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Everything posted by Marked

  1. I was talking more about RMXP games. I know there are a lot of games out there with nudity already. The sims is like a simulation of real life right? You'd think that should contain nudity.
  2. I strongly disagree and think that gay material should not be in childrens programs. I also don't think it will ever be in childrens programs. First of all, why would relationships even be in childrens programs? I thought they are supposed to be about learning. I dont think there should be kissing, or sexual contact or even relationships in them, they can learn it in sex-ed at school or something, its not appropriate for them to see on the tv. Secondly, there would be WAY too many complaints for any show with a gay couple to last on air, if they even put it on. Children should be taught to accept gay people and that it is a normal part of todays society, not that they should be because everyone else is.
  3. hmm its interesting. I don't mind blood and guts, and at least when i first started RMXP at 15 I didn't mind it at all. I think the rating thing is more for commercial games to keep away the complaints from parents. Am I the only one who liked gory games before I was a teenager? I don't know if you would count the old first person shooters as gory, but I loved playing games like Doom and Duke Nukem where you go around blowing up monsters with rocket launchers, machine guns etc. For my, I'm all for gore. As for nudity and sexual content, I really am unsure. Has there ever been a game with a storyline that includes such content? I suppose you would describe it as a "mature" game. I think I'd have to play such a game first, otherwise I'm a bit skeptical of it being in an rmxp game. Rape on the other hand could go under the category of violence, rather than sexual content(both if it were displayed in the game), and i think it could be an important part of a storyline, so I think its okay. Perhaps if a game like this would be made it would be popular because it's never been done before. I don't know about anyone else, but all the graphics and scripts are great and all, but i think a storyline is what keeps someone playing the game.
  4. try this http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmx...-advanced-.html
  5. I'm getting an objevt not found error when i try and download the program... anyone else? the link is this: http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/5...62D/vbsetup.exe
  6. Are you leaving now or in a couple of weeks? Nerd cave? I see....... lol good luck on your outdoor adventures...
  7. How fortunate for you! :D Welcome to the site Gary. Also remember not to double-post :)
  8. I suppose its not a lot of time by website standards, but for something that started on a whim and how many times I had to restore the database(all before isaacsol's hosting). You haven't accomplished anything? Not that I agree, but what are you gonna do about that? :rolleyes: Of course it will. I was on download.com the other day, i saw that RMXP is still getting far more downloads than RMVX, so perhaps rmxp is in the lead still. Do you know of rmxp.org? They are an rmxp and vx forum, but I remember reading when they were simply asking what people though of rmxp when no one had tried it. They were a forum for the older versions, and since they have deleted all of those forums and replaced them with rmxp/vx ones. If we're around long enough then maybe we will eventually have to remove all of our rmxp forums. But I hope to have a couple more administrators around to learn the new programs and make the changes.... :mellow:
  9. that, or, it was a review forum for RPG Maker games that was made invisible in one of our forum restructures, and i just made it visible in a new section with a new description. I was sure I locked this topic.. oh well, since there's a newer announcement, this one is closed.
  10. Marked

    [XP]Anyway I can....

    Message Systems Even googling ccoa's ums brings up rmxp unlimiteds scripts.... solshadow, can you please add prefixes to your topics in the support forum? [XP] for RMXP and [VX] for RMVX. Also if you guys PM each other, it kinda negates the point of the topic and doesn't help anyone else looking for the same solution. I would attempt to help you, but I don't quite understand what you mean :rolleyes:
  11. Marked

    June Voting

    Nick work Pol. I updated the website with the results. This puts top of the table in wins with 2, everyone else has 1.
  12. It depends on your interpretation of fate. I don't believe that everything I do and that has happened to me was supposed to happen. I can see why someone would want to believe that, it would make tragedies in their lives seem a lot less tragic, because "it was meant to be". Although the absolute randomness of everyday that leads to an overall outcome could be called fate, its unavoidable in the end so perhaps that what fate is and it does exist. Or you could think of it like this. The future is a man-made concept. There is infact no future, just the present and the past, whats happening and whats happened. The future is just someones "plans", and the future is completely 100% undetermined until it is the present.
  13. The main form of the scripts submission script is complete. This is nearly what it's going to look like, minus all the uploading fields. There will be a place where you upload all your screenshots, your script(in the form of an .rtf text file), and a place for uploading manuals. There will also be a submit button at the bottom, and a couple more fields to come. Check out the progress here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/contact-us.html
  14. Yeah I know what you mean. How you found the site is kinda funny. Not long after our conversation when you were in 2006 and i was in 2007. :lol: It all depends on you guys. I noticed we've had a lot of active members, but only stay active for a short period of time. As long as the forum is used, I plan on keeping it up. I suppose we will die with RPG Maker.
  15. Okay how about this, both you and formless write the very first tutorial or introductory post that would if you had a class, and post it the Computers and Internet forum. Doesn't have to long, just an introductory sortof thing with some of the basics. I'll probably take these tutorials to test them out, so make them nice! If you guys do this, I'll set up forums for you to start classes.
  16. At midnight tonight, it has been 1000 thousand days since the creation of this forum. I consider this our greatest achievement yet, and a personal one too. I have said before how it's a miracle we're still here. Considering all the drama of 07, database restores, going through 3 admins.. etc. I would like to dedicate this topic to the members who helped me through the 3 years, and thank you for keeping the forum alive! These members, in no particular order, are: EmilyAnnCoons Blazinks Ravenclaw Leon Dark Dragon Ryanrulz_11 Wyzrd Polraudio Arkbennett I may have missed or two members who may not be active at the moment. and last but not least is isaacsol, who I would like to thank in particular for hosting RMXP Unlimited. It has almost been a year since we have been you hosted by you, and without it we surely we not be here today. So thank you! I'm unsure if we have another 1000 in us, but as long as there are members willing to post, we will be here. :D
  17. Marked

