it doesn't show as any modded files. <-- Ignore that as it's just as pointless to do as the modded dll. I think if your going to use the software you should support the company that released it. I will agree that the trail thing is kinda stupid as who's going to really be able to do anything in a trial? Then and only then would I support modded dll's or key-gen, and I don't have to worry about that as I've already paid for mine.
  24. Check again Free it's in the terms of service unless you paid for it then you may not modify the files provided with the software outside of the standard usage of the program. Otherwise it is illegal, unless you paid for it then you are using it illegally and while this doesn't bother me any, I'd be careful about spreading that around.
  25. Any script edits, I should know about? If not I'll just take a look through and see if I get the same issues.
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