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Everything posted by Saltome

  1. Well I went trough the trouble of working on it, I might as well upload it. Not that it's in any finished form, I'm just happy how it worked out up to that point. http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/the-elusive-prey-23914.zip
  2. Oh, I'm keeping it simple. I was only planning to make a cinematic of the story, doesn't even have gameplay. The thing is, I am a perfectionist, and I can't help polishing out every slight detail in the cutscene, which is taking longer than I have.
  3. *cough cough* I haven't done much. After the first few days I figured I won't have enough time to finish it, so my motivation dropped quickly.
  4. Hmm, a week to make up a story and put it into events? Sounds like an easy way to get some fame. I'll take up the Safari plot. The PCs are on a hunting expedition, to capture or kill and elusive and prized creature. They must deal with its environment, its own ability to evade them, and possibly its ability to fight them.
  5. Looks interesting... but it seems unrealistically ambitious and they are emphasizing on the social aspect not the actual game making, which makes me skeptical overall.
  6. Hey guys, have you ever noticed how you tend to fail random checks in games nowadays? Missing from point blank at 99% hit rate in tactical games like Omerta and X-COM Failing spells that have decent success rate in rpg, and all sort of such. It's so bad that it's pointless trying anything that has less than 60% success chance. I never paid attention to it until I noticed the absurd amount of misses in X-COM, and I've been wondering what the hell is wrong with the battle systems nowadays. Now it's common knowledge that there is no such thing as true randomness in computers or anywhere else for that matter. But I was doing some digging into random generation, like checking the c++ libraries on the matter, and I noticed something. It seems that because of the way it works, the most common random generator tends to land on the lower end in the scale of possible numbers, which means that it is in fact inaccurate. This is a serious problem since it's so commonly used, a lot of games suffer from it's implications. You would assume that the wider your range is the more sensitive and therefore more accurate your system is, but in fact the bigger the range is the bigger the offset gets. So what this basically means is, that all of the functions which use random numbers are not working correctly. The complications include not only missing someone when you are supposed to smash them into the ground, or failing your spell when you should give them a nasty case of poisoning, but also explains why usually when you have a database to pick random items from, there are some items that come up all of the time and some that rarely ever come up. I guess that's the one benefit of this behavior, if you want some items to come up more often than others, you can do it without actually building a tier system. On the other hand if you actually have such a tier system the problems in random generation are likely to be corrupting it too.
  7. It's ironic that both sides are fighting for the same thing, but instead of working together they are fighting against one another... Everything people ever do seems to come down to that conclusion, and I'm really fed up with it.
  8. Well to move things along, I had a couple of youtubers in mind. Reviewers: TotalHalibut Northernlion They cover both indie and mainstream games, and they actively accept indie games to review on their channel. And have a wide following. Let's players: ioaz81 EricVanWilderman And these guys cover classic and unusual games, and our games fall in there somewhere. Not so much of a following, but they do find for themselves, and they are in closer relations with their viewers because of that.
  9. o.o I think I need to pay more attention to the forum. You are welcome, though I don't see any of OUR games featured. I hope you aren't only here to advertize your work, I encourage you to use our forum as your base of operations. Also I'm not a fan of competition. Since you and Chief are both trying to make videos about rm games maybe you should work together, share the channel, work on the videos together, or something of the sort. Better than making videos on the same games.
