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Everything posted by Marked

  1. haha yeah i noticed the link. Glad you found the name you were looking for. :)
  2. I just stumbled apon a project forum I had completely forgotten about. The topics are dated october 2006. A long time ago... The battlers are pretty bad... but I thought i'd post them: http://z6.invisionfree.com/pioneer_designs...php?showtopic=3 They, and most of the other things on that forum, were designed by the original members of rmxp unlimited. Even Emily submitted at least one of them.
  3. Yep, thats right. I was torn between being an administrator and two rpg maker xp forums, and when you stumbled apon this site you gave me advice on what to do. You can search for own topics, here's your introduction topic: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....pic=107&hl= Do you remember how you got to RMXP Ultimate? I made a topic on Creation Asylum about scripts. Ah, here it is: http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index....showtopic=13701 And on RMXP Ultimate, I had a link in my signature to a flash animation which contained a barely visible circle. If you click on the circle, you get sent here. You said on msn, I found the secret. I wanted people to find the site, but I didn't want anyone on rmxp ultimate to know I also had rmxp unlimited... It is hard to believe how long it's been. Some of us have known each other since 2006.
  4. Why New Zealand? There are actually royalty in NZ, but they are of the indigenous maori people here. Maori is a language and a race from NZ, but there are only 15% of 4million people, not many at all. And no full blooded people left. I am related to the royal maori people by marriage, but the maori queen died in 2007. I wasn't very creative with my username. My real name is Mark, pretty boring, but no one in NZ except my family and grandparents have my last name. I don't have a friend bar...
  5. So that's how you pronounce polraudio. I always thought the "rau" was pronounced like "raw". You actually sound a little bit like Matthew McConaughey(he was in a movie I watched yesterday). I agree with some of the things you said, people should have fun on the forum and post their pictures in the picture thread. Even I did, i thinks interesting putting pictures to the usernames.
  6. haha... No, I did before. Didn't you check? This would certainly make members post. But if they just post to get access to resources, they are undoubtedly going to be spam, necro-posts or as I've we've seen before anything to increase the post count. One guy make a topic, posted the same thing in it ten times: "can I have access to the downloads manager" or something like that. Bandwidth is not an issue. I don't actually know what rmxp unlimited consumes a month. I know the host we're on nearly has an amount we'd have trouble ever reaching. What is an issue is registrations. In july last month, we averaged 17 registrations a day. How many of those 17 members registered each day actually posted on the forum? I would like to stop the registrations. Post count and member count are completely not goals anymore. I don't care what they are, except for there to be activity. (when I say I dont care about post count, I dont just want a big number, just people posting because they want to). The only restriction is the downloads manager. I'd like to allow guests to download for 3 days or something and compare registrations.
  7. You never did tell me how you had rmxp unlimited's banner linking to rmxp ultimate. How does that happen? I did create both, must be a coincidence? Yeah but you didn't know much about in rmxp did you? I think my method was slightly more efficent :P Okay guys, here's two from me: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7 (sorta my intro) and http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=187 And finally the topic from the last time I returned as administrator - this changed everything http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=973
  8. Hmm, well j4kl1ng3r, I can see you put a bit of thought into your post. I think that the feedback forum is essential, I've fixed many forum bugs because of it as well as helping members with the forum. The welcome and farewell forum too is very important in a community. Not only for introducing new members but for when active members have to leave for a period of time. It's also the 2nd most popular forum, rpg maker support being the first. You should also know that since Punk made this topic, there have a huge forum re-structure. There were many many more forums than there are now which have since been deleted and the topics merged into other forums.
  9. What? You found this place because rmxp.org shut down? That's obviously a bad thing. Well I'm glad you guys stayed here at least. I'm pretty sure RPGRevolution is the biggest rpg maker forum going around, rpgmakervx.net really close behind. Our scripts archive has been really popular since I made it(well, its made from a CCK). It actually gets more views than rmxpunlimited.net/, which is weird because that's the first level of the site. The question is though, will that make us more of a leech site? We have over 6,000 members, that figure is catching scarely on our post count. Those are the stats of a warez forum. Some rpg maker forums that I've seen have had 300 members and 20,000 posts. Hmm, well I want what comes with being big. With a big forum there's a lot more moderation to do, and more conflicts. I mean, we've never been hacked :) Mainly I don't want the forum to be looked over, by developers and members like rgangsta who would never come here if a larger forum wasnt down. Perhaps though, we should develop our own pool of members. "It's username, from rmxp unlimited".
  10. Sometimes I wonder why I work on rmxp unlimited... traffic hasn't been good, but the quality members makes up for it. The thing is, when I started on my little invisionfree forum, I felt like no one ever gave it a chance. When I think of how things are now, I think it's still the same. Apart from the staff members here who are contributing members(in terms of rpg maker stuff), we get no 'developers'. To explain my point using an example, scripters such as sephirothspawn and woratana who post their scripts at big forums like rmxp.org, rpgrevolution.com etc. Is rmxpunlimited not big enough? You see, if feels like we are looked over. It pisses me off. If I had measured the time I spent working here, I'm sure I'd be depressed. But because of that, I really cannot imagine shutting it down. And to be honest, I am worried about the day that will happen. Before this place gets shut down, I'll make damn sure we are not looked over anymore.
  11. Mine are Crash bandicoot(got the full playstation series, but can't play them coz I sold my ps), spiro, doom 1 & 2, and duke nukem.
  12. Marked