    June Voting

    You're lucky you're a queensland fan.... :lol: Tomo, next time please vote for the person who think deserves to win the content, or has been the best member of the current month. Unless you think they equally deserve it... :rolleyes:
  18. Are you two saying that you want a class like the members of the RMXP Training Center have? If not, I could create a programming forum. I've wanted to have one, in fact we used to have one, but I've been doubtful it will ever be used. In that forum you could post tutorials.
  19. Marked

    June Voting

    Yep, well anyway, looks like we have a tie at the moment.
  20. I must have downloaded rmxp at the very end of 2005. I joined creation asylum after discovering rmxp, and I joined on the 5th of Jan 2006, so it must have been in December 2005. I then started rmxp unlimited on the 8th may 2006, some time after discovering it. Now that I think of it, the 2nd forum i ever joined was my own. Back in those days(early 2006), postilaty knights was the popular version going around(a version that was japanese translated to english), and the trial the most people now get from download.com took a while to take off because people were so used to the terms used in postilaty knights. http://z3.invisionfree.com/RPGXP_Unlimited...p?showtopic=123 I downloaded the trial of rmvx pretty much as the english trial came out, but i don't have an interest in it.
  21. Marked

    June Voting

    Fair enough I suppose, but lets not make this a popularity contest, it should be earned by the member. Kiriashi, if you want member of the year you're going to have to stop disappearing. It's awfully generous of him to purchase a new license for you :)
  22. Over the next few months we will be testing out two new forums. I thought we could use them, and hoping they will be used. They are: -In the News -Reviews Section I use yahoo for my email, and I they display a short list of news articles(don't know about hotmail or gmail). A few them are interesting and good be discussed on the forum. So that is the reason for the In the News forum, which is a sub-forum of General Discussion. The idea is to include the news article in the topic, but that's not required. The reviews section is self explanatory. You guys watch movies and play games right? If you want to write your reviews, that's the forum to use.
  23. Marked

    June Voting

    I voted for Polraudio. It's not member of the month if they're only active for 2/3rd's of it... imagine winning member of the month and you don't even know it because you're not around.
  24. After putting it off all week, I've finally began coding the Script Archive Submission form. note: the first release will be a rough draft that at the very least works. Slowly as I learn I will make it more advanced and efficient so that eventually it will work on any site with the only editing required being a few variables. That's the plan. Progress as of 27th June 2009 The only thing I've done so far is create the category selection drop-down box. [spoiler=looks like this] Until I delete the file, you can actually test it here I am reasonably pleased with how this turns out. I will definitely be making it more advanced in future releases, but for now I'm satisfied with it. The categories are obviously from a table within the database, so as they're added into the database, they'll show on the submission form. The weakness's are(at the moment), the ability to select RPG Maker VX and RPG Maker XP(these of course are not categories, and i dont know why anyone would even choose them), and you can only select one for your script. There will be times when a script is compatible with RMXP and RMVX, such as woratanas backup script we have on the site. More to come! Comments welcome.
  25. Haha, well all these errors make good practice. Especially when you're guessing because you have to test your theories. Does your vb board keep any logs of your errors? PM me the log and i'll see if i can help. If you do, make sure you get the error and then immediately after send the log so the last entry on the log is that specific error. Mysql reads like english, so its pretty easy to identify whats gone wrong. Fixing it is the difficult part. Not having access to phpmyadmin for rmxp unlimited is giving me a lot of practice, as well as writing the script archive submission form. Thanks you guys for reporting the error also :)
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