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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Yay! Thank you so much! Now I don't have to worry about my finance tomorrow and can spent the whole day writing my other assignment. This isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I've learned all that stuff but I probably wouldn't have remembered enough to do the last 2 steps. Probably woulda forgot I could factorize. I actually forgot to take a pen and paper to uni today so I didn't attempt it. This is a final year course called advanced corporate finance but its not so bad. I wrapped this assignment up in 2 days and as you may have gathered the algebra isn't a very big part. I did this assignment 2 weeks in advance and had to email my lecturer whether it was even required, and it was. Duno why you'd get marks for rearranging in an assignment because you can cheat, like me :) Thanks for trying for me also
  2. In the event of acquisitions of insensitivity, I write this post under the assumption that Kiriashi is not dead. Over the last day until now I have been searching in obituaries. Kiriashi's computer was probably not very secure from trolling family members.. On more than one occasion he has told me that so and so was his older brother using his account who is out to annoy him or whatever. So I don't believe the above story, certainly not one chat transcript by itself that was passed on to Pol and then to us. The nature of the story compounds this. I just don't accept he died, and while something tells me its for the good of the community for me to assume its true and act more sympathetically, instead I'm going to attempt prove or disapprove the above story. I owe him that much at least, if the story is true. Someone like Kiriashi (who uses the internet a lot and has many accounts) would leave behind a lot of evidence of his existence. I have thousands of his IP addresses logged, I know his real name and location, etc. Once I'm certain this is true, I will take reasonable steps to ensure his memory will live on in RMXPU. But in the meantime, I will personally consider him to be alive and well. Just on one of his many, many sabbaticals. I invite anyone with any information that may assist me to send me a PM. EDIT:
  3. Hey guys, I got a finance assignment due tomorrow at 5pm and I gotta show some algebraic rearranging. I've got the equation to start out with and what you have to end up with, but I just need the steps in getting to that point... Here it is, rearrange to find r0
  4. Oh ok, nevermind me then. I'm just a dinosaur
  5. ... *tries to login to Pols minecraft, rmxpu account, steam account, skype, etc. using 123456789 qwertyuiop*
  6. All of that is what I was trying to say, with my layman knowledge :P Yes! I'll start by allowing 1 character passwords on GDU! Who'd guess a 1 character password?
  7. Thanks While I have been stalled probably since '10, the success of this site can be attributed the members, in particular the current long serving staff and RMXPU legends. But return should always be proportionate to effort. Haha well I believe those things are severely limited since you cannot modify the actual HTML, you can merely apply CSS styles to them by adding css to the head in the ACP (thats how we did in '06 anyway). I searched through many themes for my old site and eventually found one I liked. Looking at it is very symbolic these days.
  8. I quite like the theme. In relation to staff recruitment, personally and with rmxpu, I tend to find publically advertising a staff position can lead to adverse effects (different from the purpose of this topic though, of course). For example you may get interest from new members who want to jump on as staff, probably for the wrong reasons, and don't really do anything. I can barely remember my startup but I had a lot of time to learn so I didn't need anyone else immediately. But eventually once you have a decent user base you can identify members already committed to your community and you know they're going to do a good job. A perfect example of this is with Kellessdee. I practically forced him to be a mod EDIT: As a reference for Pol, he comes highly recommended. Loyalty is a big plus too. Just remember I got first priority
  9. It seems to be the new thing websites are doing: forcing you to have a password with both letters and numbers, and sometimes forcing you to start with either a letter or a number. But really, what is the point of it? If you're gonna get hacked you're gonna get hacked. Meaning the method used to find out your password is going to reveal your password no matter how complex you want to make it. Unless your password is 'password' or 'qwerty' (in which case you deserve to be hacked) then what is the point? What this is doing is forcing us to change our perfectly secure passwords to a string of numbers and letters that we're probably going to forget, and a lot of people may not be bothered returning to that site.
  10. Due to our collaboration, you know I'm at your service for stuff like this? I kinda do it for a living atm :P Databases are really simple once you understand what's going on. Even the language reads like a sentence: select name from table_users order by id limit 1, will give you the first time name of the first row in the table_users table. Etc. I'm unfamiliar with the free host, unless its IPB1.3 or something because thats where this forum started, but can I have the link anyway? :)
  11. Look what I ran into on the way home today: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/2182/imag0340.png

    1. isaacsol


      Hahaha, nice one Mark.

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I'd play the letter equivalent numbers, and the other numbers together in the lottery, heh. Very neat.