  10. Yeah, wish someone would appreciate it. :P
  11. Hmm, things are certainly heating up in here. It's not so much that people are getting younger, we are just getting older. :P ...And it's secretly eating us on the inside. That's the source of elitism and aggression on the internet. I can admit it's harder for me to take someone on the internet seriously when they can't even write correctly. However telling people that they are "wrong" as they did, doesn't prove your point, it just shows a failure to communicate. In that regard the guy was much more respectable than the people who responded to him, since he at least made an attempt. I do remember teachers trying to teach us proper sentence structuring when I was little, but that didn't do much good. I was like 20 when I understood what they were trying to say, because I derived it on my own. And that never prevented me from writing correctly. And that sums up my experience in the educational system, I think being taught the wrong things is a bigger problem than not being taught at all. People always say how stupid kids are today, but they only know what they have been taught. They are taught conflicting or incomplete facts, that's why they get confused and end up sounding weird. I really can't complain about bullying either, I've been there. But it made me stronger and I certainly don't go around committing mass murders. If anything it allowed me to focus on myself rather than chasing after people's approval. The source of violence isn't violence, it's immaturity. People just take action before they comprehend the result of those actions. I'm all for trusting your instincts and listening to your heart, but that doesn't mean you have to be a slave to them. I do agree that there are positive effects of bullying, but it's a sensitive situation. In the wrong circumstances it can destroy a person. When I was younger I spent a good deal of my time just helping people who had low confidence, I know how they think. And let me tell you, people see their lack of confidence and only push them down further. They have great potential, which they can't unravel just 'cause there isn't anybody who can say "good job, you are awesome". Actually Mak that's exactly what society thinks... and that's why we are in such a mess. Nobody can do anything because someone else takes offense at it.
  12. Hmm I have to complain when I'm writing posts my flash player audio gets choppy in firefox. And the notification module count doesn't decrease when you check the notifications.
  13. Has it ever crossed your mind that the majority of the human population is not from english speaking countries? Hence not obligated in any way what so ever to speak fluent english. Further more you don't know how old the person is, they may not have had this "lesson" in the first place. Besides correcting someone for making a mistake is one thing, telling him that he made one is another thing. I can agree his question wasn't particularly clear, but seriously. Even professors can't write understandable school books, what do you expect from an inexperienced kid? Further more, to structure your question properly, you need to know what is important to the problem and what isn't, but if you knew that you wouldn't need to ask the question.
  14. Oh his grammar was painful, was it? I suppose now people have to apologize for not being all knowing. And I don't see how they were trying to understand anything. Only one of them asked a question, but I find if unbelievable that someone on a game development forum wouldn't know what an online client is. As far as trolling goes, it's only fun when you poke trolls with a pointy stick... a sharp pointy stick.
  15. Hello guys, the database project is a vast web recording everything that has, is, and can exist. The part that is important to you is that because I'm still figuring out the guidelines and regulations for such an insane project. I've started making a list of items that can be used to give your game an abundant set of items of all sorts, which adds to the variety and depth of your game, without having to do all the research and balancing for yourself. Obviously you are free to choose what items you want to take, and to change their stats to better fit your game. Accreditation is welcomed too. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AojwfpTEB-jqdGFJMlZLRllqV0xHYTBnUTkwZFc4dEE#gid=3 At this point the list involves Sea creatures Eyewear Handwear(under development) Accessories(unresearched)
  16. Project Pocket Universe Genre Survival\Exploration Latest release Dec,24,2011 Description: A small world for free exploration, the only real danger out there is the hunger. The goal of this game is to provide the player with the freedom to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. To divert the attention of the user from plot guidelines toward the joy of being able to freely choose your path. In the game you will have to provide your own food, by going out into the world, harvesting, cooking and finally eating it. Better hurry, your stomach will be rumbling soon enough, and don't neglect your sleep! Credits: Enterbrain Screenshots: Team Lost Legends Additional Details: - Harvesting. - Cooking. -Raw Ingredients: 2. -Recipes: 3. -Jobs: -Foresting. -Mining. -Hunting. NPC: 5. Secret areas: 1. Other secrets: 2. Endings: 2. Downloads: Game GDU Link RTP RPG Maker XP RTP Other Topics: On the Aldorlea forum.
  17. So I was just minding my own business, trying to find information on yet another bug in rpg maker, when google ran out of ideas and started giving me sites completely unrelated to the problem I was trying to figure out. But something peeked my interest, so I went inside looking to further my expertise, that's when I met them. Let me introduce to you the biggest assholes on the internet... http://www.pavilionboards.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-13726.html If I ever met those scum suckers I would quit life. I hate people like that so bad. If you are just gonna be an asshole to someone who is looking for help, you might as well get the hell lost. Out of 4 people who replied to the guy 3 did not say anything that even pertains to the damn question, and the 4th one didn't even have a clue what the question is.