    Ah, I know that game. We played the soccer version. You hackie the soccer ball, if you drop it 3 times your out. The person who wins the game(everyone else has dropped it 3 times) gets to kick it as hard as they want at everyone lined up against the wall. Unfortunately I played it with soccer players. That is not what I meant by handball though. Some players in europe have multi-million dollar contracts. It's popular at the olympics, here's a vid: Youtube Video ->
  13. Ouch, that hurts rgangsta. Maybe, coz it's a nice site? Isn't it? I'll tell you all our traffic secrets, except one of them. 1. Make friends -> http://rpgm.org/message.php (thank you, David) 2. Create a website with keywords that will show above other sites(search rmxp and rgss scripts etc. google and see if we come up) 3. Wait 3 years. 4. Don't care about traffic, but the quality of your website, and stick with it Honestly though, I would never start this again. The first 2 are our 2 primary sources of traffic. Google and rpgm.org. We longer have affiliates because they either closed down or didn't direct any traffic back here. I would like to affiliate with other websites though... I'm just too e-anti-social. edit: 5. the loyalty of the staff members
  14. Welcome Leon Kennedy. I agree with the others, the username does sound familiar. I've browsed rpgmakervx.net I bit so perhaps that's it. I used to use 3dGame Studio. I started quite a few years ago but never really developed anything past a single leveled 1st person shooter. My brother is good at 3d modeling so he and I were going to make a game in it, but it never happened. There are template scripts but I think to make something unique or not a 1st person shooter you need to know some C-script, I don't think I've got the patience to learn. Though have you tried C-lite in the new version? It's supposed to be really simple to use. Admittedly I've done very little in RMVX, but I'm sure this community will be able to assist you if you need help with something.
  15. Marked

    New Zealand

    NZ rap is pretty small... I can only think of one, scribe: Youtube Video ->
  16. Marked

    New Zealand

    I am testing out something here... According to various sources, 1/5 of traffic here comes from New Zealand. I decided to make this topic once I saw another RPG Maker site had over 50% of its traffic also from New Zealand. But I don't see any... So I'm testing this theory. If you're from New Zealand and reading this, please post in here. If you're not feel free to post anyway, but about NZ :)
  17. Marked


    Hmm... bounce the ball like a basketball on a large court and throw it into a soccer-like goal?
  18. Just for future reference... Make sure you post in the RPG Maker section with your RPG Maker topics, prefix your topic(xp or vx) and you could also post the solution to your topic for any guests who may have the same issue.
  19. Marked