    3. Polraudio
    4. Show next comments  300 more
  12. Marked

    May Voting

    What a cruel poll D:
  13. Oh, good for RRR :P Yeah this one was similar. But I only deleted like 7 records and made this topic as a precaution in case more spambots register. I found out how to temporarily stop them.
  14. There appears to be a few spambots that registered today. It's not normally an issue because we can delete their posts, them,etc. But there have been at least 1 bot that I know of that has sent PM's to members. The issue with this is they're obviously pretty hard to find, so if you get a PM from a bot please reply to this topic so I can remove the PM from the database and delete the bot.
  15. Yeah I'm aware of that issue. Of course, those are essential features. This was always incomplete. However..[my last post]
  16. When I tried it with Chrome it wouldn't login but I guess that's just part of that thing where sometimes it won't log you in. At first I thought I could build on the existing code to make a decent chatroom that doesn't really on a database. When testing I never got any of the problems that occur in the live version, do disappointingly I think I'm going to have to scrape this current code and find something more stable before integrating it into the GDU system.
  17. RPG Maker VX ACE "Simple enough for a child" - RPG Maker Web. Failing to realise those who complained rmxp was too hard would never produce a quality game with anything.

    1. Bigace360


      Thats not what I meant

    2. Punk


      Ooooohh. I misread your comment. My apologies.

    3. Bigace360


      I mean the way the maps work. yes they brought back a small part of the mapping database, but what I meant was using XP's look for towns and dungeons, and VX's look for world map as VX is too blocky for town and dungoens with doing alot of editing. Yes you can put XP's maps into VX but you'll have to do extra things to get it work and look nice.

    4. Show next comments  300 more
  18. Well it certainly hasn't been any better in the past, so I take it you mean the future. Personally I don't allow myself to feel any sympathy for others like that or wish that everyone would play nice, because the world will always be like that and people will always do cruel and disgusting things to other humans. This is only shocking coz it happened in america, think of all the things that go on in the undeveloped countries and those where the women are practically slaves (which we would consider a primitive culture). It gets a lot worse than this, it won't get any better, so you can only really care about the wellbeing of your friends and family.
  19. First thing that comes to mind from a non-american is americans and their guns. It's very unusual to non-farming families here to have any sort of gun in their home. Secondly, where's the father in all this? No offense to females, but sometimes you go a little nutty without us (or maybe just kiwi woman). It's pretty sick killing your kids, that's just unecessary. Just kill yourself. You have to mentally ill to kill all of your own children like she did. The world is better off without her.
  20. Sounds great :) But I won't be reliable until after the 25th. Life is kicking my ass atm with uni and flatting draining all my savings, but after the 25th I should get back on top of things
  21. I've never made one but I'd definitely be willing to give it a shot. I'm supposed to be brushing up on all things social media for my job.
  22. No.. why would you want to do such a thing? (I haven't been active fully in some months so I don't know) And what is there to be worry about if you decide to this wonderful place that loves you much Also, there have been a few members over the years who have decided they're leaving and taking everything with them, so they go through all their posts and remove the content. I've disabled your ability to edit posts until you promise me that you won't do that. Oh and you will need your account upon your return.
  23. I think that's what has happened with this site :P I'd be willing to contribute as payment for your role on the staff here :) My interests are in SEO (but I'm not an expert at that certainly) and PHP development. If you have something you need with very specific functionality that doesn't exist as something you could plugin to your site, then I may be able to help you out there. From my job I've got a lot of CSS and HTML experience but I never get to use advanced HTML5 stuff because my sites need to be compatible with IE, but on the bright side I also have experience in IE compatibility with css3. A wee bit of jQuery. I'm free after the 25th of this month. I wouldn't mind helping out in whatever area no one else can do. But I'd be most interested in developing some kind of unique app, if you needed it.
  24. It's actually really really simple. In my opinion. First off, you need a CMS for your needs. Joomla or wordpress. You can develop your website's content by point-and-click, have a ton of plug-n-play extensions, and its pretty easy to develop your own (i actually learned programming in php from playing with joomla components). Second, design is easy. There's a ton of great looking templates out there and I know a pretty good source. You could get someone to design you a unique one, but its likely you're going to find what you're looking for on the internet already: http://themeforest.net/category/cms-themes Lastly, HostGator: http://www.hostgator.com/ The business I work for uses this host and I highly recommend it. In the beginning, unless you're spending on advertising, you're not going to need much bandwidth at all. I could setup your business in 30minutes :)
  25. 14 Days until the shackles of university come off, which will be the end of 45 days non-stop study

    1. kellessdee


      Wait, do you mean completely or just for now? Either way, good luck!

    2. Marked


      Yeah just for now. All up my degree is 5 years and im on my 3rd year. Coz I'm doing 2 degrees in two different faculties, and law on its own takes 4 years. I made the status coz its been so long since I had free time to do anything

    3. BiddyAuthor


      Well at least you'll have more time to relax after intensive studying.

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