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Everything posted by Marked

  1. That's not the pattern I see. The pattern in visitors is that they've remained steadily strong from our boom periods of activity right through to the low activity. The number of visitors are strong, that was my point. As I keep saying, they are not sticking. I'm not convinced there is a point to continuing an RPG Maker forum. We'll die with RMXP.
  2. Yeah... you're not getting what I'm saying. People don't want to stay here. To prove it, here are weekly visitors since 2010, which have remained very stable.
  3. The main reason for this topic is that they don't want to be here in the first place. I really don't want to shut it down, I just don't want to dedicate the hours I have over the past 6 months for nothing. Server costs are 0 right now. The thing I don't want to happen is for it to become something like CA, where the admin disappears and the dedicated members hang around and spam the place. I didn't you know you liked the site so much. Good to know. It's safe for a while, but I don't see a future in RPG Maker for us, and that's essentially what the site is about. So it's a dilemma. It's awfully difficult to make a site about something you know very little about. I only make websites, not games. Yeah that's right, this isn't a closing down message (although its close). We're going down with RMXP. But as long as there are members who want to be here, I think it will stay. I may do some minor things. The registration and login systems are bugging me. I want to make to make signing up really easy and ajaxy, but just for lols.
  4. That'd be right, wouldn't it. We knew it would come to this though. The RPG Maker community is no longer one of a free market where websites will try to improve themselves to beat the competition; it is now one of purchasing additional graphics and paying for subscriptions. I'm glad to hear you guys got something out of it. I'm proud to say the RMXPU culture was different than the others and that we were more friendly and welcoming. It's been quite a sentimental journey for myself and I feel priviledged to be involved and meet the people I did. Besides, we'll always exist here: http://web.archive.org/web/20120130134957/http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/ I think having members help, but it depends on the type of member. For example, we have a ton of lurkers :P In 2012 we lost Kiriashi, Kellessdee, ForeverZer0, we had a narcissist turn on us, I guess Lizzie slowly faded away too. So that didn't help our cause. We still have a pretty good staff team here in my opinion, but there's not a whole lot to staff. Referrals generally end up in a 1 post intro and off they go again. But thanks for the thought, by all means do so if you want to, I don't mind either way at this stage. The plain fact is that our visitors don't stick. The 2 weeks of downtime really hurt us, not in terms of pageviews or visitors, but active members in the long run (or its a complete coincidence, but I have analytics based on post-count). Right now we're hosted on a sever operated by the web company I work for, so that's essentially free for me. Right now it's costing me $12.50 USD a year to keep the site alive. Sorta pays for itself with the ads. The site isn't in any immediate danger of going offline, we still have 7 months before a measly $12USD needs to be paid, and that will see the site through to jan 2015 (if I could bear it). I wrote a pretty cool framework for the site. It's really easily expandable, but I'm the only one who really knows how to upgrade the forum, that is a very specific and complex task. But that shouldn't be a problem as it doesn't need upgraded for a long time to come.
  5. ... a steak pie, or a steak and cheese pie. The perfect pie. "the kiwi steak-and-cheese pie"
  6. Actually Franklin, that looks pretty good. I don't think I'd care either way if the 'ol state was gona execute me like its the 20th century, but, it would probably be copious amounts of takeaways. Xmas turkey is probably my favorite meal, but if I was going out, I'd go out with the kernal playing his fried harp in my stomach.
  7. Worst snow in 20 years due to hit on Friday, the day of my last exam. Come on sky... unleash.