    I forgot to add handball to my post. Wildly unpopular here. Anyone at least played handball before? Its a euro sport. Shall I add more options to the poll?
  20. This is a minor announcement about the Gallery. I did this some time ago so members who haven't visited the gallery will not have noticed. There is now a category called Member Workshops/Portfolios, with the description as follows: The category is for any type of graphical RPG Maker resources. WIPs(work in progress) may also be uploaded to this category. For non-rpg maker resource images, use the "Member's Albums" category. To describe this category, its sort of like your own photobucket on RMXP Unlimited. To create an album, go into the category and click the "New Album" button(). The limit for members is 3 albums. Try it out here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....q=sc&cat=17
  21. Looks nice chief :) Is there going to be a rounded version?
  22. I don't know how much 3,000 pageviews per day could potentially earn in revenue, but I think ads would kind of spoil rmxp unlimited. And besides, I've had ALOT of help, I couldn't morally generate profits from this site. 2 members have purchased subscriptions though. Any money generated will obviously go back to the site. The three members I was talking about are CrimsonInferno, solshadow and rgangsta. LovePhoenix would come into the same category, but I don't see her posts so much around the forum. @solshadow: nice job on the sig :) if you like, there is a category to upload them in the gallery if you want them to get a few more views.
  23. I haven't noticed too many more members posting on the forum. I do monitor the site statistics rather heavily, so statistically RMXP Unlimited is doing very very well and setting new records in this "boom". From an external but authoritative source, percentage of global pageviews has increased by 950% in comparison to 3 months ago. Pageviews/user and time on site have also increased by over 200%. As of today, we just reached an average of 3,000 page views per day over a 45 day period(internal source). spoilered...There are a lot of new users on the forum posting, which is a positive sign(always been our weak point(we're not just a forum)). But there is a very common trend here with new users. For example, the 3 members with the following attributes: top the posts per day list, have over 100 posts and joined less than 2 months ago. These members will post a lot and be very active, but soon they will go away, but perhaps come back. If they do come back, it will be only for a short period of time. There are tons of examples of this in the introduction and farewell forum. Aya is a good example too, she came back and posted a lot, topping the top posters in that month, then disappeared. Anyone care to case which 3 members I'm talking about? If you excuse my negativeness, it's pleasing to have the increase in activity, and I may tend to throw a lot of stats around, but I'm not that shallow as to care about them more than anything else. To be honest I really enjoy the small community where the members know each other and so there is a much friendlier atmosphere(even though in recent times communication seems less frequent between myself and other members). As the main person who administrates the place, my goals are, helpfulness(as many support topics answered as possible answered), and friendliness of course. I am satisfied to a degree with these, and I'm glad the staff we have here are here. There hasn't been a new staff member in maybe as long as a year(excluding polraudios promotion). I always ramble when I make posts like this... last thing, RMXP Unlimited has not been used to its full potential. Its completely my own fault. There is a lot I can do with the site and the forum. Things that are unique to us(such as the scripts archive), and rpg maker specific. Unfortunately very little will be done by me until november when I am finished 1st year.
  24. Perhaps post the link to a certain topic will help clear things up, if j4kl1ng3r decides to return here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3065 I think it's still appropriate to answer the post(whether he is serious about not using the script or not). I believe for both lines you use the "call script" command on the 3rd page of your event commands(in the event editor). Just paste in those lines into the text area. $game_party.mission[mission_id] = x x can be 1, 2 or 3. As said in the instructions, 1 = they do not know the mission exists, 2 = they know the mission, but it is incomplete, 3 = the mission is complete. So you can change the status of the mission by using call script and the above line of code. mission_id is the id of the mission you're changing the status of. $scene = Scene_MissionMenu.new Again use this in the call script command. This will bring up the Mission menu.
  25. See you when you get back Nisage. I had the same problem with viruses and get so fed up that I tried Linux. I switched back to windows and installed service pack 3, and haven't really had a virus. I'm guessing it's because of service pack 3, I never installed a firewall or any anti-virus programs since the installation.
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