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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Yeah I know what rape is. I've watched girl with the dragon tatoo. But what I'm saying is that I would be suprised if most are not sexually motivated (and therefore the bodily functions we are talking about are required). Not sure if I want those links in my history D: :P
  2. First Crimson says the site was going to go down, and now say that I'm a normal member and handed the site to Pol :P All incorrect. Pol is still my slave, but now has authority to take direction of the site. All I did was change my Admin usergroup appearance. I will still be here moderating, quietly, because I get bored sometimes and procrastinate whenever my at-home web dev job gives me work. Which reminds me, I have work to do. :dizzy:
  3. I love Polraudio

    1. Polraudio


      Stop your making me blush xd

  4. It's different software and a different system. Conversion is out of the question D: Yeah nah welcome! I'm Mark, the local dictator. If anyone gives you trouble just lemme know. We're currently the #1 RPG Maker website in specific undisclosed areas, so you're in good hands. I look forward to seeing some of your stuff :) (which you should post immediately)
  5. Is there any stats on that? Coz you need a few body functions going before rape is going to happen. I can't really imagine a rapist going... this girl is overpowering me, I need to show her who's boss, she's gona get it. Etc. Just thinking out loud. And no random rapes can be about control. Perhaps hurt, but here's definitely a sexual element if you're going choose rape. Surely its not easy to get said bodily functions going when you're trying to hurt a stranger, unless its a sexual thing. Ok, enough putting myself in the rapists shoes :oops: It's a heinous crime. I like the old eye for an eye system you find in the middle east where the punishment is what you did... eg a rapist would get rapped.
  6. I never said that. This just means Pol has the authority to lead the site, in whatever form he chooses. I really want their to be a team of staff who use RM as much as we used to when we started the site. I have smaller updated that I want to implement here, but I'm really busy since I started my nu job (and didn't quit my existing jobs, or graduate)
  7. I remember all of them, and every member O.O Back in the dayz, none of this was really a problem. Well, what Dolar says is true, the newbies get ignored. But most people had no troubles get people to join their teams. The level of inexperience we're talking about here is quite unusual for a newbie to start a team. Why are you starting a team when you don't really know how to use the software? How do you know if you're going enjoy making teh games if you haven't taken the time to learn the games? The reason why people have a tough time recruiting people here is because there's such a lack of people actively developing games. It also feels like everyone's sorta aged as well, a lot of members here don't have time. In the past we had tons of bored highschool kids.
  8. Yeah I sometimes get REALLY bored on weekends. Otherwise I'm super busy with working and freedom. I've moved myself into an owner usergroup, but it looks like I'm an ordinary member. Also, everyone, just because Pol was admin doesn't mean there's no room for more admins. Although now you're gona have to deal with him too. Lulz. I've finally assumed the role of just that guy who makes stuff. The new admin(s) purpose is to bring passion back into the management here, and a new direction and different opinions on how things should be (although I'm going to pressure everyone anyway :shifty:). I also have several plans for minor improvements to the site which I will do if I get time on the weeekends. I've got a new banner ready and waiting but I literally have no time these days. I have said that I have stopped developing the site, but I still want to make improvements to the existing stuff. Maybe add caching to my code. Idk.
  9. I'll be here. I prob won't do anything, except boss around admins.
  10. But the government represents the people, and anyway, killing civilians is how you would go about seeking revenge on a government. Of course that is correct. That was poor phrasing on my part lol I guess I was asking do you think US citizens deserve to die for the actions of the US government. So let me rephrase... Is it fair if the US gets more terrorist takes in retaliation to their drone strikes killing civilians (aka their terrorist attacks)?
  11. I have too much employment.

    1. ShinGamix


      does that mean too much money?


    2. Marked


      Lol unfortunately not since i gotta attend uni during the day, but more money

  12. Maybe a more formal process would help it lift off.
  13. Tbh I only liked DBZ's better. Although it may have an affect depending on whichever you listened to first. I know some people like the dub and it's bloody terrible, IE deathnote. That said I don't watch anime now.
  14. I thought this article was interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/18/opinion/the-drone-that-killed-my-grandson.html?ref=opinion&_r=1& It's stupid though how the whole point of the article was that was boy was American, and how bad that it is. It is worse that they killed one of their own, from their own point of view, but to me, the dirty yank government killing any civilian of any nation is pretty bad. Obviously doing it by a drone strike is blatant terrorism. The article would obviously get far less attention if he wasn't. Here's an interesting discussion point; does the US deserve more or less terrorist attacks, given all their own active terrorist regime (as exampled above)?
  15. Cool illustrations. Goodluck with your campaign :thumbsup: Btw your website is down www.kursedstudios.com :(
  16. I like this idea a lot. I can easily invision a standalone forum(s) for solely this purpose. I know we don't have many Ace users, but it would be great to get an expert in that to do something like this as well. Even on this site, Ace has taken over XP as the dominant content in terms of views. XP will be 10 years old next year D:
  17. Lol. You don't even know where NZ is. And no, I'm not breaking up with you, I'm breaking up with the idea of you. The whole point of this topic is that someone will :P
  18. Oh you're right, you did necropost. 1 week ban effective immediately :angry: Noob.
  19. I shouldn't act on the urge to say this, but, it was a game contest and Broken's entry is pretty much a cutscene. It was definitely good, it just wasn't a game. I feel like we're comparing apples to oranges here, and it's a contest for the best orange.
  20. I find most anime watchers have a glaring bias towards any dub. They will immediately tell you that all dubs are terrible.
  21. Haha. I actually quit 1 coding job for a legal-related job, but still get to code 8 hours a week for another coding job. Technically I currently have 3 employers, and study. So really this site is now impossible for me, and, I don't want to work on it anymore because personally I have lost faith in RPG Maker. 100% I won't ever play the same role as I was about a month ago. But that's just me, and I still think there's tons of potential for the site. This site is far from dead, it just needs the right people. In the last week, we haven't been below 800 visitors... it's really just a waste that nothing is happening on the site. If there was an admin, or two, willing to continue the site, I would be willing to do some minor coding occasionally for it.
  22. Haha. I tell you what Ark, I've dedicated copious amounts of time working on the site since I started, especially since writing it myself. Since I gave up, my grades are going up, and I'm finally earning enough money to increase my savings during the uni year. It's one of the best decisions I made. It was really holding my life back, I shouldn't have let it happen for so long. It was a good experience but I should have stopped after highschool.
  23. I know you don't own it. What I am saying is that people who don't use reddit have no idea what it does. I still have no idea what I can do with it. When I say it's ugly, that's just a fact. I was aware you cannot help it, that doesn't change the fact its really ugly. Am I? I thought I was just informing you that you're not making it clear what you can do with it. And that it's ugly. If you're going to advertise something you should probably let people know what it does, coz not everyone uses reddit. Personally I'm not into celebrity gossip. The only reason you're even at this forum is because none of the others accepted you, so we'll see you back once leaving doesn't pan out. Given past events, I've had to lock your account so you won't delete anything. Feel free to PM me and I'll unlock when you're ready.
  24. You can get email notifications, just follow the contest forum, and check your notification settings.
  25. Lol, bashing. Honestly, Franklin. I am quite literally stating facts. It's your job to tell people what it is. If a web developer doesn't know what a website does, you think RM users are going to? This is an advertisement topic, not an invitation to research whatever this is.
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