  8. If you're a serious game dev or interested in getting into the industry, this might interest you. So it is online/browser/mobile type games. But the bit I found interesting was the publishing, which is clearly aimed at indie game developers who are making high quality games Check out the website here: https://www.rumblegames.com/
  9. Indeed. You are in fact the winner, Dolarmak with 66.6% of the votes. Good work! The runner up is mandanchi. Of course since you're a mod, you (once again) don't get the subscription prize :P
  10. Hi guys, I have been thinking about this a lot since we switched away from RMXP Unlimited. Since then I have been constantly moving between crest and trough-like phases of motivation and a desire to just stop fighting against the current. RPG Maker XP and the communities during 2005 - 2011 (ish) were great. It created a whole new niche and it was a really enjoyable experience for those of us who were involved. But since then things have changed and RPG Maker is going in a direction that this site cannot cooperate with. Therefore, with a tinge of resentfulness and a whole lot of doubt over this decision, I have decided to bring an end to the development of this website. The flow of new users coming into the site appear to have ceased and without considerable investment of time and effort, it seems unlikely that the site will continue to grow. The loyalty of our long-serving members has dropped considerably in the last half a year. It's a reality I have to accept, and one I think a lot of you already have. Unfortunately I have grown (in terms of age) faster than the site developed, and with all my responsibilities of study and work, it is highly irrational to continue. It is however certain that the site remain open at the very least until January 2014, as both hosting and the domain name are sorted until then. Because of this I have reserved any sentimental thoughts for a later date :P This is not a signing off message. Web development is still a hobby of mine and I am thinking about putting my efforts into web-related projects (At least until I graduate), hopefully projects that generate some form of revenue. However, I am not completely closed to the idea of a web project for indie game development that doesn't focus on any single engine whatsoever. I think my GDU ideas were good and that we could have done something in way of promoting of indie game development. I'm quite certain that my participation in the RPG Maker world is over, which just reached the 7 year mark.
  11. Usually you chuck it in the script too. Obviously someone didn't do that which is why we don't know the original author. Although it does seem trivial to me being a pretty minor script.
  12. That's truly a really terrible idea :thumbsup: You should read this, it will change your life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purposive_approach
  13. Same old. Paying my way through my final of uni with a few a web dev jobs, been coding a few things for the site too.
  14. "titled" refers to this? I duno, I suppose I could make that the title of the image. I thought that the author was more important information to display than a title, both being displayed on expanded view obviously. As for XP and Ace/VX being mixed, this so solve quite a dilemma of the old gallery. For example, imagine a battlers category in both XP and Ace. You're going to two sets of different images that are essentially of the same nature and they're going to be separated. The tilesets are loosely based where they appear; the exact category appears in general resouces, ace resources and xp resources. The reason is that techncially you can use any of those tiles in any of those engines, there's always going to be style conflicts. Why should we only show resources that are the same style as the RTP? It's an attempt to make all possible related resources available in a single category.
  15. Is it terrorism to arm a group who slaughter civilians, with the object of destabilizing the government? Sucks to have oil.

  16. @dolar: you should review your license on the script. You may need to specify credit is required for that particular license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  17. Chiefy... give me an idea for a website that will make me rich

  18. Update to this story, new raid footage released by Kim Dotcom: It's pretty funny watching the pig at the start trying to get over the fence.
  19. In a week? I duno, I haven't made games in a long time, but you could spend like a good week on perfecting a few maps, right? I propose no time limit, or a minimum of 5 minutes, but instead the length of game-play to be taken into account come judging. Sorry I didn't get around to the advertising last night. Had a late one studying :dizzy:
  20. Welcome back STG! I see you got my message. Sad to hear that you went downhill again but glad to hear your life is back on track now :thumbsup: No more going off the rails, ok? :youcandoit: The site went through some changes since you were away. Refer to the about us page for a summary http://www.gdunlimited.net/about-us
  21. 16 - 23 it is. I'll edit your topic and get some advertising when I have time, hopefully tonight.
  22. Marked

    You don't need an account to download resources, and don't necro post or spam.

  23. Yeah that's right, a lot more people are going to die from crimes that aren't terrorism. But that's the same as a car accidents. I'm sure we both agree that terrorism is more serious though; if there are threats of bombs, explosions or whatever, the general population is going to be scared to walk down the street (that's why its called terrorism). Rape and sex slaves etc are very serious. I think rape will happen anyway. I beleive a huge number of sexual offenses are family of friends who rarely come under suspicion until the victim speaks up. I also think criminals would merely adapt to avoid being caught. But I honestly think that decreasing rape, child porn and related offenses is not worth giving up a nation's privacy. It is not the only way. It may be a very effective way, but in civilized society's the line is drawn far far before that. If we wanted to stop all crime we'd just lock everyone up, wouldn't we? You may be willing to give up yours for that, but do you really appreciate the value of that right? Maybe you won't be charged with a criminal offense, but do you think your information won't be used for anything else? For example, if I'm a government who wants to keep my job, insider-trading privileges, etc., I'm going to use your information that I have access to so I know what issues matter to you. EDIT: I just heard the US was doing it in secret anyway? Lol. They do what they want don't they. Not that people expect anything less. Apparently they're trying to get another leaker executed to set a precedent. You guys kinda remind me of China, but less honest about it.
  24. It is obviously a complete breach of privacy, there's very little to be argued against that. But is it necessary for the US government to spy on its own citizens? Because it is the US, people want to bomb it and shoot each other up, etc. In my opinion, to make the US safer you have to lose your privacy. It just really is a bad situation, you have to lose your freedoms. On the otherhand, while it is safer, how does it affect the individual in a country of 300 million? You have an extremely low chance of dying from what this prevents, perhaps those few lives are worth everyone's privacy? Recent events do make the perfect time for the US to legislate to get yet another piece of the puzzle in controlling its people (as opposed to the people controlling government, aka democracy). One solution to this issue is make all evidence in minor crimes inadmissible in court. The information gathered should only be used against terrorist and the like. Child porn doesn't quite reach the standard for me to give away everyone's privacy. People who have never got a parking ticket in their lives will disagree, but criminal law has to be balanced the rights of citizens you seek to enforce those crimes.
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