  18. Thanks, at this point this is all the "game" is, I'm working on the next version of the game in c++, buy due to my coding limitations it's probably gonna be a while before I make it a fighter sim. I don't know how things work in ace, but in xp you can add event commands in the troop setup.
  19. I notice that if you enter bb mode in the editor it translates the post properly. That's a quick fix for you.
  20. Battle Tournament 1 Size Bite size Genre 4 Tier elimination tournament bracket simulation Completed in 2009 Gameplay In the game you take the role of a simple observer as you watch the tournament unfold on it's own. All you need to do is use the action key to proceed. Features Tournament Bracket. Automated combat system. Scripts Made purely with events. Credits: Enterbrain Screenshots The bracket The Battle view. Team Lost Legends Downloads Game Mediafire Link RTP RPG Maker XP RTP Additional information 1 map 2 songs 8 combatants 8 endings Other Topics On the Aldorlea forum
  21. Well guys, I've been talking to Mark these days and we think that the site and it's members can use a bit more popularity. Since this concerns the whole site we decided to discuss it openly on the forum, hopefully it gets the support it deserves. The basic plan is, to contact some youtubers to try and convince them to play and/or review the games that are on the website. We get exposure, they get nice games to show on their channels. We should be successful since nowadays there is a lot of attention towards indie games, especially classic ones. And I dare say our games are pretty good. First let us discuss what we need and how we should organize it, feel free to add to, or correct the plan. I think that we should start a contest to decide the best game on the forum, that will make it easier for us to decide which games we should offer first. And we will need to make a list of youtubers which will be potential candidates. I will make topics to discuss the rules of the competition and youtuber list, and topics about anything else that needs to be discussed, after we finish discussing the plan itself.
  22. ... Dude, you just proved the very point you objected against. I don't think this topic is the right place to advertise your site either. Feel free to make a topic about it, explaining why the hell should any of us go there.
  23. You may not have said "never" but you offended me none the less. I'll be frank with you, the reason I stopped being active was Pol. Completely out of the blue he issud me an admin ban for arguing with someone when I was just trying to help the thickheaded guy. It felt like a great injustice and it killed my desire to go out of my way help people. Like Tomo said, even dogs learn not to go where they get whiped. That's when I moved to the chat, where I continued helping people who asked for it. And for the most part I still don't see you helping each other. The only activity takes place in people's own game or script topic. I rarely see anyone reply to a random help request, or do anything other than update their project. I don't blame anyone for not getting along with them, I blame them for being indifferent, and I don't get along with them for the very same reason. I post "such threads" to provoke people into action. Instead, they just ramble on about how I'm totally wrong, and in the end they do what I said anyway. But I guess in the end time will show. Conflicting opinions are unavoidable, your options are to cooperate, to fight it out or to pretend nothing happened. I don't exactly like the idea of ignoring the problem because in the end it just gets worse. And I can't really cooperate with people, since they don't want to cooperate. That only leaves me the option to prove them wrong. I don't believe the only reason for you to get involved in this topic, after I was already done, was me "insulting" Marked. Otherwise we wouldn't be talking about all those other things. And I'd like to know how exactly am I insulting him when I keep mentioning how hard he is working. What bothers me is that the rest of the community doesn't show his resolve. And if you are all so like minded, why doesn't anything ever get done? I'm new, more or less, forget about me. Why aren't you helping each other, why don't you work together? I know that people are reluctant to get involved with people they don't know, but that bothers me. You must realize that before I came here I was somewhere else, I wasn't born yesterday, like every other member. Besides, we are a game developer website, we are here to make games, if we don't make games we aren't really fulfilling our purpose. I really don't know why people are so afraid, sure a project can always fail, so what? Save what you can and move on, there is no need for tears. As long as you don't give up you can always find someone else to help you pick up where you left. When I said experience I was talking about organizational experience. I tend to avoid making games because my standards are higher than my abilities. But I do have a couple of demos, and my community project is still alive. If you want to see what I've done why don't you? It's in my signature for a reason. And I don't want to make a topic about it since I'm not working on them any more and they aren't a fair display of my ability any more. I don't really care about the numbers, as far as I am concerned there are a ton of people who want to make games and a ton of projects that need people to make them. And I want to make people see that if they help each other more of their games will actually succeed. It's true the industry does resort to coders more than gamers, but that's the very reason why games aren't all that good nowadays. And that has negative if not fatal results on them. They will either realize that, and recruit more indie developers, or the indie sphere will use the moment to take the lead in the market. Of course there's the whole economic and social crisis and blah blah, but I digress. The bottom line is, if people were less cautious of each other things would go better for them. In the end time and effort are only as expensive as you decide.
