Lets discuss censorship here since it seems to be a popular topic at the moment. Heres a few topics i would like to cover about censorship(not in any order) -Is censorship dumb? -Why we dont need censorship -Why we need censorship -Different types of censorship -Does censorship prevent nation/world growth? -Does censorship help nation/world growth? -Is censorship used to much? -How would you like to see censorship changed? I want this to be a full discussion of why censorship is good/bad for everyone if its in the home, town, major city, or world as a whole.
Im going to start off why we need censorship then move on to why we dont need it.
Theres a few types of censorship we must be aware before i can even start(if i miss a few dont yell im going off the top of my head).
Speech/Audio - Censoring words like swears and other things we dont want to hear.
Visual/Video - Blurring out faces and things like someones wounds.
Internet -
Why we need it?
Speech/Audio - We need it here so that way kids dont hear swearing over the radio or TV and start swearing because of it.
Visual/Video - This is a big one not only for kids but for the average joe. People dont really want to see censorship but i bet they will want it after actually seeing news without it. No one wants to see someone dismembered head/limbs. If kids seen it they could be damaged for life mentally and might even drive them insane... but wait what about movies that show this without censorship? Its all the same but yet different. We will go over that more in why we dont need it.
Internet - The above two mostly explain this but theres a few reasons why internet is separate. If anyone been to a public school you know exactly what im talking about. Once again kids are the main reason for this censorship(In the US). Internet has to be censorshiped cause you dont want kids to accidently stumble upon porn or images with people limbs dismembered so thats why we need internet censorship. This type of censorship can be turned off/on at will(but not by kids).
Why we dont need it?
Many can argue with this one cause its different per person and country.
Speech/Audio - As i said above we need it so kids dont go around swearing all over, but do we really need it?
Most kids now days already know swears and know its bad so putting a beep where a swear is wont really help cause they will already know what swear to replace the beep with. You can even argue that your kids have never heard a swear in their life. Well my friend your mostly wrong cause other kids swear around your kids if you know it or not. Unless all kids come equip with a beeper that beeps when a swear is said chances are they are going to hear swears no matter what.(dont tell govt. about the beeper :P)
Video/Audio - This one can go so many different ways. You can argue that this is needed no matter what but you may be surprised. We see blood/gore all the time in movies so what makes real blood and gore any different? Is it just the fact that you know its real? You could just tell your kids its not real. I personally think there should be an option to turn off/on censorship for this. Its not much more work to do it either.
Internet - Internet can be a dangerous place if its censored or not. Even if you put on the proxy filter and have it on strict mode you can still stumble across all the bad stuff as if it wasnt on in the first place so do we really need it? Theres ALWAYS a way around censorship on the internet. You can even access a way around it without even knowing it and where theres a will theres a way.
In the end censorship just leads to people trying to find ways around censorship and makes censorship happen more often. Same way that trying to prevent pirates makes even more pirates and how making drugs illegal makes more people do drugs. Its a never ending battle till we find a good middle for it all and i have a solution coming up after these messages XD(not really).
How would you like to see censorship changed?
Censorship can be changed for the better by having the ability to turn it off/on just like you can with an internet proxy server blocking sites.
I would love to see all devices change and allow us to turn it off and on with the press of a button and pin/password. That way we can enable censorship for our kids while disabling it for ourselves when we dont see the need for it. I personally think censorship is used to much and we need more control on what we censor. Everyone should have the ability to opt in and out of censorship.
As for public places like bars and stuff it should always be censored unless everyone in the place agrees that it should be disabled/enabled. If one person in the place wants it to be censored it should be censored.
Does censorship prevent nation/world growth?
Yes and no. It highly depends how you look at it. I personally think it does to a degree.
If someone hears about a terrorist attack on something and lots of people died they will try to prevent it from happening again right? Well if they could actually see peoples guts and stuff all over the place in the news instead of it being censored they might be even more willing to try to prevent it from happening again.
This is a very touchy subject and ca go many ways depending on how you look at it.
Thats all i have to say about censorship for now. Please tell us your thoughts about censorship :thumbsup: .