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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Looking forward to getting rid of these status updates from the forum index

    1. Marked


      its for questions, topics are for questions >.> We'll keep statuses but change the system a bit.

    2. Polraudio


      i say scrap them. a good example is one status update below "Need some help...." More posting would be better. Have a status update topic lol

    3. Joey


      I'm so lost, lol

    4. Show next comments  306 more
  2. Yeah chat is for social chit chat and what jon bon said is true but only for members who keep their ideas/discussions exclusivly for the chatroom. Perhaps the forum system is inaccessable for some. Either way, the GDU chatroom is almost ready to go with full member integration. I have an issue with text editors atm which require a lot of work. Aside from that, the chatroom is ready to go and will probably be the first gdu section to be tested.
  3. Whats so scary about posting feedback?
  4. It's in this announcement http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/8511-websiteforum-integration-broken/
  5. I think arguing a troll's points are rather pointless, but there's a distinction between those who get sick for no reason and then those who get sick from obesity and unhealthy eating. Whether or not there is a difference between someone who suddenly falls ill with a disease and someone gets a diseases after years of unhealthy eating is a point of debate on its own. Say you're born with a disease and your health bills are really high. You rely on the government to supply healthcare (in australia anyway) and that's why you pay taxes all of your life. But what about the countless people getting drunk and costing millions in hospitals because of binge drinking. As a tax payer, you're pretty unhappy that you're money is going to people who inflict foreseeable harm on themselves. The same analogy can be drawn to people who eat unhealthy, at least in her view. Either way I believe a government should pay for both scenarios, even though it is indeed a waste of money, you cannot pay for one and not the other.
  6. I'll consider getting the GDU chatroom up but it depends how important it is to you guys.
  7. Hi all, Just letting everyone know that it is no longer possible to be logged into the joomla website. This won't affect most members, however members can no longer login to the chatroom with their accounts. There will probably be a lot of changes in the near future with rmxpu, and this broken integration is all part of it. It's kind of like deconstructing the website and putting it back together again somewhere else. Due to circumstances we've decided to move on over to gdu as soon as possible in which we hope to greatly increase the site's performance (it terms of up time and loading speeds) and content organization. At one point you are able to find RGSS scripts in the RGSS Scripts forum, in the archive on the website, in the downloads manager, and also on a forum app we had a while ago. That's pretty poor management to be honest. So that's something to look forward to. I can't give a timeframe but its likely we'll make the switch sometime in April. Also how badly do we need a chat alternative?
  8. I'm pretty sure healthcare is funded by the government in Australia.
  9. Yeah it as Bigace says, its a new feature in the software. There's an option in the edit to disable it. Its the first icon, the little light switch. I find it annoying too. @ForeverZer0: Thanks for your feedback. It's really getting out of hand and its time that I did something about it.
  10. She's Australian and healthcare is payed for taxes.. you seemed to get really worked up by what you call "putting a price on a human life", but the health system in the US pretty much does that. That wasn't a bad point that she made.. I mean aside from what's causing the health issues, if a person does something stupid (like smoking) then its all the people who have to pay for their chemo treatment, etc. when they get cancer. The other point I disagree with is that a country can care for itself. Not every country is blessed with natural resources. Australia certainly is. And if its oil, its difficult with an invasion going on. If they rely on water and things and there's a drought and nothing grows, etc. etc. That's pretty unfair to say that. But yeah, no other country is responsible. The 911 thing was a bit over the top. But yeah she's got some messed up views. I call troll.
  11. Not really referring to functionality though, just performance of the site. Sounds like a sign to me.
  12. I don't quite understand your last post fully, but I'm pretty sure the best here is to pull the plug on solving this issue in the current circumstances (those being that we'll be changing shortly to a system I can confirm does send emails). I spent hours and hours on this already and I'm just too busy these days to give up anymore on something that's probably a longshot anyways. Thanks again for your help!
  13. Hi all, Due to recent performance concerns I have decided to make a poll and see how things are affecting all of the members. Please vote and/or comment below, particularly if you have concerns other than those in the poll. This is your chance to rant all you want about what bugs you regarding rmxpu. :)
  14. The RGSS1/2 archive has finally been moved to the forums, all traffic redirected. That took ages!

    1. Bob423


      1 step closer to GDU :D

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Woot! Good job mate. That's sweet.

  15. Lol well its a 3rd party service who is actually in control of what IP addresses and email addresses that are added to our database for banning. My IP was added as well as many other members of this forum so clearly its too inaccurate to keep using.
  16. Won't be long till I surpass Pol as #2 top poster!

  17. Yeah :/ I had to disable our automatic ban filters coz it was banning normal members too, me included. Gotta find another way to ban them, but I barely have a spare hour these days. That and all the database hours... she's turning to custard. Hopefully I can get it all sorted once I get a break from uni.
  18. Does anyone else think that they aren't comparable? The writers just had to keep things interesting... they only introduced krypontie into coz superman kept winning everything and its boring. In DBZ they had to keep increasing and increasing their abilities. Seems pretty odd to me to compare in my opinion. But definitely superman as the stupidest superhero ever. His name is superman, which doesn't exactly ooze creativity, and it seems to me that he was invented to be invincible. So he gets my vote.
  19. Marked


    Lol I loved XP. I only upgraded less than a year ago :P I didn't compress it myself, this file is straight from enterbrains email-stealing site. I could uncompress it and reupload it, but in what type of compression?
  20. Marked


    What exactly are you using XP for?
  21. I pretty much have access to the public_html folder of the site only, I can't get back behind there to access the rest, and there doesn't appear to any error log in public_html. With error_reporting(E_ALL); I still get nothing. But i think I've found something. Check out this topic http://stackoverflow...l-returns-false And search for Comparing the two sendmail_path values.. rmxpu gdu So, we have a difference there and I've already send a PM to isaac to change it in php_ini (apparently this is the only place you can change it).
  22. Marked


    I don't know why but the RMVX Ace announcement with this link isn't working at the moment. Here's the link www.rmxpunlimited.net/RPGVXAce_Setup.zip Try and squeeze in some keywords in your topic title next time.
  23. Thanks :D you've already been a MASSIVE help. We're currently on 5.2 coz 5.3 majorly messed with everything, which is very odd considering gdu is on 5.3. I don't have host access so I duno whats doing there. Yup I'm just using the mail() function. IPB has the option of using SMTP but i dont know the values to set that up, i'd have to get them off isaac. It may be worth it to throw in the towel here and just wait until we switch domains which I could do in a few weeks when I go on holiday.
  24. Welcome back! Hopefully you won't forget us this time!
  25. Lol if you say so, I wouldn't know about US laws. I would highly doubt it though. Anyway, back to discussing the actual prodcut :P
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