  24. Haha, sounds like you are challenging me Mak. I find your ignorance both amusing and infuriating at the same time. My very first post was a 3 line solution to a critical bug in one of the scripts hosted here. Where all of you "old" members were too busy with your own deal to fix it. And the majority of my posts are in that same manner, or at the very least aimed at doing something for or with other people, often for this very forum. Unlike some, once again "old" members, who use the forum as an advertisement platform for their own websites. And you dare say that I am not only inactive but that I am not helping anybody? It's true that I am not active any more, and you have only yourselves to blame. The only reason I am still around is my loyalty, I don't even have the site on my quick bar any more. I know how annoying it is to see a newcomer stirring your idyllic existence. I also know how annoying newcomers can be in their strife to prove their worth. But don't forget that a newcomer can tell you best, what's wrong and how to fix it, because after a while you don't even notice the problems any more. Moving on to another point of yours. Do not confuse my idealistic understanding with lack of experience. I never said that it's easy to organize an online team, especially a large one. But to let your team fall apart is quite disgraceful. I have started at least 3 teams on this forum, none of them made it past the recruitment stage. And I didn't officiate any of them, because I knew they don't have what they need to survive as a team. Before I came here I was vice manager of a a medium development team Not to mention the gaming clans I've been in. I can't say I'm a pro, but I am pretty damn experienced. Like I said, places like here are where the game developers hone their skills, and without them the gaming industry will simply run out of workers. So I'd say we are pretty important to the industry. If you think that indie games aren't popular, you haven't been paying attention. Most of them just die out before they can fulfill their potential. And I will tell you the only reason people fail to make their games, hubris. They think that they can do everything themselves, they think that they know best, they think that they deserve to be paid for doing what they like. They can't and they don't, but they refuse to compromise, and that's why they don't make it to the end.
  25. Well I'm sorry if you are butthurt, but the skilled do the most work, that's just how it goes. When you have the skill you pass it around, otherwise you become some elitist jerk. The only thing you can do is teach other people how to do it themselves, but it's easier to write a tutorial and leave people to fend for themselves. I know how it feels to fight for someone else's ideas, but in any project you need organization otherwise it will fall apart. This is why we are here, but we can't even help each other. You are here because you can take more hits than a newbie, you are here to protect them from it. From experience I know that helping unconditionally eventually tires you out without changing the situation, but that's no excuse to quit. For it to improve we need to show people the way. We need to show the people how awesome it is to be a developer, that it's worth the stress and effort. Only then will they choose to stay and learn from us. We are not dogs we are the backbone of the gaming industry, where heroes are shaped before the world discovers them. We are here to set an example. Reputation you say? We are losing much more by remaining indifferent to what's happening to us. There is supply, yes. But you need to provide the right kind of supply. Teaching people, is more than writing a text document about a certain topic. They don't want everything on a silver platter, they just want to be sure their time investment really is worth it. They need someone to explain to them what went wrong, and keep their spirits up so they won't quit whenever they come across a hurdle. They need reassurance, and appreciation, just like everybody else. People need support, and that's why we are here. Not to look at them coming and going. I find it hard to believe that there are "a lot of people willing to help others here", when most requests go unfulfilled. And about your last paragraph. People are like an unwritten program. What you write on them determines how they develop. You can write to them, change them, rewrite them, erase them, it's only a matter of time. The only mindset you need is determination, but even that can be hardwired in you. I don't know about you, but I don't roll this way. I refuse to quit, no matter how long it takes.
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