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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. April Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: Contributor: Misc.: --- Nom nom nom nomination :P
  2. Anyone want to come over for a month to study for me and do my tests on the last week of class?

  3. Might not be to active for the next month. Last month of classes :(. Always hate this time of year.

    1. zahraa


      I have the same problem X(

    2. Marked
  4. You must not cook your meat correctly if its that hard lol.
  5. You use the spoon to cut it in little pieces and scoop it up. All the spoons i have are sharper than all the forks i have.
  6. Yes lol. I just took one plate and one spoon from home and been using just those to ever since.
  7. I havent touched a fork in 3 years. My spoon does everything a fork can. I even cut things with my spoon. Infact the spoon is the only tool i use, i dont even use a knife. Same goes with a plate or bowl. i only use plates for everything(cause i hate soup).
  8. As silly as this seems its a serious topic of debate :P WARNING: Topic may result in serious scooping or poking of eyes. If you could only use a spoon or a fork for the rest of your life eating what one would you choose? Spork is not an option, only spoon or fork is! --- Personally i would choose a spoon cause you can do everything with a spoon that you can do with a fork.
  9. sorry extra votes dont count :P
  10. Since i was late on putting up voting im also late on ending voting lol. Congrats to everyone who got nominated cause it ended in a 4 way tie O.o :) . You all deserved it :thumbsup: . Im sad that only 4 people voted T.T
  11. Anyone happy or know that microsoft is bringing back the start menu in windows 8.1 and you will be able to boot to the desktop?

    1. Nisage


      Yeah, almost 6 years. And really? Wonder if the pop-up was just a reminder/notifier on it? Hmm..... Meh

    2. Polraudio


      Windows 8.1 is out just not the update for the start menu. Hopefully Windows 9 is better once the beta is out im going to try it.

    3. vincestick


      I'm feeling like time is repeating itself and 8 is just another Vista scenario and 9 (I hope) will be the new 7 in terms of functionality.

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  12. Theres really no risk in doing a kickstarter. If people like it they will donate. Theres lots of RMXP games on steam already.
  13. Hey dolar :) Nothing much going on here besides school.
  14. All april fools aside where have you been for the past month?
  15. Sorry guys i had to do it to cheer everyone up. Guess it was a bad joke on my part. Marked is really not back. GDU 3.0 O.o :)
  16. Way back in the day when i first started using RMXP i was making a game called Umaro Tondaro. I lost the project many years ago due to a hard drive fail(dropped external on floor) so i lost all the progress i made(about 30min of gameplay). I managed to find a download of it a few months before i lost it so it doesnt have all the fixes and stuff that was made. The last thing that was done to it was some fixes Omar did. I have abandoned the game so feel free to download, explore and just tear it apart in the editor to learn. I did some advanced stuff for being a noob back in the day. Theres a fully animated title screen that is actually done with events. Heres a link to the topic of the game if you wish to read about it. TOPIC Please comment on it if you want to tell my younger self how bad or good i did. DOWNLOAD Enjoy and happy learning :thumbsup:
  17. Polraudio

    Twitter ugh

    Might as well since i have you on everything else lol. Havent used twitter in a while. Apparently my account got hijacked a long time ago since there was lots of spam links.
  18. Please dont necropost and check the date of the last post. :thumbsup: Most of those people are no longer around.
  19. March Voting Kind/Helpful: Black Mage Zahraa Contributor: BlackMage xTsukihime Misc.: Voting time, Voting time, VOTING TIME!!! Yea i went a little blues clues there :P
  20. Will allow up to 6 more hours to nominate.
  21. it was suppose to start already but was waiting for people to be nominated. i would like to get 1 more person for contributor if possible.
  22. Welcome to GDU. Good to see composers coming around. Hide from bob.
  23. Bad things usually happen to angry people.

    1. Bigace360


      If anger isn't working, then you're just not using enough of it.

    2. vincestick


      Not everyone can be Bruce Banner.

    3. zahraa


      I don't know many angry people but I know many innocent people that bad things happen to them :(

      but don't worry about me since I'm not that innocent XD

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  24. Welcome to GDU :) . If you need anything at all just yell XD.
  25. March Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: Black Mage Zahraa Contributor: BlackMage xTsukihime Misc.: --- Sorry for being a day late. Wasnt feeling to good the other day.
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