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Everything posted by Dragon324

  1. So let me see if I understand you right you want a script so you can equip certain arcs kinda of like you would with equipment?
  2. I agree it is very odd. We went over some things in sociology so I thought it would be cool to do some on this website just to see how they turn out.
  3. I may be off on what your asking but it sounds like something that can be easily done without a script. Just go to the database and under the system Tab change the box where it says skill to what you want. Just notice that it will still say skill until you play test or someone plays the game or you do a battle test.
  4. Yea it is flawed one major reason being on the internet. I just thought it would be a fun little experiment just to see what happens. Your probably right though everyone does assume things because it is a part of human nature. I'll have to think of something different for next week maybe?
  5. I'll be on in about 3 hours and 30 minutes of this post I should be on and I'll go in chat as soon as I get back.

  6. Sorry missed your post. It would probably be easier 4 me if you can give me a specific time if you know when your going to be there. Another good way is to add me on a messenger and talk there.

  7. Well the results for this particular topic is a little obscure since some people voted in the poll and did not reply however from the little I have to work with there is no real strong correlation between people making assumptions and whether they use their left or right brain more. Hmm from my starting theory I thought that the more logical people would make more assumptions than the artsy o well I will have to do this test elsewhere but of course there is still a week left if anyone wants to post.
  8. Ooh finally someone I actually know on this site lol. Welcome wii1990 and I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you need any help with anything I'm sure someone would be more than happy to help.
  9. Ok so I think I'm having a problem with the shop function. When I go to the shop section for the points it prompts me to select a class. So I click on one of the classes and then it prompts me again to select a class. I have tried all four selections and the same thing happens. Is that suppose to happen?
  10. 1.To recruit people to help you work on a game there is a recruitment section under projects and teams though it'd be best if you post your game in the projects section first. 2. I'm not sure what your asking 3. You can post under game making support with help Hope that helps
  11. Hello frsgalaxy and welcome to rmxpu. Hope you enjoy your time for the forums. Plus I'm good ty 4 askin. How r u?
  12. Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time on rmxpu.
  13. That sucks sorry to hear about the bad news.
  14. Its just basically which one are you more like. The poll is when you read the topic "Are You a Righty or a Lefty?" Did you automatically make an assumption on what the topic was about before you read it. Sorry for the confusion also its really important if you post a reply to vote in the poll as well and vice versa.
  15. Version 1.1 has been added which beefs up about 5 of the maps.
  16. Hello everybody sorry I haven't been posting for a while so I decided to make this little topic. This topic serves two purposes. The first is to ask anyone who reads this to reply to whether they are left or right minded ( Do you consider your self better at logic or at art?) Basically in RPG Maker terms if your good with eventing-scripting you are logical if your good at mapping-spriting then your more art like at least in my opinion. So just reply if your a more logical person or if you consider yourself a more artsy type of person and whether you in particular made an assumption before entering this topic. The second thing I would like to everyone to that reads this to use the poll at the top. Basically I want you to vote yes if you assumed that this post was gonna talk about something like left or right handed person or something along those lines. So in all I'm basically I'm doing an experiment to see if there is any correlation between assumptions that people make and whether they are left or right minded and everyone that takes part in this is the control group. So in advance I thank everyone that takes part in this experiment. I'll post the results after a week and then again a week after that Here is an example for me: I consider myself more logical and yes I generally assume lots of things. (Note mine will not be used in the final results.)
  17. I'm with rgangsta on this your map looks so amazing gj.
  18. No not really but I haven't had much time to think about it. Just send me a message or something if you need something. But it sounds good so far I'm just wandering do you have the story completed already or is that what you meant by any ideas?
  19. I can help with eventing and maybe some scripting, I'm a little lazy though especially since I have school. But if you want I can help with those and I will try my best to fit into my schedule.
  20. Ill take all the criticism I can get this is my first project I have ever worked on and morale within the group seems pretty low so anything to steer us in the right direction would be very appreciative. I have redone that demo like 3 times and I just want to get it right. Thanks for taken interest though we will try our best to improve and get a game trailer up.
  21. Hello everyone, I finally feel that my game has gone through ALPHA testing and I think I have finally hit private beta. I would like to have at least 2 more people help with going through the game and testing it out. I would also really appreciate it if they could give some good feedback on the game. This spot though will only be reserved for the first two people. As always for anyone who helps, you will be in the credits :P and possibly something else. 1.Taken 2.Taken 3.Taken
  22. So bored. There seems to be nothing to do; and everything that would be productive just seems to boring at the time.

  23. Dragon324

    Some Questions

    Put a event with a message and set it to parallel process so every time they go to a certain area it will always pop up. For what you want just make the message appear on the same event for transportation.
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